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Last active January 12, 2018 21:31
# [2018-01-08] Challenge #346 [Easy] Cryptarithmetic Solver
# Cryptarithms are a kind of mathematical puzzle.
# Each puzzle consists of a basic equation of arithmetic (involving addition, subtraction, division, etc.) with words, where each letter represents a different digit.
# The goal of the puzzle is to find the correct number substitution for each letter in order to make a valid equation.
# by Kory Becker
const util = require('util');
const inputs = [
var tokenize = function(input) {
// Extract the left-side from the right-side of the equation.
const parts = input.split(/[\+\= ]/).filter(part => part !== '');
// Get unique tokens and initialize lowest possible values to start with.
let tokens = {};
parts.forEach(part => {
for (let i=0; i<part.length; i++) {
const token = part[i];
// If this is the first token in the word, it must be at least 1 (no leading zeroes). If a token was already assigned a 1, use 1 even if the current word has the token in the middle of the word (0).
tokens[token] = { value: i === 0 ? 1 : (tokens[token] ? tokens[token].value : 0), first: tokens[token] && tokens[token].first || i === 0 };
return { parts: parts, tokens: tokens };
var encode = function(parts, tokens) {
// Replace the characters in each part by their cooresponding values in tokens.
let equation = [];
for (let i=0; i<parts.length; i++) {
const part = parts[i];
let number = '';
for (let j=0; j<part.length; j++) {
const ch = part[j];
const value = tokens[ch].value;
number += value;
return equation;
var complete = function(equation) {
// Check if the left-side equals the right-side of the equation.
let sum = 0;
for (let i=0; i<equation.length - 1; i++) {
sum += equation[i];
return { sum: sum, target: equation[equation.length - 1], success: (sum === equation[equation.length - 1]) };
var random = function(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max));
var solve = function(input, tokens, verbose) {
let count = 0;
var fringe = [ tokens ];
let result = null;
while (fringe.length) {
// Get the next state.
const values = fringe.shift();
// Encode the equation with values from the state.
const equation = encode(input, values)
const balance = complete(equation);
if (verbose && ++count % 100000 === 0) {
count = 0;
if (balance.success) {
// Solution found!
result = { values: values, equation: equation, balance: balance };
else {
// Add child states. A child state will be
let child = {};
const keys = Object.keys(values);
for (let i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
const first = values[key].first;
let r = random(10);
r = first && !r ? 1 : r; // No leading zeroes.
child[key] = { value: r, first: first };
return result;
inputs.forEach(input => {
const data = tokenize(input);
const result = solve(, data.tokens);
console.log('*** Solution ***');
console.log(util.inspect(result, true, 10));
[ 'THIS', 'IS', 'HIS', 'CLAIM' ]
*** Solution ***
{ values:
{ T: { value: 9, first: true },
H: { value: 8, first: true },
I: { value: 5, first: true },
S: { value: 3, first: false },
C: { value: 1, first: true },
L: { value: 0, first: false },
A: { value: 7, first: false },
M: { value: 9, first: false } },
equation: [ 9853, 53, 853, 10759, [length]: 4 ],
balance: { sum: 10759, target: 10759, success: true } }
[ 'WHAT', 'WAS', 'THY', 'CAUSE' ]
*** Solution ***
{ values:
{ W: { value: 9, first: true },
H: { value: 7, first: false },
A: { value: 0, first: false },
T: { value: 1, first: true },
S: { value: 8, first: false },
Y: { value: 1, first: false },
C: { value: 1, first: true },
U: { value: 7, first: false },
E: { value: 0, first: false } },
equation: [ 9701, 908, 171, 10780, [length]: 4 ],
balance: { sum: 10780, target: 10780, success: true } }
[ 'HIS', 'HORSE', 'IS', 'SLAIN' ]
*** Solution ***
{ values:
{ H: { value: 4, first: true },
I: { value: 5, first: true },
S: { value: 4, first: true },
O: { value: 8, first: false },
R: { value: 5, first: false },
E: { value: 4, first: false },
L: { value: 9, first: false },
A: { value: 0, first: false },
N: { value: 2, first: false } },
equation: [ 454, 48544, 54, 49052, [length]: 4 ],
balance: { sum: 49052, target: 49052, success: true } }
[ 'HERE', 'SHE', 'COMES' ]
*** Solution ***
{ values:
{ H: { value: 9, first: true },
E: { value: 9, first: false },
R: { value: 9, first: false },
S: { value: 8, first: true },
C: { value: 1, first: true },
O: { value: 0, first: false },
M: { value: 8, first: false } },
equation: [ 9999, 899, 10898, [length]: 3 ],
balance: { sum: 10898, target: 10898, success: true } }
[ 'FOR', 'LACK', 'OF', 'TREAD' ]
*** Solution ***
{ values:
{ F: { value: 7, first: true },
O: { value: 2, first: true },
R: { value: 0, first: false },
L: { value: 9, first: true },
A: { value: 8, first: false },
C: { value: 3, first: false },
K: { value: 6, first: false },
T: { value: 1, first: true },
E: { value: 5, first: false },
D: { value: 3, first: false } },
equation: [ 720, 9836, 27, 10583, [length]: 4 ],
balance: { sum: 10583, target: 10583, success: true } }
[ 'I', 'WILL', 'PAY', 'THE', 'THEFT' ]
*** Solution ***
{ values:
{ I: { value: 5, first: true },
W: { value: 9, first: true },
L: { value: 9, first: false },
P: { value: 4, first: true },
A: { value: 5, first: false },
Y: { value: 6, first: false },
T: { value: 1, first: true },
H: { value: 0, first: false },
E: { value: 1, first: false },
F: { value: 6, first: false } },
equation: [ 5, 9599, 456, 101, 10161, [length]: 5 ],
balance: { sum: 10161, target: 10161, success: true } }
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