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Created June 7, 2018 22:32
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Just in it's a national need
for responsible and thoughtful
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curation of Indian artifacts.
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And this program is just
over and above setting us up
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for success and those
kinds of things.
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You know it brought us into
this space that was safe
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and it brought us
into this space
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where we may come from different
tribal communities, indigenous,
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but a lot of our world views
and a lot of our values
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are the same.
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And so it made it really easy to
talk about things that we might
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not otherwise want to share and
discuss in a broader context,
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in a larger community.
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I have learned as much
from the cohort members
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I have from the staff.
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OK so Mukurtu it's got a whole
bunch of different elements
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to it that are beneficial
to the community.
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First being that we have a
large segment of our population
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that doesn't live close to
where our territories are,
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where our homelands are, and
so we feel like weohkwebjegen,
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our instance of Mukurtu,
can be used to help
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reach out to people that
live anywhere in the US,
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might be anywhere around
the globe, that they
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can plug-in to our stories
and our history, language,
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through that.
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So really honoring and
upholding what that vision was
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of those who had come
before us, and many
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who are no longer with us, and
really the love that they had
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and the care that
they had to make sure
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that their wisdom
and their knowledge
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and their understanding
was documented.
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But it's not just
enough to document.
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We need to be able
to share that which
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was their original intention.
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So I'll be able, now, to
take those tools to be
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able to complete that circle.
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