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Created January 30, 2019 18:22
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import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { IncentivePlan, GoalType } from '../../../../shared/models';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import { AmChartsService, AmChart } from '@amcharts/amcharts3-angular';
import { CommonService } from '../../../../shared/service';
selector: 'app-incentive-plan',
templateUrl: './incentive-plan.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./incentive-plan.component.scss']
export class IncentivePlanComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
@Input() plan: IncentivePlan;
@Output() cancel: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter();
fixedChart: AmChart;
payperChart: AmChart;
private chartService: AmChartsService,
private commonService: CommonService
) { }
ngOnInit() {
ngAfterViewInit() {
buildFixedPayoutChart() {
this.fixedChart = this.chartService.makeChart('fixed-payout-chart', {
type: 'gauge',
theme: 'none',
axes: [{
'axisAlpha': 0,
'tickAlpha': 0,
'labelsEnabled': false,
'startValue': 0,
'endValue': 100,
'startAngle': 0,
'endAngle': 360,
'bands': [
'color': '#d1d4d3',
'startValue': 0,
'endValue': 100,
'radius': '90%',
'innerRadius': '70%'
}, {
'color': '#2bc991',
'startValue': 0,
'endValue': Math.round(this.plan.fixedEarnings / this.plan.expected * 100),
'radius': '90%',
'innerRadius': '70%'
allLabels: [
text: `${Math.round(this.plan.fixedEarnings / this.plan.expected * 100)}%`,
x: '0',
y: '40%',
size: 30,
bold: true,
color: '#2bc991',
align: 'center'
buildPayperChart() {
this.payperChart = this.chartService.makeChart('payper-chart', {
'type': 'serial',
'theme': 'none',
'marginRight': 40,
'marginLeft': 40,
'autoMarginOffset': 20,
'mouseWheelZoomEnabled': true,
'dataDateFormat': 'YYYY-MM-DD',
'valueAxes': [{
'id': 'v1',
'axisAlpha': 0,
'position': 'left',
'ignoreAxisWidth': true
'balloon': {
'borderThickness': 1,
'shadowAlpha': 0
'graphs': [{
'id': 'g1',
'balloon': {
'drop': true,
'adjustBorderColor': false,
'color': '#ffffff'
'bullet': 'round',
'bulletBorderAlpha': 1,
'bulletColor': '#FFFFFF',
'bulletSize': 5,
'hideBulletsCount': 50,
'lineThickness': 2,
'title': 'red line',
'useLineColorForBulletBorder': true,
'valueField': 'value',
'balloonText': '<span style=\'font-size:18px;\'>[[value]]</span>'
'chartCursor': {
'pan': true,
'valueLineEnabled': true,
'valueLineBalloonEnabled': true,
'cursorAlpha': 1,
'cursorColor': '#258cbb',
'limitToGraph': 'g1',
'valueLineAlpha': 0.2,
'valueZoomable': true
'categoryField': 'date',
'categoryAxis': {
'parseDates': true,
'dashLength': 1,
'minorGridEnabled': true
'dataProvider': [{
'date': '2012-12-02',
'value': 66
}, {
'date': '2012-12-03',
'value': 65
}, {
'date': '2012-12-04',
'value': 73
}, {
'date': '2012-12-05',
'value': 79
}, {
'date': '2012-12-06',
'value': 78
}, {
'date': '2012-12-07',
'value': 78
}, {
'date': '2012-12-08',
'value': 78
}, {
'date': '2012-12-09',
'value': 74
}, {
'date': '2012-12-10',
'value': 73
}, {
'date': '2012-12-11',
'value': 75
}, {
'date': '2012-12-12',
'value': 70
}, {
'date': '2012-12-13',
'value': 77
}, {
'date': '2012-12-14',
'value': 67
}, {
'date': '2012-12-15',
'value': 62
}, {
'date': '2012-12-16',
'value': 64
}, {
'date': '2012-12-17',
'value': 61
}, {
'date': '2012-12-18',
'value': 59
}, {
'date': '2012-12-19',
'value': 53
}, {
'date': '2012-12-20',
'value': 54
}, {
'date': '2012-12-21',
'value': 56
}, {
'date': '2012-12-22',
'value': 59
}, {
'date': '2012-12-23',
'value': 58
}, {
'date': '2012-12-24',
'value': 55
}, {
'date': '2012-12-25',
'value': 52
}, {
'date': '2012-12-26',
'value': 54
}, {
'date': '2012-12-27',
'value': 50
}, {
'date': '2012-12-28',
'value': 50
}, {
'date': '2012-12-29',
'value': 51
}, {
'date': '2012-12-30',
'value': 52
}, {
'date': '2012-12-31',
'value': 58
cancelPreview() {
goalTypeText(type: GoalType) {
return this.commonService.getGoalTypeText(type);
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