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Created November 7, 2014 09:21
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class SqlAdapter
protected $pdo;
protected $query;
protected $sth;
protected $params;
protected $lastMethod;
public function __construct( $pdo )
$this->pdo = $pdo;
public function reset()
$this->query = '';
$this->sth = null;
$this->params = [];
$this->lastMethod = false;
return $this;
public function sql() { return $this->query; }
public function params() { return $this->params; }
public function sql_dump( $assoc = true )
return $assoc ?
[ 'sql' => $this->query, 'params' => $this->params ] :
[ $this->query, $this->params ];
public function execute()
#$var = $this->sql_dump(); debug_var( $var ); print_r( $var );
#error_log( var_export( $this->sql_dump(), true ) );
$this->sth = $this->pdo->prepare( $this->query );
$this->sth->execute( $this->params );
return $this->sth;
public function executeOnce()
if ( !is_null( $this->sth ) )
return $this->sth;
return $this->execute();
public function fetchAll( $key = false, $fetchStyle = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC )
if ( true === $fetchStyle )
$fetchStyle = PDO::FETCH_BOTH;
$sth = $this->executeOnce();
if ( false === $key )
return $sth->fetchAll( $fetchStyle );
$result = [];
while ( $row = $sth->fetch( $fetchStyle ) )
$result[ $row[ $key ] ] = $row;
return $result;
public function fetch( $fetchStyle = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC )
true === $fetchStyle && $fetchStyle = PDO::FETCH_BOTH;
return $this->executeOnce()->fetch( $fetchStyle );
public function fetchCol( $col )
return $this->executeOnce()->fetch()[ $col ];
public function fetchColAll( $col, $key = false )
$sth = $this->executeOnce();
$result = [];
if ( false === $key )
while ( $row = $sth->fetch() )
$result[] = $row[ $col ];
} else
while ( $row = $sth->fetch() )
$result[ $row[ $key ] ] = $row[ $col ];
return $result;
public function rowCount()
if ( is_null( $this->sth ) )
return $this->sth->rowCount();
public function lastInsertId( $name = null )
if ( is_null( $this->sth ) )
return $this->pdo->lastInsertId( $name );
public function beginTransaction()
return $this;
public function commit()
return $this;
public function rollBack()
return $this;
public function addParams()
$args = func_get_args();
foreach ( $args as $params )
if ( is_array( $params ) )
$this->params = array_merge( $this->params, array_values( $params ) );
$this->params[] = $params;
return $this;
protected function finishMethod( $lastMethod )
$this->lastMethod = $lastMethod;
return $this;
public function runMethods( $query )
if ( is_callable( $query ) )
return $query( $this );
$r = $this;
foreach ( $query as $method => $params )
if ( 2 == count( $params ) && isset( $params[ 'method' ] ) && isset( $params[ 'args' ] ) )
$r = $this->$params[ 'method' ]( $params[ 'args' ] );
$r = $this->$method( $params );
return $r;
public function insert( $table, $cols = '', $mods = [] )
if ( is_array( $table ) )
extract( $table );
if ( is_array( $cols ) )
$cols = implode( '", "', $cols );
if ( !empty( $cols ) )
$cols = '("' . $cols . '")';
if ( is_array( $mods ) )
$mods = implode( ' ', $mods );
$this->query .= "\nINSERT $mods INTO $table $cols";
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function values( $values = [], $keys = false )
if ( is_array( $values ) && isset( $values[ 'values' ] ) )
extract( $values );
if ( !is_array( $values ) )
if ( false === $keys )
$values = [[ $values ]];
} else
$values = [ func_get_args() ];
$keys = false;
if ( !is_array( reset( $values ) ) )
$values = [ $values ];
if ( false === $keys )
$keys = array_keys( reset( $values ) );
$count_fields = count( $keys );
if ( !$count_fields )
return $this->valuesRaw( substr( str_repeat( '(),' , count( $values ) ), 0, -1 ) );
$values_str_sngl = '(' . mb_substr( str_repeat( ',?', $count_fields ), 1 ) . ')' ;
$values_str = mb_substr( str_repeat( ',' . $values_str_sngl, count( $values ) ), 1 );
foreach ( $values as $row )
foreach ( $keys as $key )
$this->params[] = $row[ $key ];
return $this->valuesRaw( $values_str );
public function valuesRaw( $sth, $values = [] )
if ( is_array( $sth ) )
extract( $sth );
if ( !is_array( $values ) )
if ( 2 < func_num_args() )
$values = array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 );
$values = [ $values ];
$this->addParams( $values );
$glue = __FUNCTION__ === $this->lastMethod ? ',' : "\nVALUES";
$this->query .= "$glue $sth";
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function onDuplicate( $values, $params = null )
return $this->addList( 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE', $values, $params );
public function addList( $sth, $values, $params )
if ( is_array( $sth ) )
extract( $sth );
$glue = $sth === $this->lastMethod ? ', ' : "\n" . $sth;
if ( is_string( $values ) )
$this->query .= "$glue $values";
} else
$this->query .= $glue . ' ';
$this->query .= '"' . implode( '" = ?, "', array_keys( $values ) ) . '" = ?';
$this->addParams( $values );
if ( !is_null( $params ) )
$this->addParams( $params );
return $this->finishMethod( $sth );
public function select( $tables, $cols = '*', $mods = [] )
if ( is_array( $tables ) && isset( $tables[ 'tables' ] ) )
extract( $tables );
$cols_str = implode( ', ', (array)$cols );
$tables_str = is_array( $tables ) ? implode( ', ', $tables ) : $tables;
$mods_str = implode( ' ', (array)$mods );
$this->query .= <<<SQL
SELECT $mods_str
FROM $tables_str
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function union( $mod = '' )
$this->query .= "\nUNION " . $mod;
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function delete( $tables, $using = [], $mods = [] )
if ( is_array( $tables ) && isset( $tables[ 'tables' ] ) )
extract( $tables );
$tables_str = implode( ', ', (array)$tables );
$mods_str = implode( ' ', (array)$mods );
$using_str = implode( ', ', (array)$using );
if ( !empty( $using_str ) ) $using_str = "\nUSING " . $using_str;
$this->query .= <<<SQL
DELETE $mods_str
FROM $tables_str $using_str
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function using( $tables )
$glue = __FUNCTION__ === $this->lastMethod ? ', ' : "\nUSING";
$tables_str = is_array( $tables ) ? implode( ', ', $tables ) : $tables;
$this->query .= "$glue $tables_str";
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function update( $tables, $mods = [] )
if ( is_array( $tables ) && isset( $tables[ 'tables' ] ) )
extract( $tables );
$tables_str = implode( ', ', (array)$tables );
$mods_str = implode( ' ', (array)$mods );
$this->query = "UPDATE $mods_str $tables_str";
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function set( $values, $params = null )
/*$glue = __FUNCTION__ === $this->lastMethod ? ',' : "\nSET";
if ( is_string( $values ) )
$this->query .= "$glue $values";
} else
$sth = implode( ' = ?, ', array_keys( $values ) ) . ' = ?';
$this->query .= "$glue $sth";
$this->addParams( $values );
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );*/
return $this->addList( 'SET', $values, $params );
public function join( $table, $sth = '', $params = [], $joinType = '' )
if ( is_array( $table ) )
extract( $table );
if ( !empty( $joinType ) )
$joinType .= ' ';
$this->query .= "\n{$joinType}JOIN $table $sth";
$this->addParams( $params );
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function joinOn( $table, $sth = '', $params = [], $joinType = '' )
if ( is_array( $table ) )
extract( $table );
return $this->join( $table, 'ON ' . $sth, $params, $joinType );
public function joinUsing( $table, $fields = [], $joinType = '' )
if ( is_array( $table ) )
extract( $table );
$sth = empty( $fields ) ? 'id_' . $table : implode( ', ', (array)$fields );
return $this->join( $table, "USING ($sth)", [], $joinType );
public function where( $sth = '', $params = [] )
static $type = 'WHERE';
if ( is_array( $sth ) && isset( $sth[ 'sth' ] ) )
$sth[ 'type' ] = $type;
return $this->clause( $sth );
return $this->clause( $type, $sth, $params );
public function having( $sth = '', $params = [] )
static $type = 'HAVING';
if ( is_array( $sth ) && isset( $sth[ 'sth' ] ) )
$sth[ 'type' ] = $type;
return $this->clause( $sth );
return $this->clause( $type, $sth, $params );
public function clause( $type, $sth = '', $params = [] )
if ( is_array( $type ) )
extract( $type );
if ( is_array( $params ) && 1 == count( $params ) && is_array( reset( $params ) ) )
$params = reset( $params );
$glue = $type === $this->lastMethod ? ' AND' : "\n" . $type;
$this->query .= "$glue $sth";
$this->addParams( $params );
return $this->finishMethod( $type );
public function group( $sth, $mods = [] )
if ( is_array( $sth ) )
extract( $sth );
$mods_str = implode( ' ', (array)$mods );
$glue = __FUNCTION__ === $this->lastMethod ? ', ' : "\nGROUP BY";
$this->query .= "$glue $sth $mods_str";
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function order( $sth )
$glue = __FUNCTION__ === $this->lastMethod ? ', ' : "\nORDER BY ";
if ( !is_array( $sth ) )
$sth = func_get_args();
$this->query .= $glue . '' . implode( ', ', $sth );
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function limit( $limit, $offset = false )
if ( is_array( $limit ) )
extract( $limit );
$this->query .= "\nLIMIT $limit";
if ( false !== $offset )
$this->query .= " OFFSET $offset";
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function in( $field, $values )
if ( is_array( $field ) && isset( $field[ 'field' ] ) )
extract( $field );
if ( is_array( $field ) )
$item_str = '(' . mb_substr( str_repeat( ',?', count( $field ) ), 1 ) . ')';
$field = '(' . implode( ', ', $field ) . ')';
} else
$item_str = '?';
if ( is_array( $values ) && is_array( $item = reset( $values ) ) )
foreach ( $values as $val )
$this->addParams( $val );
} else
$this->addParams( $values );
$values_str = '(' . mb_substr( str_repeat( ',' . $item_str, count( $values ) ), 1 ) . ')';
$this->query .= "$field IN $values_str";
return $this;
public function eq( $values )
return $this->op( '=', $values );
public function op( $op, $values )
$sth = '"'
. implode( '" ' . $op . ' ? AND "', array_keys( $values ) )
. '" = ?';
$this->query .= $sth;
$this->addParams( $values );
return $this;
public function rawSql( $sql, $params = [] )
if ( is_array( $sql ) )
extract( $sql );
$this->query .= "\n$sql";
$this->addParams( $params );
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function createTable( $table, $cols, $keys = [], $options = [] )
if ( is_array( $table ) )
extract( $table );
$tmp = isset( $options[ 'tmp' ] ) ? 'TEMPORARY' : '';
$this->query .= <<<SQL
foreach ( $cols as $col_name => $col_definition )
$this->createTableColDef( $col_name, $col_definition );
if ( !empty( $keys ) )
$this->query .= ",\n\t" . implode( ",\n\t", (array)$keys );
$this->query .= "\n)";
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function createTableColDef( $colName, $colDef )
if ( is_array( $colName ) )
extract( $colDef );
$glue = __FUNCTION__ === $this->lastMethod ? ",\n" : "\n";
$this->query .= "$glue\t$colName $colDef";
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function createTmpTable( $table, $cols, $keys = [], $options = [] )
if ( !is_array( $table ) )
return $this->createTable( $table, $cols, $keys, array_merge( $options, [ 'tmp' => true ] ) );
$table[ 'options' ][ 'tmp' ] = true;
return $this->createTable( $table );
public function dropTable( $table, $options = [] )
if ( is_array( $table ) )
extract( $table );
$tmp = isset( $options[ 'tmp' ] ) ? 'TEMPORARY' : '';
$this->query .= "DROP $tmp TABLE IF EXISTS $table\n";
return $this->finishMethod( __FUNCTION__ );
public function dropTmpTable( $table, $options = [] )
if ( !is_array( $table ) )
return $this->dropTable( $table, array_merge( $options, [ 'tmp' => true ] ) );
$table[ 'options' ][ 'tmp' ] = true;
return $this->dropTable( $table );
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