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Last active March 22, 2023 16:10
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Find the Differences between USHCN Raw & Homogenized Data
### Find the Differences between USHCN Raw & Homogenized Data.
### Inspired by:
rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE))
library(pacman) # install.packages("pacman")
#library(climeseries) # devtools::install_github("priscian/climeseries")
jjmisc::reload_all("climeseries", redocument = FALSE)
p_load(R.utils, matrixStats, tictoc)
tic("USHCN raw v. final")
dataDir <- getOption("climeseries_data_dir") # Put your favorite data directory here!
archiveNames <- c("ushcn.tavg.latest.raw.tar.gz", "ushcn.tavg.latest.FLs.52j.tar.gz"); temp_type <- "Average" # Average data
#archiveNames <- c("ushcn.tmax.latest.raw.tar.gz", "ushcn.tmax.latest.FLs.52j.tar.gz"); temp_type <- "Maximum" # Average data
archivePaths <- paste("", archiveNames, sep = "/")
fileList <- sapply(archivePaths,
function(x, download)
archiveName <- paste(dataDir, basename(x), sep = "/")
if (download) {
download.file(x, archiveName, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)
untar(archiveName, compressed = TRUE, exdir = dataDir, list = FALSE) # extras = "--overwrite" not supported
untar(archiveName, compressed = TRUE, list = TRUE)
}, download = TRUE, simplify = FALSE) # 'download = FALSE' to use existing archives.
temp <- sapply(fileList, function(x) paste(dataDir, x, sep = "/"), simplify = FALSE)
fl <- sapply(temp, function(a) a[Vectorize(file_test, vectorize.args = "x")("-f", a)], simplify = FALSE)
surl <- ""
stations <- read.fwf(surl, widths = c(11, 9, 10, 7, 3, 32, 7, 6, 7, 3), comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Make list of raw/final data frames for each station in same wide format as original text file.
d <- sapply(fl,
z <- read.fwf(y, c(11, 1, 4, rep(9, 12)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE); z <- z[, -2] # Some archives have an extra no. after the year!
flit <- (gsub("\\s+\\d+", "", trimws(sapply(z[, -(1:2)], function(a) gsub("([A-Za-z]\\d*)", "", a))))) <- flit == -9999
#r <- dataframe(z[, 1:2], fahr_to_celsius(data.matrix(dataframe(flit)) / 100.0))
## N.B. Conversion is unnecessary; temps are already in °C. V. the README file.
r <- dataframe(z[, 1:2], data.matrix(dataframe(flit)) / 100.0)
flit <- stations[stations$V1 == unique(r[[1]])[1], ]
attr(r, "location") <- list(lat = flit$V2, long = flit$V3, place = paste(trimws(flit$V6), trimws(flit$V5), sep = ", "))
}, simplify = FALSE)
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Make list of raw/final data tables for each station in long format (year, month, temperature).
e <- sapply(d,
siteId <- unique(y$V1)
z <- reshape2::melt(y[, 2L:14L], id.vars = "V3", = "month", = siteId)
z$month <- as.numeric(z$month)
names(z)[names(z) == "V3"] <- "year"
z <- tbl_dt(dplyr::arrange(z, year, month))
attr(z[[siteId]], "location") <- attr(y, "location")
}, simplify = FALSE)
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Make list of raw/final wide data tables of all long individual stations by merging them on month & year.
g <- sapply(e,
#Reduce(merge_fun_factory(all = TRUE, by = c("year", "month")), a)
Reduce(function(x, y) { dplyr::full_join(x, y, by = c("year", "month")) }, a)
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Calculate anomalies from some baseline for all stations.
baseline <- 1951:1980
#baseline <- 1981:2010
h <- sapply(g, function(a) recenter_anomalies(a, baseline = baseline), simplify = FALSE)
## Create raw/final list of regional/planetary grids of latitude-weighted cells & populate them with station data.
o <- sapply(h,
## Create global grid of 2.5° × 3.5° squares and bin temp values in the correct square.
p <- make_planetary_grid(grid_size = c(2.5, 3.5))
y <- x[, get_climate_series_names(x), with = FALSE]
dev_null <- sapply(seq(NCOL(y)),
#cat(z, fill = TRUE)
elms <- y[, z, with = FALSE]
coords <- attr(elms[[1]], "location")
lat <- coords[["lat"]]; long <- coords[["long"]]
rc <- find_planetary_grid_square(p, lat, long)
if (any( return ()
sq <- p[[rc["row"], rc["col"]]][[1]]
if (!
p[[rc["row"], rc["col"]]][[1]] <<- elms
p[[rc["row"], rc["col"]]][[1]] <<- cbind(sq, elms)
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Check grid-cell contents before averaging:
## p[sapply(p, function(x)[[1]]))] # Which grid cells are populated?
##[<element_number>][[1]][[1]]) # To look at the data for cell <element_number>
## Create weighted average for each month for each grid cell.
dev_null <- sapply(seq(length(p)),
pDT <- p[z][[1]][[1]]
if ( {
p[z][[1]][[1]] <<- pDT[, `:=`(mean = rowMeans(.SD, na.rm = TRUE))][, .(mean)]
}, simplify = FALSE)
weights <- NULL
r <- data.matrix(Reduce(cbind, sapply(seq(length(p)),
if (![z][[1]][[1]])) return (NULL)
weights <<- c(weights, attr(p[z][[1]], "weight"))
}, simplify = FALSE)))
rr <- plyr::aaply(r, 1, stats::weighted.mean, w = weights, na.rm = TRUE) <- is.nan(rr)
x[, 1:2][, temp := rr]
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Create raw/final list of long data frames of average temps for the entire region.
r <- sapply(o,
function(x) {
yearRange <- range(x$year)
r <- base::merge(expand.grid(month = 1:12, year = seq(yearRange[1], yearRange[2])), x, by = c("year", "month"), all = TRUE)
#r$yr_part <- r$year + (r$month - 0.5)/12; r$met_year <- NA
}, simplify = FALSE)
series <- c("USHCN " %_% temp_type %_% " Raw", "USHCN " %_% temp_type %_% " Final")
for (i in seq(length(r))) {
names(r[[i]])[names(r[[i]]) == "temp"] <- series[i]
## Finally, merge raw/final data frames on year & month to produce a single data frame of the regional raw/final temps.
s <- Reduce(merge_fun_factory(all = TRUE, by = c("year", "month")), r)
s <- recenter_anomalies(s, baseline)
diffSeries <- "USHCN Final minus Raw"
s[[diffSeries]] <- s[[series[2]]] - s[[series[1]]]
s$yr_part <- s$year + (s$month - 0.5)/12; s$met_year <- NA
## How does this compare to the NCEI US temps?
u <- get_climate_data(download = FALSE, baseline = FALSE)
#u <- merge(u, s[, c("year", "month", get_climate_series_names(s))], all = TRUE) # Or:
u <- Reduce(merge_fun_factory(by = c("year", "month"), all = TRUE), list(u, s[, c("year", "month", get_climate_series_names(s))]))
compSeries <- c("NCEI US Avg. Temp.", "USHCN Average Final")
#compSeries <- c("NCEI US Max. Temp.", "USHCN Maximum Final")
# save.image("C:/common/data/climate/climeseries/ushcn-ave-raw-vs-final_20190206.RData")
# save.image("C:/common/data/climate/climeseries/ushcn-max-raw-vs-final_20190206.RData")
plot_climate_data(s, c(series, diffSeries), 1890, yearly = TRUE, col = c("blue", "orangered", "black"), save_png = FALSE)
plot_climate_data(s, c(series, diffSeries), 1890, yearly = TRUE, col = c("blue", "orangered", "black"), baseline = 1986:2015, save_png = FALSE)
plot_climate_data(s, series[2], 1890, yearly = TRUE, col = "blue", loess = TRUE, loess... = list(span = 0.4), save_png = FALSE)
## Plot 5-year MA
plot_climate_data(s, c(series), 1890, ma = 60, yearly = FALSE, col = c("blue", "orangered", "black"), baseline = 1986:2015, save_png = FALSE)
plot_climate_data(u, compSeries, 1895, yearly = TRUE, baseline = baseline, col = c("blue", "red"), save_png = FALSE)
## Plot just the diff.
plot_climate_data(u, diffSeries, 1895, yearly = TRUE, baseline = baseline, col = c("blue", "red"), ylim = c(-1, 1), save_png = FALSE)
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