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Created September 6, 2018 07:27
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php-cs-fixer output
1) src/Viserio/Component/HttpFactory/StreamFactory.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
- $stream = \fopen('php://memory', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://memory', 'b+r');
@@ @@
if ($type === 'NULL') {
- return new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+'));
+ return new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r'));
@@ @@
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
if ($resource !== '') {
\fwrite($stream, $resource);
\fseek($stream, 0);
return new Stream($stream);
----------- end diff -----------
2) src/Viserio/Component/Filesystem/FilesystemAdapter.php (fopen_flags)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
- if (@\fopen($orginal, 'r') === false) {
+ if (@\fopen($orginal, 'rb') === false) {
@@ @@
// Stream context created to allow files overwrite when using FTP stream wrapper - disabled by default
- if (@\fopen($target, 'w', false, \stream_context_create(['ftp' => ['overwrite' => true]])) === false) {
+ if (@\fopen($target, 'wb', false, \stream_context_create(['ftp' => ['overwrite' => true]])) === false) {
throw new ViserioIOException(\sprintf(
'Failed to copy [%s] to [%s] because target file could not be opened for writing.',
), 0, null, $orginal);
$this->driver->copy($originFile, $targetFile);
if (! \is_file($target)) {
throw new ViserioIOException(\sprintf(
'Failed to copy [%s] to [%s].',
), 0, null, $originFile);
return true;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function move(string $from, string $to): bool
return $this->driver->rename($from, $to);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getSize(string $path)
$size = $this->driver->getSize($path);
if ($size !== false) {
return $size['size'];
return false;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getMimetype(string $path)
if (! $this->has($path)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException($path);
$mimetype = $this->driver->getMimetype($path);
if ($mimetype !== false) {
return $mimetype['mimetype'];
return false;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getTimestamp(string $path)
$getTimestamp = $this->driver->getTimestamp($path);
if ($getTimestamp !== false) {
return $getTimestamp['timestamp'];
return false;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @throws \RuntimeException
public function url(string $path): string
$adapter = $this->driver;
if ($adapter instanceof AwsS3Adapter) {
$path = $adapter->getPathPrefix() . $path;
return $adapter->getClient()->getObjectUrl($adapter->getBucket(), $path);
if ($adapter instanceof LocalAdapter) {
if (isset($this->config['url'])) {
return self::normalizeDirectorySeparator(
$this->config['url'] . '/' . $path
return $adapter->getPathPrefix() . $path;
if ($adapter instanceof RackspaceAdapter) {
return $this->getRackspaceUrl($adapter, $path);
if (\method_exists($adapter, 'getUrl')) {
return $adapter->getUrl($path);
throw new RuntimeException('This driver does not support retrieving URLs.');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function delete($paths): bool
$paths = (array) $paths;
$success = true;
foreach ($paths as $path) {
try {
if (! $this->driver->delete($path)) {
$success = false;
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
$success = false;
return $success;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function files(string $directory): array
return $this->getContents($directory, 'file');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function allFiles(string $directory, bool $showHiddenFiles = false): array
return $this->getContents($directory, 'file', true);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function directories(string $directory): array
return $this->getContents($directory, 'dir');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function allDirectories(string $directory): array
return $this->getContents($directory, 'dir', true);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function createDirectory(string $path, array $config = []): bool
return $this->driver->createDir($path, new FlyConfig($config)) !== false;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function deleteDirectory(string $directory): bool
return $this->driver->deleteDir($directory);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function cleanDirectory(string $dirname): bool
if (! $this->isDirectory($dirname)) {
return false;
$directories = $this->allDirectories($dirname);
foreach ($directories as $directoryName) {
return true;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isDirectory(string $dirname): bool
return \is_dir($this->getNormalizedOrPrefixedPath($dirname));
* {@inheritdoc}
public function copyDirectory(string $directory, string $destination, array $options = []): bool
if (! $this->isDirectory($directory)) {
return false;
if (! \is_dir($destination)) {
$this->createDirectory($destination, ['visibility' => 'public']);
$recursive = $options['recursive'] ?? true;
$contents = $this->driver->listContents($directory, $recursive);
foreach ($contents as $item) {
if ($item['type'] === 'dir') {
$destination . \str_replace($directory, '', $item['path']),
['visibility' => $this->getVisibility($item['path'])]
if ($item['type'] === 'file') {
$destination . \str_replace($directory, '', $item['path'])
return true;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function moveDirectory(string $directory, string $destination, array $options = []): bool
$overwrite = $options['overwrite'] ?? false;
if ($overwrite && $this->isDirectory($destination) && ! $this->deleteDirectory($destination)) {
return false;
$copy = $this->copyDirectory(
['visibility' => $this->getVisibility($directory)]
$delete = $this->deleteDirectory($directory);
return ! (! $copy && ! $delete);
* Get normalize or prefixed path.
* @param string $path
* @return string
protected function getNormalizedOrPrefixedPath(string $path): string
$prefix = '';
if (\method_exists($this->driver, 'getPathPrefix')) {
$prefix = $this->driver->getPathPrefix();
$path = $prefix . $path;
return self::normalizeDirectorySeparator($path);
* Get the URL for the file at the given path.
* @param \League\Flysystem\Rackspace\RackspaceAdapter $adapter
* @param string $path
* @return string
protected function getRackspaceUrl(RackspaceAdapter $adapter, string $path): string
return (string) $adapter->getContainer()->getObject($path)->getPublicUrl();
* Parse the given visibility value.
* @param null|string $visibility
* @throws \Viserio\Component\Contract\Filesystem\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
* @return null|string
private function parseVisibility(string $visibility = null): ?string
if ($visibility === null) {
return null;
if ($visibility === FilesystemContract::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) {
return AdapterInterface::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC;
if ($visibility === FilesystemContract::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE) {
return AdapterInterface::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE;
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown visibility: ' . $visibility);
* Get content from a dir.
* @param string $directory
* @param string $typ
* @param bool $recursive
* @return array
private function getContents(string $directory, string $typ, bool $recursive = false): array
$contents = $this->driver->listContents($directory, $recursive);
return $this->filterContentsByType($contents, $typ);
* Filter directory contents by type.
* @param array $contents
* @param string $type
* @return array
private function filterContentsByType(array $contents, string $type): array
$results = [];
foreach ($contents as $key => $value) {
if (isset($value['type']) && $value['type'] === $type) {
$results[$key] = $value['path'];
return $results;
* Throws a exception if file is not found.
* @param string $path
* @throws \Viserio\Component\Contract\Filesystem\Exception\FileNotFoundException
* @return void
private function fileNotFound(string $path): void
if (! $this->has($path)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException($path);
----------- end diff -----------
3) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Tests/ResponseTest.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
$streamIsRead = false;
- $body = FnStream::decorate(new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+')), [
+ $body = FnStream::decorate(new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r')), [
@@ @@
$body = '0';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
\fwrite($stream, $body);
\fseek($stream, 0);
$response = (new Response())->withBody(new Stream($stream));
static::assertInstanceOf(StreamInterface::class, $response->getBody());
static::assertSame('0', (string) $response->getBody());
public function testSameInstanceWhenSameBody(): void
$response = new Response();
$body = $response->getBody();
static::assertSame($response, $response->withBody($body));
public function testWithHeader(): void
$response = new Response(200, ['Foo' => 'Bar']);
$response2 = $response->withHeader('baZ', 'Bam');
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar']], $response->getHeaders());
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar'], 'baZ' => ['Bam']], $response2->getHeaders());
static::assertSame('Bam', $response2->getHeaderLine('baz'));
static::assertSame(['Bam'], $response2->getHeader('baz'));
public function testWithHeaderAsArray(): void
$response = new Response(200, ['Foo' => 'Bar']);
$response2 = $response->withHeader('baZ', ['Bam', 'Bar']);
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar']], $response->getHeaders());
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar'], 'baZ' => ['Bam', 'Bar']], $response2->getHeaders());
static::assertSame('Bam,Bar', $response2->getHeaderLine('baz'));
static::assertSame(['Bam', 'Bar'], $response2->getHeader('baz'));
public function testWithHeaderReplacesDifferentCase(): void
$response = new Response(200, ['Foo' => 'Bar']);
$response2 = $response->withHeader('foO', 'Bam');
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar']], $response->getHeaders());
static::assertSame(['foO' => ['Bam']], $response2->getHeaders());
static::assertSame('Bam', $response2->getHeaderLine('foo'));
static::assertSame(['Bam'], $response2->getHeader('foo'));
public function testWithAddedHeader(): void
$response = new Response(200, ['Foo' => 'Bar']);
$response2 = $response->withAddedHeader('foO', 'Baz');
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar']], $response->getHeaders());
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar', 'Baz']], $response2->getHeaders());
static::assertSame('Bar,Baz', $response2->getHeaderLine('foo'));
static::assertSame(['Bar', 'Baz'], $response2->getHeader('foo'));
public function testWithAddedHeaderAsArray(): void
$response = new Response(200, ['Foo' => 'Bar']);
$response2 = $response->withAddedHeader('foO', ['Baz', 'Bam']);
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar']], $response->getHeaders());
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar', 'Baz', 'Bam']], $response2->getHeaders());
static::assertSame('Bar,Baz,Bam', $response2->getHeaderLine('foo'));
static::assertSame(['Bar', 'Baz', 'Bam'], $response2->getHeader('foo'));
public function testWithAddedHeaderThatDoesNotExist(): void
$response = new Response(200, ['Foo' => 'Bar']);
$response2 = $response->withAddedHeader('nEw', 'Baz');
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar']], $response->getHeaders());
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar'], 'nEw' => ['Baz']], $response2->getHeaders());
static::assertSame('Baz', $response2->getHeaderLine('new'));
static::assertSame(['Baz'], $response2->getHeader('new'));
public function testWithoutHeaderThatExists(): void
$response = new Response(200, ['Foo' => 'Bar', 'Baz' => 'Bam']);
$response2 = $response->withoutHeader('foO');
static::assertSame(['Foo' => ['Bar'], 'Baz' => ['Bam']], $response->getHeaders());
static::assertSame(['Baz' => ['Bam']], $response2->getHeaders());
public function testWithoutHeaderThatDoesNotExist(): void
$response = new Response(200, ['Baz' => 'Bam']);
$response2 = $response->withoutHeader('foO');
static::assertSame($response, $response2);
static::assertSame(['Baz' => ['Bam']], $response2->getHeaders());
public function testSameInstanceWhenRemovingMissingHeader(): void
$response = new Response();
static::assertSame($response, $response->withoutHeader('foo'));
public function testHeaderValuesAreTrimmed(): void
$response1 = new Response(200, ['OWS' => " \t \tFoo\t \t "]);
$response2 = (new Response())->withHeader('OWS', " \t \tFoo\t \t ");
$response3 = (new Response())->withAddedHeader('OWS', " \t \tFoo\t \t ");
foreach ([$response1, $response2, $response3] as $response) {
static::assertSame(['OWS' => ['Foo']], $response->getHeaders());
static::assertSame('Foo', $response->getHeaderLine('OWS'));
static::assertSame(['Foo'], $response->getHeader('OWS'));
----------- end diff -----------
4) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Tests/UploadedFileTest.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'wb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+w');
@@ @@
$body = 'Foo bar!';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'Foo bar!';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'Foo bar!';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'Foo bar!';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
\fwrite($stream, $body);
\fseek($stream, 0);
$stream = new Stream($stream);
$upload = new UploadedFile($stream, 0, \UPLOAD_ERR_OK);
$this->cleanup[] = $to = \tempnam(\sys_get_temp_dir(), 'diac');
public function nonOkErrorStatus()
return [
* @dataProvider nonOkErrorStatus
* @param mixed $status
public function testConstructorDoesNotRaiseExceptionForInvalidStreamWhenErrorStatusPresent($status): void
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile('not ok', 0, $status);
static::assertSame($status, $uploadedFile->getError());
* @dataProvider nonOkErrorStatus
* @param mixed $status
public function testMoveToRaisesExceptionWhenErrorStatusPresent($status): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('upload error');
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile('not ok', 0, $status);
$uploadedFile->moveTo(__DIR__ . '/' . \uniqid('', true));
* @dataProvider nonOkErrorStatus
* @param mixed $status
public function testGetStreamRaisesExceptionWhenErrorStatusPresent($status): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('upload error');
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile('not ok', 0, $status);
public function testMoveToCreatesStreamIfOnlyAFilenameWasProvided(): void
$this->cleanup[] = $from = \tempnam(\sys_get_temp_dir(), 'copy_from');
$this->cleanup[] = $to = \tempnam(\sys_get_temp_dir(), 'copy_to');
\copy(__FILE__, $from);
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile($from, 100, \UPLOAD_ERR_OK, \basename($from), 'text/plain');
static::assertFileEquals(__FILE__, $to);
----------- end diff -----------
5) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Tests/RequestTest.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
- $body = FnStream::decorate(new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+')), [
+ $body = FnStream::decorate(new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r')), [
'__toString' => function () use (&$streamIsRead) {
$streamIsRead = true;
return '';
$request = new Request('/', 'GET', [], $body);
static::assertSame($body, $request->getBody());
public function testEmptyRequestHostEmptyUriHostPreserveHostFalse(): void
$uri = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
$requestAfterUri = $this->getEmptyHostHeader()->withUri($uri);
static::assertEquals('', $requestAfterUri->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testEmptyRequestHostEmptyUriHostPreserveHostTrue(): void
$requestAfterUri = $this->getEmptyHostHeader()->withUri($this->mock(UriInterface::class), true);
static::assertEquals('', $requestAfterUri->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testEmptyRequestHostDefaultUriHostPreserveHostFalse(): void
$uri = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
$requestAfterUri = (new Request($uri))->withUri($this->getDefaultUriHost());
static::assertEquals('', $requestAfterUri->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testEmptyRequestHostDefaultUriHostPreserveHostTrue(): void
$uri = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
$requestAfterUri = (new Request($uri))->withUri($this->getDefaultUriHost());
static::assertEquals('', $requestAfterUri->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testDefaultRequestHostEmptyUriHostPreserveHostFalse(): void
$uri = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
/** @var Request $request */
$request = (new Request($uri))->withHeader('Host', '');
$requestAfterUri = $request->withUri($uri, false);
static::assertEquals('', $requestAfterUri->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testDefaultRequestHostEmptyUriHostPreserveHostTrue(): void
$uri = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
/** @var Request $request */
$request = (new Request($uri))->withHeader('Host', '');
$requestAfterUri = $request->withUri($uri, true);
static::assertEquals('', $requestAfterUri->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testDefaultRequestHostDefaultUriHostPreserveHostFalse(): void
$uri = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
$request = (new Request($uri))->withHeader('Host', '');
$requestAfterUri = $request->withUri($this->getDefaultUriHost(), false);
static::assertEquals('', $requestAfterUri->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testDefaultRequestHostDefaultUriHostPreserveHostTrue(): void
$uri = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
$request = (new Request($uri))->withHeader('Host', '');
$requestAfterUri = $request->withUri($this->getDefaultUriHost(), true);
static::assertEquals('', $requestAfterUri->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testURIPortIsIgnoredIfHostIsEmpty(): void
$uri = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
$request = (new Request($uri))->withHeader('Host', '');
$requestAfterUri = $request->withUri($this->getDefaultUriHost(), false);
static::assertEquals('', $requestAfterUri->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testURIPortIsUsedForBuildHostHeader(): void
$uri = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
$request = (new Request($uri))->withHeader('Host', '');
$requestAfterUri = $request->withUri($this->getDefaultUriHostAndPort(), false);
static::assertEquals('', $requestAfterUri->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testHostHeaderSetFromUriOnCreationIfNoHostHeaderSpecified(): void
$request = new Request('');
static::assertEquals('', $request->getHeaderLine('host'));
public function testHostHeaderNotSetFromUriOnCreationIfHostHeaderSpecified(): void
$request = new Request('', null, ['Host' => ''], 'php://memory');
static::assertEquals('', $request->getHeaderLine('host'));
public function testRequestUriMayBeString(): void
$request = new Request('/', 'GET');
static::assertEquals('/', (string) $request->getUri());
public function testRequestUriMayBeUri(): void
$uri = Uri::createFromString('/');
$request = new Request($uri, 'GET');
static::assertSame($uri, $request->getUri());
public function testValidateRequestUri(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid URI: The submitted uri `///` is invalid for the following scheme(s): `http, https`');
new Request('///', 'GET');
public function testWithNotValidMethodRequest(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unsupported HTTP method [BOGUS METHOD].');
new Request('/', 'BOGUS METHOD');
* @dataProvider customRequestMethods
* @param mixed $method
public function testAllowsCustomRequestMethodsThatFollowSpec($method): void
$request = new Request(null, $method);
static::assertSame($method, $request->getMethod());
public function customRequestMethods()
// WebDAV methods
'TRACE' => ['TRACE'],
'MKCOL' => ['MKCOL'],
'COPY' => ['COPY'],
'MOVE' => ['MOVE'],
'LOCK' => ['LOCK'],
// Arbitrary methods
'#!ALPHA-1234&%' => ['#!ALPHA-1234&%'],
public function testCanConstructWithBody(): void
$request = new Request('/', 'GET', [], 'baz');
static::assertInstanceOf(StreamInterface::class, $request->getBody());
static::assertEquals('baz', (string) $request->getBody());
public function testNullBody(): void
$request = new Request('/', 'GET', [], null);
static::assertInstanceOf(StreamInterface::class, $request->getBody());
static::assertSame('', (string) $request->getBody());
public function testFalseyBody(): void
$request = new Request('/', 'GET', [], '0');
static::assertInstanceOf(StreamInterface::class, $request->getBody());
static::assertSame('0', (string) $request->getBody());
public function testCapitalizesMethod(): void
$request = new Request('/', 'get');
static::assertEquals('GET', $request->getMethod());
public function testCapitalizesWithMethod(): void
$request = new Request('/', 'GET');
static::assertEquals('PUT', $request->withMethod('put')->getMethod());
public function testWithUri(): void
$request1 = new Request('/', 'GET');
$uri1 = $request1->getUri();
$uri2 = Uri::createFromString('');
$request2 = $request1->withUri($uri2);
static::assertNotSame($request1, $request2);
static::assertSame($uri2, $request2->getUri());
static::assertSame($uri1, $request1->getUri());
public function testSameInstanceWhenSameUri(): void
$request1 = new Request('', 'GET');
$request2 = $request1->withUri($request1->getUri());
static::assertSame($request1, $request2);
public function testWithRequestTarget(): void
$request1 = new Request('/', 'GET');
$request2 = $request1->withRequestTarget('*');
static::assertEquals('*', $request2->getRequestTarget());
static::assertEquals('/', $request1->getRequestTarget());
public function testWithRequestNullUri(): void
$request = new Request(null, 'GET');
static::assertEquals('/', $request->getRequestTarget());
public function testRequestToThrowException(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid URI provided; must be null, a string or a [\\Psr\\Http\\Message\\UriInterface] instance.');
new Request(new stdClass(), 'GET');
public function testRequestTargetDoesNotAllowSpaces(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid request target provided; cannot contain whitespace');
$request1 = new Request('/', 'GET');
$request1->withRequestTarget('/foo bar');
public function testRequestTargetDefaultsToSlash(): void
$request1 = new Request('', 'GET');
static::assertEquals('/', $request1->getRequestTarget());
$request2 = new Request('*', 'GET');
static::assertEquals('*', $request2->getRequestTarget());
$request3 = new Request(' baz/', 'GET');
static::assertEquals('/bar%20baz/', $request3->getRequestTarget());
public function testBuildsRequestTarget(): void
$request1 = new Request('', 'GET');
static::assertEquals('/baz?bar=bam', $request1->getRequestTarget());
public function testBuildsRequestTargetWithFalseyQuery(): void
$request1 = new Request('', 'GET');
static::assertEquals('/baz?0', $request1->getRequestTarget());
public function testHostIsAddedFirst(): void
$request = new Request('', 'GET', ['Foo' => 'Bar']);
'Host' => [''],
'Foo' => ['Bar'],
], $request->getHeaders());
public function testCanGetHeaderAsCsv(): void
$request = new Request('', 'GET', [
'Foo' => ['a', 'b', 'c'],
static::assertEquals('a,b,c', $request->getHeaderLine('Foo'));
static::assertEquals('', $request->getHeaderLine('Bar'));
public function testHostIsNotOverwrittenWhenPreservingHost(): void
$request = new Request('', 'GET', ['Host' => '']);
static::assertEquals(['Host' => ['']], $request->getHeaders());
$request2 = $request->withUri(Uri::createFromString(''), true);
static::assertEquals('', $request2->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testOverridesHostWithUri(): void
$request = new Request('', 'GET');
static::assertEquals(['Host' => ['']], $request->getHeaders());
$request2 = $request->withUri(Uri::createFromString(''));
static::assertEquals('', $request2->getHeaderLine('Host'));
public function testAggregatesHeaders(): void
$request = new Request('', 'GET', [
'ZOO' => 'zoobar',
'zoo' => ['foobar', 'zoobar'],
static::assertEquals(['ZOO' => ['zoobar', 'foobar', 'zoobar']], $request->getHeaders());
static::assertEquals('zoobar,foobar,zoobar', $request->getHeaderLine('zoo'));
public function testAddsPortToHeader(): void
$request = new Request('', 'GET');
static::assertEquals('', $request->getHeaderLine('host'));
public function testAddsPortToHeaderAndReplacePreviousPort(): void
$request = new Request('', 'GET');
$request = $request->withUri(Uri::createFromString(''));
static::assertEquals('', $request->getHeaderLine('host'));
private function getEmptyHostHeader()
$emptyHostHeaderMockUri = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
return new Request($emptyHostHeaderMockUri);
private function getDefaultUriHost()
$defaultUriHost = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
return $defaultUriHost;
private function getDefaultUriHostAndPort()
$defaultUriHostAndPort = $this->mock(UriInterface::class);
return $defaultUriHostAndPort;
----------- end diff -----------
6) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Tests/UtilTest.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
$body = 'foobaz';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'foobaz';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'foobaz';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
\fwrite($stream, $body);
\fseek($stream, 0);
$s1 = new Stream($stream);
- $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+'));
+ $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r'));
Util::copyToStream($s1, $s2);
static::assertEquals('foobaz', (string) $s2);
- $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+'));
+ $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r'));
@@ @@
- $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+'));
+ $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r'));
@@ @@
$body = 'foobaz';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
\fwrite($stream, $body);
\fseek($stream, 0);
$s1 = new Stream($stream);
- $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+'));
+ $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r'));
@@ @@
$body = 'foobaz';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
\fwrite($stream, $body);
\fseek($stream, 0);
$s1 = new Stream($stream);
- $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+'));
+ $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r'));
@@ @@
$body = 'foobaz';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
- $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+'));
+ $s2 = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r'));
Util::copyToStream($s1, $s2, 10);
static::assertEquals('', (string) $s2);
public function testOpensFilesSuccessfully(): void
$r = Util::tryFopen(__FILE__, 'r');
static::assertInternalType('resource', $r);
public function testThrowsExceptionNotWarning(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unable to open [/path/to/does/not/exist] using mode r');
Util::tryFopen('/path/to/does/not/exist', 'r');
* @return array
public function dataNormalizeFiles(): array
return [
'Single file' => [
'file' => [
'name' => 'MyFile.txt',
'type' => 'text/plain',
'tmp_name' => '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o',
'error' => '0',
'size' => '123',
'file' => new UploadedFile(
'Empty file' => [
'image_file' => [
'name' => '',
'type' => '',
'tmp_name' => '',
'error' => '4',
'size' => '0',
'image_file' => new UploadedFile(
'Already Converted' => [
'file' => new UploadedFile(
'file' => new UploadedFile(
'Already Converted array' => [
'file' => [
new UploadedFile(
new UploadedFile(
'file' => [
new UploadedFile(
new UploadedFile(
'Multiple files' => [
'text_file' => [
'name' => 'MyFile.txt',
'type' => 'text/plain',
'tmp_name' => '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o',
'error' => '0',
'size' => '123',
'image_file' => [
'name' => '',
'type' => '',
'tmp_name' => '',
'error' => '4',
'size' => '0',
'text_file' => new UploadedFile(
'image_file' => new UploadedFile(
'Nested files' => [
'file' => [
'name' => [
0 => 'MyFile.txt',
1 => 'Image.png',
'type' => [
0 => 'text/plain',
1 => 'image/png',
'tmp_name' => [
0 => '/tmp/php/hp9hskjhf',
1 => '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o',
'error' => [
0 => '0',
1 => '0',
'size' => [
0 => '123',
1 => '7349',
'nested' => [
'name' => [
'other' => 'Flag.txt',
'test' => [
0 => 'Stuff.txt',
1 => '',
'type' => [
'other' => 'text/plain',
'test' => [
0 => 'text/plain',
1 => '',
'tmp_name' => [
'other' => '/tmp/php/hp9hskjhf',
'test' => [
0 => '/tmp/php/asifu2gp3',
1 => '',
'error' => [
'other' => '0',
'test' => [
0 => '0',
1 => '4',
'size' => [
'other' => '421',
'test' => [
0 => '32',
1 => '0',
'file' => [
0 => new UploadedFile(
1 => new UploadedFile(
'nested' => [
'other' => new UploadedFile(
'test' => [
0 => new UploadedFile(
1 => new UploadedFile(
* @dataProvider dataNormalizeFiles
* @param mixed $files
* @param mixed $expected
public function testNormalizeFiles($files, $expected): void
static::assertEquals($expected, Util::normalizeFiles($files));
public function testNormalizeFilesRaisesException(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid value in files specification');
Util::normalizeFiles(['test' => 'something']);
public function testFlatFile(): void
$files = [
'avatar' => [
'tmp_name' => 'phpUxcOty',
'name' => 'my-avatar.png',
'size' => 90996,
'type' => 'image/png',
'error' => 0,
$normalised = Util::normalizeFiles($files);
static::assertCount(1, $normalised);
static::assertInstanceOf(UploadedFileInterface::class, $normalised['avatar']);
static::assertEquals('my-avatar.png', $normalised['avatar']->getClientFilename());
public function testNestedFile(): void
$files = [
'my-form' => [
'details' => [
'avatar' => [
'tmp_name' => 'phpUxcOty',
'name' => 'my-avatar.png',
'size' => 90996,
'type' => 'image/png',
'error' => 0,
$normalised = Util::normalizeFiles($files);
static::assertCount(1, $normalised);
static::assertEquals('my-avatar.png', $normalised['my-form']['details']['avatar']->getClientFilename());
public function testNumericIndexedFiles(): void
$files = [
'my-form' => [
'details' => [
'avatars' => [
'tmp_name' => [
0 => 'abc123',
1 => 'duck123',
2 => 'goose123',
'name' => [
0 => 'file1.txt',
1 => 'file2.txt',
2 => 'file3.txt',
'size' => [
0 => 100,
1 => 240,
2 => 750,
'type' => [
0 => 'plain/txt',
1 => 'image/jpg',
2 => 'image/png',
'error' => [
0 => 0,
1 => 0,
2 => 0,
$normalised = Util::normalizeFiles($files);
static::assertCount(3, $normalised['my-form']['details']['avatars']);
static::assertEquals('file1.txt', $normalised['my-form']['details']['avatars'][0]->getClientFilename());
static::assertEquals('file2.txt', $normalised['my-form']['details']['avatars'][1]->getClientFilename());
static::assertEquals('file3.txt', $normalised['my-form']['details']['avatars'][2]->getClientFilename());
* This case covers upfront numeric index which moves the tmp_name/size/etc fields further up the array tree.
public function testNumericFirstIndexedFiles(): void
$files = [
'slide-shows' => [
'tmp_name' => [
// Note: Nesting *under* tmp_name/etc
0 => [
'slides' => [
0 => '/tmp/phpYzdqkD',
1 => '/tmp/phpYzdfgh',
'error' => [
0 => [
'slides' => [
0 => 0,
1 => 0,
'name' => [
0 => [
'slides' => [
0 => 'foo.txt',
1 => 'bar.txt',
'size' => [
0 => [
'slides' => [
0 => 123,
1 => 200,
'type' => [
0 => [
'slides' => [
0 => 'text/plain',
1 => 'text/plain',
$normalised = Util::normalizeFiles($files);
static::assertCount(2, $normalised['slide-shows'][0]['slides']);
static::assertEquals('foo.txt', $normalised['slide-shows'][0]['slides'][0]->getClientFilename());
static::assertEquals('bar.txt', $normalised['slide-shows'][0]['slides'][1]->getClientFilename());
----------- end diff -----------
7) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Tests/StreamTest.php (fopen_flag_order, fopen_flags)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
- $handle = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $handle = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
- $handle = \fopen('php://temp', 'wb+');
+ $handle = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+w');
@@ @@
- $handle = \fopen('php://temp', 'wb+');
+ $handle = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+w');
@@ @@
- $handle = \fopen('php://temp', 'wb+');
+ $handle = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+w');
@@ @@
- $h = \fopen('php://temp', 'wb+');
+ $h = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+w');
@@ @@
- $handle = \fopen('php://temp', 'wb+');
+ $handle = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+w');
@@ @@
$body = 'foo';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
- $fileStream = new Stream(\fopen(__FILE__, 'r'));
+ $fileStream = new Stream(\fopen(__FILE__, 'rb'));
static::assertFalse(NSA::invokeMethod($fileStream, 'isPipe'));
public function testIsPipeReadable(): void
$stream = new Stream($this->pipeFh);
public function testPipeIsNotSeekable(): void
$stream = new Stream($this->pipeFh);
public function testCannotSeekPipe(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Stream is not seekable.');
$stream = new Stream($this->pipeFh);
public function testCannotTellPipe(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unable to determine stream position.');
$stream = new Stream($this->pipeFh);
public function testCannotRewindPipe(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Stream is not seekable.');
$stream = new Stream($this->pipeFh);
public function testPipeGetSizeYieldsNull(): void
$stream = new Stream($this->pipeFh);
public function testClosePipe(): void
$stream = new Stream($this->pipeFh);
\stream_get_contents($this->pipeFh); // prevent broken pipe error message
$this->pipeFh = null;
static::assertFalse(NSA::invokeMethod($stream, 'isPipe'));
public function testPipeToString(): void
$stream = new Stream($this->pipeFh);
static::assertSame("Could not open input file: StreamTest.php\n", $stream->__toString());
public function testPipeGetContents(): void
$stream = new Stream($this->pipeFh);
$contents = \trim($stream->getContents());
static::assertSame('Could not open input file: StreamTest.php', $contents);
private static function assertStreamStateAfterClosedOrDetached(Stream $stream): void
static::assertSame([], $stream->getMetadata());
$throws = function (callable $fn): void {
try {
} catch (Throwable $e) {
static::assertContains('Stream is detached', $e->getMessage());
static::fail('Exception should be thrown after the stream is detached.');
$throws(function () use ($stream): void {
$throws(function () use ($stream): void {
$throws(function () use ($stream): void {
$throws(function () use ($stream): void {
$throws(function () use ($stream): void {
$throws(function () use ($stream): void {
\set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
if ($errno === \E_USER_ERROR) {
static::assertContains('::__toString exception: ', $errstr);
return '';
static::assertSame('', (string) $stream);
namespace Viserio\Component\Http;
use Viserio\Component\Http\Tests\StreamTest;
function fread($handle, $length)
return StreamTest::$isFreadError ? false : \fread($handle, $length);
----------- end diff -----------
8) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Tests/Stream/FnStreamTest.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
$body = 'foo';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'foo';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
\fwrite($stream, $body);
\fseek($stream, 0);
$stream1 = new Stream($stream);
$stream2 = FnStream::decorate($stream1, [
'read' => function ($len) use (&$called, $stream1) {
$called = true;
return $stream1->read($len);
static::assertEquals('foo', $stream2->read(3));
----------- end diff -----------
9) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Tests/Stream/LimitStreamTest.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
$body = 'foo';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'foo_baz_bar';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
- new LimitStream(new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+')), 0, 10);
+ new LimitStream(new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r')), 0, 10);
public function testReturnsSubsetOfEmptyBodyWhenCastToString(): void
$body = '01234567891234';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = '0123456789abcdef';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'foo_bar';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'foo_bar';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'foobazbar';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
$body = 'foo_bar';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
\fwrite($stream, $body);
\fseek($stream, 0);
$a = new Stream($stream);
$b = new LimitStream($a, -1, 4);
static::assertEquals(3, $b->getSize());
----------- end diff -----------
10) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Tests/Stream/NoSeekStreamTest.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
$body = 'foo';
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
\fwrite($stream, $body);
\fseek($stream, 0);
$s = new Stream($stream);
$wrapped = new NoSeekStream($s);
static::assertEquals('oo', (string) $wrapped);
----------- end diff -----------
11) src/Viserio/Component/Http/AbstractMessage.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
if (empty($this->stream)) {
- $this->stream = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+'));
+ $this->stream = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r'));
@@ @@
if (\is_string($body)) {
- $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'rb+');
+ $stream = \fopen('php://temp', 'b+r');
@@ @@
if ($type === 'NULL') {
- return new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+'));
+ return new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r'));
if ($type === 'resource') {
return new Stream($body);
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid resource type: ' . \gettype($body));
* Validate the HTTP protocol version.
* @param string $version
* @throws \Viserio\Component\Contract\Http\Exception\InvalidArgumentException on invalid HTTP protocol version
* @return void
private function validateProtocolVersion(string $version): void
if ($version === '') {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf(
'HTTP protocol version can not be empty'
if (! isset(self::$validProtocolVersions[$version])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid HTTP version. Must be one of: '
. \implode(', ', \array_keys(self::$validProtocolVersions))
* Check all header values and header name.
* @param string $header
* @param array|string $value
* @throws \Viserio\Component\Contract\Http\Exception\UnexpectedValueException
* @return array
private function checkHeaderData(string $header, $value): array
if (\is_string($value)) {
$value = [$value];
if (! $this->arrayContainsOnlyStrings($value)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException(
'Invalid header value; must be a string or array of strings.'
return $this->trimHeaderValues($value);
* Test that an array contains only strings.
* @param array $array
* @return bool
private function arrayContainsOnlyStrings(array $array): bool
// Test if a value is a string.
$filterStringValue = function (bool $carry, $item) {
if (! \is_string($item)) {
return false;
return $carry;
return \array_reduce($array, $filterStringValue, true);
* Assert that the provided header values are valid.
* @see
* @param array $values
* @throws \Viserio\Component\Contract\Http\Exception\UnexpectedValueException
* @return void
private function assertValidHeaderValue(array $values): void
/** @var callable $callback */
$callback = __NAMESPACE__ . '\HeaderSecurity::assertValid';
\array_walk($values, $callback);
* Filter array headers.
* @param array $values
* @return array
private function filterHeaderValue(array $values): array
$values = \array_filter($values, function ($value) {
return null !== $value;
return \array_map([HeaderSecurity::class, 'filter'], \array_values($values));
* Trims whitespace from the header values.
* Spaces and tabs ought to be excluded by parsers when extracting the field value from a header field.
* header-field = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS
* OWS = *( SP / HTAB )
* @see
* @param array $values Header values
* @return array Trimmed header values
private function trimHeaderValues(array $values): array
return \array_map(function ($value) {
return \trim($value, " \t");
}, $values);
----------- end diff -----------
12) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Response/TextResponse.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
- $body = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'wb+'));
+ $body = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+w'));
return $body;
----------- end diff -----------
13) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Response/HtmlResponse.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
- $body = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'wb+'));
+ $body = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+w'));
return $body;
----------- end diff -----------
14) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Response/XmlResponse.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
- $body = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'wb+'));
+ $body = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+w'));
return $body;
----------- end diff -----------
15) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Response/JsonResponse.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
) {
- $body = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'wb+'));
+ $body = new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+w'));
$body->write($this->jsonEncode($data, $encodingOptions));
$headers = $this->injectContentType('application/json; charset=' . ($charset ?? 'utf-8'), $headers);
parent::__construct($status, $headers, $body, $version);
* Encode the provided data to JSON.
* @param mixed $data
* @param int $encodingOptions
* @throws \Viserio\Component\Contract\Http\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \Viserio\Component\Contract\Http\Exception\RuntimeException if unable to encode the $data to JSON
* @return string
private function jsonEncode($data, $encodingOptions): string
if (\is_resource($data)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot JSON encode resources.');
// Clear json_last_error()
$json = \json_encode($data, $encodingOptions);
if (\JSON_ERROR_NONE !== \json_last_error()) {
throw new RuntimeException(\sprintf(
'Unable to encode data to JSON in %s: %s',
return $json;
----------- end diff -----------
16) src/Viserio/Component/Http/Response/RedirectResponse.php (fopen_flag_order)
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
- parent::__construct($status, $headers, new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'rb+')), $version);
+ parent::__construct($status, $headers, new Stream(\fopen('php://temp', 'b+r')), $version);
----------- end diff -----------
Checked all files in 4.769 seconds, 16.000 MB memory used
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