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Created February 2, 2021 07:10
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using world size: 1, data-parallel-size: 1, tensor-model-parallel size: 1, pipeline-model-parallel size: 1
using torch.float16 for parameters ...
------------------------ arguments ------------------------
adam_beta1 ...................................... 0.9
adam_beta2 ...................................... 0.999
adam_eps ........................................ 1e-08
adlr_autoresume ................................. False
adlr_autoresume_interval ........................ 1000
apply_query_key_layer_scaling ................... True
apply_residual_connection_post_layernorm ........ False
attention_dropout ............................... 0.1
attention_softmax_in_fp32 ....................... False
bert_load ....................................... None
bias_dropout_fusion ............................. True
bias_gelu_fusion ................................ True
block_data_path ................................. None
checkpoint_activations .......................... True
checkpoint_num_layers ........................... 1
clip_grad ....................................... 1.0
consumed_train_samples .......................... 0
consumed_valid_samples .......................... 0
data_impl ....................................... infer
data_parallel_size .............................. 1
data_path ....................................... ['my-bert_text_sentence']
DDP_impl ........................................ local
distribute_checkpointed_activations ............. False
distributed_backend ............................. nccl
eod_mask_loss ................................... False
eval_interval ................................... 100
eval_iters ...................................... 10
exit_duration_in_mins ........................... None
exit_interval ................................... None
faiss_use_gpu ................................... False
finetune ........................................ False
fp16 ............................................ True
fp16_lm_cross_entropy ........................... False
fp32_allreduce .................................. False
fp32_residual_connection ........................ False
global_batch_size ............................... 8
hidden_dropout .................................. 0.1
hidden_size ..................................... 1024
hysteresis ...................................... 2
ict_head_size ................................... None
ict_load ........................................ None
indexer_batch_size .............................. 128
indexer_log_interval ............................ 1000
init_method_std ................................. 0.02
initial_loss_scale .............................. 4294967296
layernorm_epsilon ............................... 1e-05
lazy_mpu_init ................................... None
load ............................................ checkpoints/bert_345m
local_rank ...................................... None
log_interval .................................... 10
loss_scale ...................................... None
loss_scale_window ............................... 1000
lr .............................................. 0.0001
lr_decay_iters .................................. 990000
lr_decay_samples ................................ None
lr_decay_style .................................. linear
lr_warmup_fraction .............................. 0.01
lr_warmup_iters ................................. 0
lr_warmup_samples ............................... 0
make_vocab_size_divisible_by .................... 128
mask_prob ....................................... 0.15
max_position_embeddings ......................... 512
merge_file ...................................... None
micro_batch_size ................................ 4
min_loss_scale .................................. 1.0
min_lr .......................................... 1e-05
mmap_warmup ..................................... False
no_load_optim ................................... False
no_load_rng ..................................... False
no_save_optim ................................... False
no_save_rng ..................................... False
num_attention_heads ............................. 16
num_layers ...................................... 24
num_workers ..................................... 2
onnx_safe ....................................... None
openai_gelu ..................................... False
override_lr_scheduler ........................... False
params_dtype .................................... torch.float16
pipeline_model_parallel_size .................... 1
query_in_block_prob ............................. 0.1
rampup_batch_size ............................... None
rank ............................................ 0
report_topk_accuracies .......................... []
reset_attention_mask ............................ False
reset_position_ids .............................. False
save ............................................ checkpoints/bert_345m
save_interval ................................... 500
scaled_masked_softmax_fusion .................... False
scaled_upper_triang_masked_softmax_fusion ....... False
seed ............................................ 1234
seq_length ...................................... 512
short_seq_prob .................................. 0.1
split ........................................... 34,33,33
tensor_model_parallel_size ...................... 1
tensorboard_dir ................................. None
titles_data_path ................................ None
tokenizer_type .................................. BertWordPieceLowerCase
train_iters ..................................... 2000000
train_samples ................................... None
use_checkpoint_lr_scheduler ..................... False
use_cpu_initialization .......................... False
use_one_sent_docs ............................... False
vocab_file ...................................... bert-vocab.txt
weight_decay .................................... 0.01
world_size ...................................... 1
-------------------- end of arguments ---------------------
setting number of micro-batches to constant 2
> building BertWordPieceLowerCase tokenizer ...
> padded vocab (size: 13) with 115 dummy tokens (new size: 128)
> initializing torch distributed ...
> initializing tensor model parallel with size 1
> initializing pipeline model parallel with size 1
> setting random seeds to 1234 ...
> initializing model parallel cuda seeds on global rank 0, model parallel rank 0, and data parallel rank 0 with model parallel seed: 3952 and data parallel seed: 1234
time to initialize megatron (seconds): 10.515
[after megatron is initialized] datetime: 2021-02-01 23:08:58
building BERT model ...
> number of parameters on (tensor, pipeline) model parallel rank (0, 0): 305072258
> learning rate decay style: linear
WARNING: could not find the metadata file checkpoints/bert_345m/latest_checkpointed_iteration.txt
will not load any checkpoints and will start from random
time (ms) | load checkpoint: 0.10
[after model, optimizer, and learning rate scheduler are built] datetime: 2021-02-01 23:08:58
> building train, validation, and test datasets ...
> datasets target sizes (minimum size):
train: 16000000
validation: 1600080
test: 80
> building train, validation, and test datasets for BERT ...
> building dataset index ...
reading sizes...
reading pointers...
reading document index...
creating numpy buffer of mmap...
creating memory view of numpy buffer...
> finished creating indexed dataset in 0.000763 seconds
> indexed dataset stats:
number of documents: 2
number of sentences: 2
> dataset split:
document indices in [0, 0) total of 0 documents
sentence indices in [0, 0) total of 0 sentences
document indices in [0, 1) total of 1 documents
sentence indices in [0, 1) total of 1 sentences
document indices in [1, 2) total of 1 documents
sentence indices in [1, 2) total of 1 sentences
> WARNING: could not find index map file my-bert_text_sentence_valid_indexmap_1600080mns_512msl_0.10ssp_1234s.npy, building the indices on rank 0 ...
> building sapmles index mapping for valid ...
using uint32 for data mapping...
number of documents: 1
sentences range: [0, 1)
total number of sentences: 1
number of epochs: 2147483646
maximum number of samples: 1600080
maximum sequence length: 509
short sequence probability: 0.1
short sequence ration (1/prob): 10
seed: 1234
number of empty documents: 0
number of documents with one sentence: 1
number of documents with long sentences: 0
will create mapping for 0 samples
> done building sapmles index maping
> saved the index mapping in my-bert_text_sentence_valid_indexmap_1600080mns_512msl_0.10ssp_1234s.npy
> elasped time to build and save samples mapping (seconds): 14.715124
> loading indexed mapping from my-bert_text_sentence_valid_indexmap_1600080mns_512msl_0.10ssp_1234s.npy
loaded indexed file in 0.001 seconds
total number of samples: 0
> WARNING: could not find index map file my-bert_text_sentence_test_indexmap_80mns_512msl_0.10ssp_1234s.npy, building the indices on rank 0 ...
> building sapmles index mapping for test ...
using uint32 for data mapping...
number of documents: 1
sentences range: [1, 2)
total number of sentences: 1
number of epochs: 2147483646
maximum number of samples: 80
maximum sequence length: 509
short sequence probability: 0.1
short sequence ration (1/prob): 10
seed: 1234
number of empty documents: 0
number of documents with one sentence: 1
number of documents with long sentences: 0
will create mapping for 0 samples
> done building sapmles index maping
> saved the index mapping in my-bert_text_sentence_test_indexmap_80mns_512msl_0.10ssp_1234s.npy
> elasped time to build and save samples mapping (seconds): 14.168460
> loading indexed mapping from my-bert_text_sentence_test_indexmap_80mns_512msl_0.10ssp_1234s.npy
loaded indexed file in 0.001 seconds
total number of samples: 0
> finished creating BERT datasets ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 155, in <module>
args_defaults={'tokenizer_type': 'BertWordPieceLowerCase'})
File "/data/users/pritam/Megatron-LM/megatron/", line 116, in pretrain
File "/data/users/pritam/Megatron-LM/megatron/", line 1000, in build_train_valid_test_data_iterators
valid_ds, args.consumed_valid_samples)
File "/data/users/pritam/Megatron-LM/megatron/data/", line 38, in build_pretraining_data_loader
File "/data/users/pritam/Megatron-LM/megatron/data/", line 62, in __init__
'no sample to consume: {}'.format(self.total_samples)
AssertionError: no sample to consume: 0
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