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Last active December 29, 2015 08:49
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My talks notes from WordCamp London 2013

Content marketing for real people

Speaker: Alex Denning, Aalexdenning

  • using blog as a tool for sharing knowledge
  • define what you're writing about
  • social media: easy to use, difficult to use well
  • cannot automate genuine interaction
  • building genuine relationship with your audience
  • blogging isn't hard, the hard bit is to make the content getting attention
  • don't just use the automated linked accounts for different social media platforms
  • automate the auto-tweeting when the new blogpost is published, that is good, but do not automate your social profiles overall

Debugging WordPress

Speaker: Mario Peshev, Ano_fear_inc

  • debugging everywhere: php, mysql, css, html, js, servers ...

  • Krumo:

  • object()

  • error logging

  • for PHP: Xdebug

  • JS: console.table()

  • FirePHP: connection between PHP and JS

  • WP has JS helper functions: wp_send_json and wp.ajax (in admin), hooks for AJAX callbacks

  • DOM element breakpoint (Chrome Dev Tools)

  • define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);

  • WP-CLI - commad line tool for WP:

    $ wp [install|...]

How do I know if my WordPress website is accessible?

Speaker: Graham Armfield, coolfields

  • easy to check - with yes/no checklist

  • speak covers just the most common accessibility issues

  • accessibility: series of small steps

  • can I access all of the parts of my website with the keyboard ONLY? Hover states?

    don't a:focus { outline:none; } !!!!

  • does the tab order makes sense? problem with the lightboxes.

  • are the links obvious (they should be underlined)?

  • do all the images have the appropriate alt="" texts?

  • do all videos have captions?

  • NVDA screen reader - tool for analyzing the content for screen readers

  • ARIA landmark roles:


  • rivers of white space in fully justified text - just text-align: left; and you are all set

  • WAVE toolbar for the FF - for checking input fields done right

  • colors should on the page should be contrast enough (Colour contrast analyzer)

  • do not use only placeholders for inputs, always labels as well

Lessons learned from WP 3.6

Speaker: Mark Jaquith, markjaquith

  • you need a clear goal when developing a new feature. Building a feature is not a goal.
  • people want to make a difference. Let them.
  • have people try the new features SOONER.

Lightning talks

[crashed in the middle of the talk]

  • book: Don't make me think: Steve Kurg

WordPress Security in 5 minutes


  • keep all the WP things up to date (core, plugins, themes)
  • only use plugins that you trust
  • change db prefix when you setup WP
  • always backup (don't trust hosting comp.)
  • attacks: brute force, don't use FTP, don't send password over email
  • consider 2-factor authentication

WP migrations

  • searchandreplace2.php
  • script rewritten to v3

On Learning

Speaker: Nikolay Bachiyski, Anikolayb

  • learning != easy happy (ice cream and sex are easy happy)
  • the more we learn, the bigger reward
  • on the long term the hard happy is way better than easy happy
  • learning by DOING
  • discovery is not really learning - not bad, but not learning either
  • unit testing - learning by doing is not the best way
  • teaching - another way to learn by doing - makes us understand the things in depth
  • 2 book: pragmatic thinking and learning, thinking fast and slow
  • best learning in deliberate and non-productive environment

Responsive theming in 2013 – how things have moved on

Speaker: Rachel McCollin, @rachelmccollin

  • lots of people are using just mobile for accessing the internet
  • crucial to have the responsive site that has every single bit of content the desktop version has
  • in early days of the rwd: just two, three devices, today every day the new device is on the market
  • feature-proofing @media queries, not device-specific, but resize the window and when it starts looking bad -> time for the layout break w/ @media query

Shipping code for fun and profit

Speaker: Lee Willis, @leewillis77

  • Lee contributed to WP core, WooCommerce amongst others
  • don't just sit there, ship ASAP
  • make people know if you don't support your software - not a problem, just let them know
  • his source of WP people: https:/
  • test your WP code down to PHP 5.2
  • security: $wpdb->prepare
  • use WP APIs
  • learn about i18n
  • comment your code, always always!
  • unit test your code, ie. PHPUnit
  • xdebug, xhprof, Kint - google about it
  • VIP Scanner
  • if you sell the software, keep the docs public - documentation in the open

Ten years of WordPress: A Founder's View

Speaker: Mike Little, @mikelittlezed1?

  • his story, nothing to note down, just listen :)
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