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Last active August 19, 2019 01:46
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Compute a plot speed as a function of cadence for different gear ratios
#lang racket/base
(require plot)
; gearing specifications
(define crings (list 36 48))
(define cassette (list 12 13 14 15 17 19 21 23 25))
; wheel circumference in km
(define wheelc (/ 2190 1e6))
(define crange (list 75 95))
; compute the distance traveled per one full rotation of pedals
; assumes non-accelerating motion
; Arguments:
; - circ: wheel circumference
; - front: number of teeth on front chainring
; - rear: number of teeth on rear gear
(define (dist-per-turn circ front rear)
(* circ (/ front rear)))
; speed
(define (calc-speed circ front rear cadence)
(* 60 (* (dist-per-turn circ front rear)
(plot-file (list (axes)
(map (λ (z)
(map (λ (y)
(function (λ (x)
(calc-speed wheelc z y x))
50 115
#:alpha (- 1 (/ y 40))
#:style (cond
[(eq? z (car crings)) 'long-dash]
[else 'solid])))
(lines-interval (list (vector (car crange) 0) (vector (car (cdr crange)) 60))
(list (vector (car crange) 0) (vector (car (cdr crange)) 60))
#:alpha 0.3
#:label "Typical Cadence"))
#:title "Surly Cross-check gearing"
#:x-label "Cadence (rpm)"
#:y-label "Speed (kph)"
#:y-min 15
#:y-max 45
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