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Created November 3, 2022 01:17
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Refine Retries for TaskRuns and CustomRuns

TEP-0121: Refine Retries for TaskRuns and CustomRuns


Two distinct imperfections on Retries we'd like to address in this TEP:

  • Retries on Timeout is designed inconsistently between TaskRun and CustomRun.
    • For CustomRun, the document instructs developers to set Timeout for all retry attempts. While in the actual implementation, it is set for each retry attempt. See the ref.
    • For TaskRun created out for a PipelineTask, the Timeout is set for each retry attempt.
    • For Standalone TaskRun, there's no Retries implemented.
  • Both PipelineRun reconciler and TaskRun|CustomRun reconciler are partially responsible for implementing the Retries as of today. See tektoncd/pipeline#5248.


  1. Timeout must be set for each retry attempt in the four runtime objects (independent TaskRun, TaskRun part of a Pipeline, independent CustomRun, CustomRun part of a Pipeline) that support Retries including no Timeout (Timeout set to 0).
  2. TaskRun reconciler which is part of the Tekton Pipeline Controller implements retries for two runtime objects (independent TaskRun and TaskRun part of a Pipeline).


  1. Define retries behavior for PipelineRuns.
  2. The collective timeout for tasks, collective timeout for finally tasks, and the timeout at the pipeline level does not change.

Use Cases

Retry when Timeout

The behavior alignment improves UX. Considering the following example:

kind: Pipeline
  name: custom-task-pipeline
  - name: task-run-example
      name: task-run-example
    retries: 1
    timeout: "10s"
  - name: custom-run-example
      kind: Example
    retries: 1
    timeout: "10s"

Say customers define two child resources within a PipelineRun:

  • task-run-example
  • custom-run-example

They set both retries and timeout for the two resources, under the current implementation, the two runtime objects behave differently, which is not intuitive.

  • task-run-example will be retried once after 10s.
  • custom-run-example will be timed out after 10s. But if the corresponding CustomRun controller implements retries for each attempt, like in TaskRuns, instead of for all attempts per the documented guidance, then the custom-run-example would be retried once after 10s, working similarly to the task-run-example.

Retry TaskRun Independently

As a standalone runtime object, TaskRuns can be used independently (outside of a PipelineRun) in production environment, here are several use cases:

Transient errors are everywhere especially in the Cloud Environment, services can be down for a short period of time making the entire TaskRun fails. explains how common the transient errors are in the Cloud env.

With retries supported, customers are able to write robust TaskRuns to support such use cases.

Related Work

In this section, we'd like to compare the general retry strategy in the CI/CD industry, particularly, compare if they retry when timeout (where there are deviation between CustomRun and TaskRun). So that we can decide if we'd like to specify retries for all retry attempts or for each individual retry in both CustomRun and TaskRun.

Typically, a retry strategy includes:

  1. When to retry
  2. The amount of attempts
  3. Actions to take after a failed attempt
  4. Timeout of each attempt
  5. Retry until a certain condition is met
Retry Action in GA GitLab Job Ansible Task Concourse Step
When to Retry on failure configurable always retry, conditional stop 1 configurable
Attempts amount supported supported supported supported
Timeout for each attempt supported supported supported supported
Timeout for all attempts supported - - -

Several observations regarding to the feature table above:

  • We can configure timeout duration per attempt in all CI systems that support the retry functionality.
  • GitHub Action doesn't support retry natively, but because the flexibility of customized actions, some users write their own retry action to make it work, and those customized actions even support what to do before retrying a failed attempt.
  • Concourse mentioned the reason it retries per attempt is somewhat arbitrary.

Options Under Consideration

No matter how we implement the retry functionality, we propose to set Timeout for each retry attempt. This is propsed based on the existing behavior and the investigation about other CI/CD systems, see related work.

Option 1: Implement retries for Standalone TaskRun

  • Stop relying on len(retriesStatus) to determine whether a TaskRun or CustomRun finishes, use ConditionSucceeded & ConditionFalse & Reason=="TimedOut" instead.
  • Retries and Timeout are passed from PipelineTask to TaskRunSpec and CustomRunSpec.

Three sub-options about the way to implement retriesStatus:

  • 1.a: Update retriesStatus for each retry attempt for TaskRun, keep retriesStatus for CustomRun

    • No API change
    • Need to implement a strategy for clients to get the previous pod and read its logs.
  • 1.b: Update retriesStatus for each retry attempt for TaskRun, deprecate retriesStatus for CustomRun

    • No implementation restrictions of retriesStatus for CustomRun
    • Need to implement a strategy for clients to get the previous pod and read its logs.
  • 1.c: Deprecate retriesStatus for both TaskRun and CustomRun, create a new TaskRun for each retry attempt, add a new field RetryAttempts in TaskRunStatusFields to record names of all retry attempts.

    • Easier to retrieve logs from retried TaskRuns.
    • See Appendix - I for more implementation details.


  • Improve Retries implementation separation by making it only a TaskRun concern
  • Consistent interface for retries.
  • Consistent termination condition.
  • No changes to CustomRun API.
  • Standalone TaskRun can retry on its own.


  • Dashboard and CLI may need extra works if we remove retriesStatus.
  • If a CustomRun controller doesn't support retries, it results in a poor user experience since the PipelineRun controller passes retries directly to the CustomRun and expects the CustomRun controller to implement it.

Option 2: Implement retries in PipelineRun

  • Make retries a PipelineRun concern
  • Remove retries from CustomRun spec
  • Move logic for retries to PipelineRun reconciler and create new TaskRuns and Runs at each attempt.
  • Remove retriesStatus from TaskRun & CustomRun


  • Consistent interface for retries
  • Custom task controller developers get a default implementation of retries for free (by embedding in a pipeline)
  • "Pipelines in pipeline" can be retried the same as the other resources
  • Improve the retries of TaskRuns created from PipelineTasks by using separate TaskRuns for each retry
  • No changes to the PipelineRun API (not in the spec at least)
  • No changes to the TaskRun API (not in the spec at least)


  • API Change for Run and CustomRun (need to remove retries & retriesStatus)
    • We are moving Custom Task Run from alpha (Run) to beta (CustomRun) (see TEP-0114), which is a great timing for us to remove fields from Run.
  • Dashboard and CLI may need extra works if we remove retriesStatus
  • Standalone TaskRun can't retry on its own.
  • It's not quite user-friendly if a CustomRun controller implements its own retry strategy, for example:
kind: PipelineRun
  generateName: pr-custom-task-
    - name: wait
      timeout: "1s"
      retries: 1 // The common retries field in the PipelineTask
        specialized-retries: 5 // Specialized retries field in Custom Task Spec.
        other-spec-fields: foobar

The custom task users would be confused about which retries field to use in order to retry a Run.

Other things to be considered

Retry Pipeline-in-pipeline

Retrying pipeline-in-pipeline has a lot of uncertainty, we'd like to use another TEP to confirm it.

One consideration we may want to revisit when designing retry pipeline-in-pipeline: we may want to focus on retrying PipelineRun as a whole, rather than retry some failed child tasks, because the child tasks are retriable as part of a PipelineRun.

What if a CustomRun controller doesn't support retries

If a CustomRun controller doesn't implement retries (such as the wait task under experimental folder), this results in a poor user experience since the pipelinerun controller passes retries directly to the CustomRun and expects the CustomRun controller to implement it.

We've had some discussions in the API WG. We agreed that we expect all CustomRun controller to implement the retries. However, whether they implement it or not is out of our control.


I. Some Implementation Details about Option 1.c

Two API Changes

  1. New Retries field inTaskRunSpec
type TaskRunSpec struct {
  // Retries represents how many times this task should be retried in case of task failure: ConditionSucceeded set to False
  // +optional
  Retries string
  1. New RetryAttempts field in TaskRunStatus
type TaskRunStatusFields struct {
  // RetryAttempts record the names of TaskRuns which are created for retry
  // +optional
  RetryAttempts []string

Two New Labels

Label <retry number> is attached to every TaskRun. For a TaskRun that's not a retry, the retry number will be set as 0. We'll use this this label to decide the value of context.task.retry-count (instead of using len(tr.Status.RetriesStatus) in the current implementation)

Label <parent taskrun name> is attached to each retry TaskRun.

How the Retries Works

Say we submit the following TaskRun:

kind: TaskRun
  name: tr
  labels: 0
  timeout: 1s
  retries: 1
  - status: True
    reason: Unknown

1 second elapsed, TaskRun reconciler needs to retry the TaskRun tr:

  • Create a new TaskRun tr-attempt-1
  • Attach the following labels to the new TaskRun
    • 1
    • tr
  • Add the new TaskRun name to status.retryAttempts of its parent TaskRun.
  • Update the Reason of the Condition as Retrying, keep Status as True.

Now we have two TaskRuns:

kind: TaskRun
  name: tr
  labels: 0
  timeout: 1s
  retries: 1
  - status: True
    reason: Retrying
  - tr-attempt-1
kind: TaskRun
  name: tr-attempt-1
  labels: 1 tr
  timeout: 1s
  retries: 1
  - status: True
    reason: Unknown

1 second elapsed again, tr-attempt-1 is timeout.

In the reconciliation loop of tr-attempt-1, the reconciler checks that the value of is equivalent to Spec.Retries, it updates the Condition of tr-attempt-1 as Status=False, Reason=TimedOut.

Then in the reconciliation loop of tr, the reconciler checks that the last attempt in retryAttempts is tr-attempt-1 and it has already failed on TimedOut, it updates the condition of tr as Status=False, Reason=TimedOut.

kind: TaskRun
  name: tr
  labels: 0
  timeout: 1s
  retries: 1
  - status: False
    reason: TimedOut
  - tr-attempt-1
kind: TaskRun
  name: tr-attempt-1
  labels: 1 tr
  timeout: 1s
  retries: 1
  - status: False
    reason: TimedOut

The relationship of the original TaskRun and TaskRuns created for retry is:

          /                 \
taskRun-attempt-1 ... taskRun-attempt-n




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