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Forked from bruceoutdoors/DbmigrateController.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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MySQL database script for full schema migrations in Laravel 5. Unlike the gist this was forked from, this script will write out each table to an individual file.
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
/* * **
* MySQL database script for full schema migrations in Laravel 5.
* 1. Place this file inside app/Http/controllers/
* 2. In this file, edit the index() method to customize this script to your needs.
* - inside $migrate->ignore(), you pass in an array of table
* names that you want to ignore. Note that Laravel's 'migrations'
* table is ignored by default.
* - inside $migrate->convert(), pass in your database name.
* 3. Add to your app/Http/routes.php:
* get('dbmigrate', 'DbmigrateController@index');
* 4. run this script by going to, the resulting
* migration file will be generated in app/database/migrations/
* @author Jim Pringle <>
* credits to @Christopher Pitt, @michaeljcalkins, and @Lee Zhen Yong whom this gist is forked off
* ** */
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use \Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use \Illuminate\Support\Str;
class DbmigrateController extends Controller
public function index()
$migrate = new SqlMigrations;
$migrate->ignore(['ignore_this_table', 'and_this_table']);
class SqlMigrations
private static $ignore = array('migrations');
private static $database = "";
private static $migrations = false;
private static $schema = array();
private static $selects = array('column_name as Field', 'column_type as Type', 'is_nullable as Null', 'column_key as Key', 'column_default as Default', 'extra as Extra', 'data_type as Data_Type');
private static $instance;
private static $up = "";
private static $down = "";
private static function getTables()
return DB::select('SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema="' . self::$database . '"');
private static function getTableDescribes($table)
return DB::table('information_schema.columns')
->where('table_schema', '=', self::$database)
->where('table_name', '=', $table)
private static function getForeignTables()
return DB::table('information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE')
->where('CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA', '=', self::$database)
->where('REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA', '=', self::$database)
private static function getForeigns($table)
return DB::table('information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE')
->where('CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA', '=', self::$database)
->where('REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA', '=', self::$database)
->where('TABLE_NAME', '=', $table)
private static function compileSchema($name, $values)
$upSchema = "";
$downSchema = "";
$newSchema = "";
$schema = "<?php
use Illuminate\\Database\\Schema\\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\\Database\\Migrations\\Migration;
// Autogenerated Migration Created: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "
// ------------------------------------------------------------
class Create" . str_replace('_', '', Str::title($name)) . "Table extends Migration {
\t * Run the migrations.
\t *
\t * @return void
\tpublic function up()
\t * Reverse the migrations.
\t *
\t * @return void
\tpublic function down()
return $schema;
public function up($up)
self::$up = $up;
return self::$instance;
public function down($down)
self::$down = $down;
return self::$instance;
public function ignore($tables)
self::$ignore = array_merge($tables, self::$ignore);
return self::$instance;
public function migrations()
self::$migrations = true;
return self::$instance;
public function write()
foreach (self::$schema as $name => $values) {
if (in_array($name, self::$ignore)) {
$schema = self::compileSchema($name, $values);
$filename = date('Y_m_d_His') . "_create_" . $name . "_table.php";
file_put_contents("../database/migrations/{$filename}", $schema);
public function get()
return self::compileSchema();
public function convert($database)
self::$instance = new self();
self::$database = $database;
$table_headers = array('Field', 'Type', 'Null', 'Key', 'Default', 'Extra');
$tables = self::getTables();
foreach ($tables as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($value->table_name, self::$ignore)) {
$down = "\t\tSchema::drop('{$value->table_name}');";
$up = "\t\tSchema::create('{$value->table_name}', function($" . "table) {\n";
$tableDescribes = self::getTableDescribes($value->table_name);
foreach ($tableDescribes as $values) {
$method = "";
$para = strpos($values->Type, '(');
$type = $para > -1 ? substr($values->Type, 0, $para) : $values->Type;
$numbers = "";
$nullable = $values->Null == "NO" ? "" : "->nullable()";
$default = empty($values->Default) ? "" : "->default(\"{$values->Default}\")";
$unsigned = strpos($values->Type, "unsigned") === false ? '' : '->unsigned()';
$unique = $values->Key == 'UNI' ? "->unique()" : "";
switch ($type) {
case 'int' :
$method = 'unsignedInteger';
case 'char' :
case 'varchar' :
$para = strpos($values->Type, '(');
$numbers = ", " . substr($values->Type, $para + 1, -1);
$method = 'string';
case 'float' :
$method = 'float';
case 'decimal' :
$para = strpos($values->Type, '(');
$numbers = ", " . substr($values->Type, $para + 1, -1);
$method = 'decimal';
case 'bigint' :
$method = 'bigInteger';
case 'smallint' :
$method = 'smallInteger';
case 'tinyint' :
$method = 'boolean';
case 'date':
$method = 'date';
case 'timestamp' :
$method = 'timestamp';
case 'datetime' :
$method = 'dateTime';
case 'mediumtext' :
$method = 'mediumtext';
case 'text' :
$method = 'text';
if ($values->Key == 'PRI') {
$method = 'increments';
$up .= "\t\t\t$" . "table->{$method}('{$values->Field}'{$numbers}){$nullable}{$default}{$unsigned}{$unique};\n";
$up .= "\t\t});\n";
self::$schema[$value->table_name] = array(
'up' => $up,
'down' => $down
// add foreign constraints, if any
$tableForeigns = self::getForeignTables();
if (sizeof($tableForeigns) !== 0) {
foreach ($tableForeigns as $key => $value) {
$up = "Schema::table('{$value->TABLE_NAME}', function($" . "table) {\n";
$foreign = self::getForeigns($value->TABLE_NAME);
foreach ($foreign as $k => $v) {
$up .= "\t\t\t$" . "table->foreign('{$v->COLUMN_NAME}')->references('{$v->REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME}')->on('{$v->REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME}');\n";
$up .= "\t\t});\n";
self::$schema[$value->TABLE_NAME . '_foreign'] = array(
'up' => $up,
'down' => $down
return self::$instance;
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