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Plots the Ljungqvist 2010 temperature reconstruction series along with the instrumental HadCRUT4 30N-90N (120-mo. moving average) temp series.
library(climeseries) # devtools::install_github("priscian/climeseries")
ljungqvist <- xlsx::read.xlsx2(system.file("extdata/paleo/ljungqvist2010.xls", package="climeseries"), sheetName="Reconstruction", startRow=11, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
matches <- str_match(ljungqvist$Decade, "(\\d+)\u2013(\\d+)")
ljungqvist$yr_part <- apply(matches[, 2:3], 1, function(x) mean(as.numeric(x)))
yearRange <- range(as.numeric(matches[, 2:3]))
allYears <- seq(yearRange[1], yearRange[2])
e <- get_climate_data(download=FALSE, baseline=FALSE)
e <- base::merge(expand.grid(month=1:12, year=allYears), e, by=c("year", "month"), all=TRUE)
e$yr_part <- e$year + (2 * e$month - 1)/24
e <- tbl_dt(e)
l <- tbl_dt(dataframe(
yr_part = ljungqvist$yr_part,
`Ljungqvist 2010 Reconstruction` = as.numeric(ljungqvist$`Reconstructed temperature`),
`Ljungqvist 2010 Reconstruction_uncertainty` = as.numeric(ljungqvist$`Upper error bar`) - as.numeric(ljungqvist$`Lower error bar`)))
data.table::setkey(e, yr_part)
g <- dplyr::left_join(e, e[, .(year, month, yr_part), with=TRUE][l, roll="nearest"][, yr_part := NULL], by=c("year", "month"))
## HadCRUT4:
dataDir <- getOption("climeseries_data_dir")
flit <- ""
download.file("", paste(dataDir, flit, sep="/"), mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)
n <- nc_open(paste(dataDir, flit, sep="/")) # 'print(n)' or just 'n' for details.
a <- ncvar_get(n, "temperature_anomaly")
## Structure of 'a' is temperature_anomaly[longitude, latitude, time], 72 × 36 × Inf (monthly since Jan. 1850)
lat <- ncvar_get(n, "latitude")
long <- ncvar_get(n, "longitude")
times <- ncvar_get(n, "time")
tunits <- ncatt_get(n,"time", "units")
# $value
# [1] "days since 1850-1-1 00:00:00"
dtimes <- as.Date(times, origin="1850-01-01")
## This data set should have the same length as the "time" dimension of 'a':
h <- data.frame(year=year(dtimes), month=month(dtimes), check.rows=FALSE, check.names=TRUE, fix.empty.names=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# h$yr_part <- h$year + (h$month - 0.5)/12
subLat <- c(30, 90); subLong <- c(-180, 180)
flit <- apply(a, 3,
x <- t(y)
w <- cos(matrix(rep(lat, ncol(x)), ncol=ncol(x), byrow=FALSE) * (pi / 180)) # Latitude weights.
## Use only subgrid for calculations.
keepSubGrid <- list(lat=lat >= subLat[1] & lat <= subLat[2], long=long >= subLong[1] & long <= subLong[2])
x1 <- x[keepSubGrid$lat, keepSubGrid$long, drop=FALSE]
w1 <- w[keepSubGrid$lat, keepSubGrid$long, drop=FALSE]
nlat <- length(lat[keepSubGrid$lat])
temp <- NULL
for (i in seq(1L, nrow(x1), by=nlat)) {
xi <- data.matrix(x1[i:(i + nlat - 1L), ])
tempi <- stats::weighted.mean(xi, w1, na.rm=TRUE)
temp <- c(temp, tempi)
instSeries <- "HadCRUT4 30N-90N"
instSeriesMa <- instSeries %_% " (120-mo. MA)"
h[[instSeries]] <- flit
h[[instSeriesMa]] <- MA(h[[instSeries]], 120)
h <- tbl_dt(h)
g <- dplyr::full_join(g, h, by=c("year", "month"))
## The following is a hack, but it should be very close:
g[[instSeries %_% "_uncertainty"]] <- g$`HadCRUT4 NH_uncertainty`
g[[instSeriesMa %_% "_uncertainty"]] <- MA(g$`HadCRUT4 NH_uncertainty`, 120)
series <- c("Ljungqvist 2010 Reconstruction", "HadCRUT4 30N-90N (120-mo. MA)")
plot_climate_data(, series, conf_int=TRUE, get_x_axis_ticks...=list(min=-3000, by=100), col=c("green", "red"), baseline=1961:1990)
### Calculate difference in yearly means for deniers.
## See code for 'get_yearly_difference()' at
series <- c("HadCRUT4 30N-90N (120-mo. MA)")
ytd <- get_yearly_difference(series, 2000, loess=FALSE, loess...=list(span=0.4), data=g)
# Difference in °C from 2000–2017
# [,1]
# HadCRUT4 30N-90N (120-mo. MA) 0.526
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