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Last active March 29, 2020 12:09
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N Queens
object nqueens1 {
import math._
case class V(x: Int, y: Int) {
def -(v: V): V = V(x - v.x, y - v.y)
def solve(n: Int): List[V] = attempt(n, grid(n), List())
// given an expected queen count, a list of still available squares, and a
// list of queens already found, return a list of additional queens, to
// form a solution together
def attempt(n: Int, available: List[V], queens: List[V]): List[V] =
available match {
// if no squares remain available, return empty list
case Nil =>
// if we only need one more queen, pick an available square, add it,
// and return queens
case c :: rest if queens.size + 1 == n =>
c :: queens
// pick an available square
case c :: rest =>
// remove all squares from availables which this candidate makes invalid
val filtered = rest.filterNot(dropBy(c))
// add candidate to queens and recurse with filtered availables and
// new set of queens
val recurse = attempt(n, filtered, c :: queens)
// check if the recursion returned any solutions, and if so, then
// return it, otherwise try again without this candidate as available
if (!recurse.isEmpty) recurse else attempt(n, rest, queens)
// check if a square is to be dropped from the availables, in relation to a
// candidate
def dropBy(c: V)(v: V): Boolean =
// the square is in the same row or column or diagonal as the candidate
(c - v).x == 0 || (c - v).y == 0 || abs((c - v).x) == abs((c - v).y)
def grid(n: Int): List[V] =
for {
y <- (0 until n).toList
x <- (0 until n).toList
} yield V(x, y)
def print(queens: List[V]): String =
if (queens.isEmpty) "No solutions"
.map(s => if (queens.contains(s)) 'Q' else '.')
.sliding(queens.size, queens.size)
.map(_.mkString(" "))
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