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Forked from Goheeca/threads.lisp
Created November 17, 2019 18:35
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Bordeaux Threads test
(require :asdf)
(require :bordeaux-threads)
(defun color-formatter (color)
(format nil "~a[~am~~?~a[m" #\Esc color #\Esc)) ; The formatter function wants a simple-string.
(defun message (color i thread)
(let ((color-format (color-formatter color))
(thread-name (bt:thread-name thread)))
(format t "~&Hello for the ~? time from the ~? thread.~%"
color-format `("~:r" (,i))
color-format `("~a" (,thread-name)))))
(defvar *counter* 0)
(defvar *mod* 1)
(defun message-2 (color i thread)
(declare (ignore thread i))
(format t "~?" (color-formatter color) '("#" nil))
(incf *counter*)
(setf *counter* (mod *counter* *mod*))
(if (zerop *counter*) (format t "~%")))
(defvar *lock* (bt:make-lock "The Output Lock"))
(defun body (color period &aux (i 0))
(incf i)
(sleep period)
(bt:with-lock-held (*lock*)
(message-2 color i (bt:current-thread))
(defvar *periods* '(0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1))
(defvar *colors* '("31;1" "32;1" "34;1" "33;1" "35;1" "36;1"))
(setf *mod* (length *periods*))
(defun main ()
for period in *periods*
and color in *colors*
do (bt:make-thread
(lambda () (body color period))
:name (format nil "~as" period)))
(loop for thread in (bt:all-threads)
do (bt:join-thread thread)))
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