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Created October 28, 2018 07:14
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Plotting Current Instrumental Temp. Series against the Exxon 1982 Projections
#jjmisc::reload_all("climeseries", redocument = FALSE)
library(climeseries) # devtools::install_github("priscian/climeseries")
pngFileName <- system.file("inst/images/1982-Exxon-Memo-to-Management-About-CO2_edited.png", package = "climeseries")
img <- readPNG(pngFileName, info = TRUE)
info <- attr(img, "info")
## N.B. Change this to a directory where you'd like to store the image.
#png("1982-Exxon-Memo-to-Management-About-CO2+instrumental.png", width = info$dim[1], height = info$dim[2], units = "px", res = 300) = info$dim[1], height = info$dim[2], units = "px")
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
## Remove all margins & borders from the plot region.
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
pin = c(4, 2),
pty = "m",
xaxs = "i",
xaxt = "n",
xpd = FALSE,
yaxs = "i",
yaxt = "n"
plot(1943:2120, seq(-0.4, 4.1, length.out = length(1943:2120)), type = "n", main = "")
usr <- par("usr")
rasterImage(img, usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4])
series <- c("GISTEMP Global", "NCEI Global", "HadCRUT4 Global", "Cowtan & Way Krig. Global", "BEST Global (Air Ice Temp.)")
d <- get_climate_data(download = FALSE, baseline = FALSE)
g <- recenter_anomalies(oss(d, series, range = c(1960, NA)), baseline = 1960:1970)
#h0 <- remove_exogenous_influences(d, series = series, start = 1960, end = NULL, max_lag = 12)
#h <- recenter_anomalies(h0, baseline = 1960:1970)
series_adj <- paste(series, "(adj.)")
plot_climate_data(g, series, yearly = TRUE, add = TRUE, lwd = 1)
#plot_climate_data(h, series_adj, yearly = TRUE, add = TRUE, lwd = 1)
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