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Created October 24, 2020 07:04
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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <variant>
#include <atcoder/all>
#define FOR(i,k,n) for(ll i=(k);i<(ll)(n);++i)
#define REP(i,n) FOR(i,0,n)
#define ALL(x) begin(x),end(x)
using namespace std;
using namespace std::string_literals;
using namespace atcoder;
using ll = int64_t;
using vecint = vector<int>;
using vecll = vector<ll>;
struct Edge {
ll src,dest,weight;
using Edges = vector<Edge>;
using Graph = vector<Edges>;
void add_edge(Graph& g, ll src, ll dest, ll weight) {
g[src].push_back({src, dest, weight});
g[dest].push_back({dest, src, weight});
int dfs(const Graph& g, vecll& cent, int i, int p = -1) {
int cnt = 1;
int mxch = 0;
for (auto&&e:g[i]) {
if (e.dest == p) continue;
int ch = dfs(g, cent, e.dest, i);
mxch = max(mxch, ch);
cnt += ch;
int n = size(g);
if (mxch <= n / 2 && n - cnt <= n / 2) {
return cnt;
void dist(const Graph& g, vecll& d, ll current, int i, int p) {
for (auto&&e:g[i]) {
if (e.dest == p) continue;
dist(g, d, current + e.weight, e.dest, i);
int main() {
ll n;
Graph g(n);
REP(i,n-1) {
ll a,b,m;
add_edge(g, a, b, m);
vecll cent;
dfs(g, cent, 0);
if(size(cent) != 2) {
return 0;
vector<vecll> d(2);
REP(i,2) {
dist(g, d[i], 0, cent[i], cent[1-i]);
ll cent_edge_len = -1;
for(auto&&e:g[cent.front()]) {
if (e.dest != cent.back()) continue;
cent_edge_len = e.weight;
ll ans = 0;
REP(i,2) {
auto& dp = d[i];
auto& dq = d[1-i];
for(auto&&d1:dp) {
auto first = upper_bound(ALL(dq), d1-cent_edge_len);
auto last = upper_bound(ALL(dq), d1+cent_edge_len);
//cerr<<i<<" "<<d1;
//for(auto itr=first;itr!=last;++itr) cerr<<" "<<*itr;
ans += last - first;
return 0;
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