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Created August 11, 2016 19:16
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package org.smpp.client;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.smpp.Data;
import org.smpp.Session;
import org.smpp.TCPIPConnection;
import org.smpp.pdu.Address;
import org.smpp.pdu.AddressRange;
import org.smpp.pdu.BindRequest;
import org.smpp.pdu.BindResponse;
import org.smpp.pdu.BindTransmitter;
import org.smpp.pdu.EnquireLink;
import org.smpp.pdu.EnquireLinkResp;
import org.smpp.pdu.SubmitSM;
import org.smpp.pdu.SubmitSMResp;
import org.smpp.pdu.UnbindResp;
import org.smpp.pdu.WrongLengthOfStringException;
import org.smpp.util.ByteBuffer;
* Class <code>SMPPTest</code> shows how to use the SMPP toolkit.
* You can bound and unbind from the SMSC, you can send every possible
* pdu and wait for a pdu sent from the SMSC.
* @author Logica Mobile Networks SMPP Open Source Team
* @version $Revision: 1.2 $
public class SMPPSender {
* File with default settings for the application.
static String propsFilePath = "./smppsender.cfg";
* This is the SMPP session used for communication with SMSC.
static Session session = null;
* Contains the parameters and default values for this test
* application such as system id, password, default npi and ton
* of sender etc.
Properties properties = new Properties();
* If the application is bound to the SMSC.
boolean bound = false;
* Address of the SMSC.
String ipAddress = null;
* The port number to bind to on the SMSC server.
int port = 0;
* The name which identifies you to SMSC.
String systemId = null;
* The password for authentication to SMSC.
String password = null;
* How you want to bind to the SMSC: transmitter (t), receiver (r) or
* transciever (tr). Transciever can both send messages and receive
* messages. Note, that if you bind as receiver you can still receive
* responses to you requests (submissions).
String bindOption = "t";
* The range of addresses the smpp session will serve.
AddressRange addressRange = new AddressRange();
* for information about these variables have a look in SMPP 3.4
* specification
String systemType = "";
String serviceType = "";
Address sourceAddress = new Address();
Address destAddress = new Address();
String scheduleDeliveryTime = "";
String validityPeriod = "";
String shortMessage = "";
int numberOfDestination = 1;
String messageId = "";
byte esmClass = 0;
byte protocolId = 0;
byte priorityFlag = 0;
byte registeredDelivery = 0;
byte replaceIfPresentFlag = 0;
byte dataCoding = 0;
byte smDefaultMsgId = 0;
* If you attemt to receive message, how long will the application
* wait for data.
long receiveTimeout = Data.RECEIVE_BLOCKING;
* Initialises the application, lods default values for
* connection to SMSC and for various PDU fields.
public SMPPSender() throws IOException {
* Sets global SMPP library debug and event objects.
* Runs the application.
* @see SmppObject#setDebug(Debug)
* @see SmppObject#setEvent(Event)
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Parse the command line
//args=new String[] {"-sender","-senderTon","-senderNpi","-dest","-destination","-message","-file"};
String sender = null;
byte senderTon = (byte) 0;
byte senderNpi = (byte) 0;
String dest = null;
String message = null;
for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
if(args[i].startsWith("-")) {
String opt = args[i].substring(1);
if(opt.compareToIgnoreCase("sender") == 0) {
sender = args[++i];
} else if(opt.compareToIgnoreCase("senderTon") == 0) {
senderTon = Byte.parseByte(args[++i]);
} else if(opt.compareToIgnoreCase("senderNpi") == 0) {
senderNpi = Byte.parseByte(args[++i]);
} else if(opt.compareToIgnoreCase("dest") == 0) {
dest = args[++i];
} else if(opt.compareToIgnoreCase("destination") == 0) {
dest = args[++i];
} else if(opt.compareToIgnoreCase("message") == 0) {
message = args[++i];
} else if(opt.compareToIgnoreCase("file") == 0) {
propsFilePath = args[++i];
if((dest == null) || (message == null)) {
System.out.println("Usage: SMPPSender -dest <dest number on international format> -message <the message, within qoutes if contains whitespaces> [-sender <sender id> [-senderTon <sender ton>] [-senderNpi <sender npi>]]");
// Dest may contain comma-separated numbers
Collection<String> destinations = new ArrayList<String>();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(dest,",");
String d = st.nextToken();
SMPPSender smppSender = null;
try {
smppSender = new SMPPSender();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Exception initialising SMPPSender " + e);
System.out.println("Sending: \"" + message + "\" to " + dest);
if (smppSender != null) {
if(smppSender.bound) {
Iterator<String> it = destinations.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
String d =;
smppSender.submit(d, message, sender, senderTon, senderNpi);
* The first method called to start communication
* betwen an ESME and a SMSC. A new instance of <code>TCPIPConnection</code>
* is created and the IP address and port obtained from user are passed
* to this instance. New <code>Session</code> is created which uses the created
* <code>TCPIPConnection</code>.
* All the parameters required for a bind are set to the <code>BindRequest</code>
* and this request is passed to the <code>Session</code>'s <code>bind</code>
* method. If the call is successful, the application should be bound to the SMSC.
* See "SMPP Protocol Specification 3.4, 4.1 BIND Operation."
* @see BindRequest
* @see BindResponse
* @see TCPIPConnection
* @see Session#bind(BindRequest)
* @see Session#bind(BindRequest,ServerPDUEventListener)
private void bind() {
try {
if (bound) {
System.out.println("Already bound, unbind first.");
BindRequest request = null;
BindResponse response = null;
request = new BindTransmitter();
TCPIPConnection connection = new TCPIPConnection(ipAddress, port);
connection.setReceiveTimeout(20 * 1000);
session = new Session(connection);
// set values
request.setInterfaceVersion((byte) 0x34);
// send the request
System.out.println("Bind request " + request.debugString());
response = session.bind(request);
System.out.println("Bind response " + response.debugString());
if (response.getCommandStatus() == Data.ESME_ROK) {
bound = true;
} else {
System.out.println("Bind failed, code " + response.getCommandStatus());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Bind operation failed. " + e);
* Ubinds (logs out) from the SMSC and closes the connection.
* See "SMPP Protocol Specification 3.4, 4.2 UNBIND Operation."
* @see Session#unbind()
* @see Unbind
* @see UnbindResp
private void unbind() {
try {
if (!bound) {
System.out.println("Not bound, cannot unbind.");
// send the request
System.out.println("Going to unbind.");
if (session.getReceiver().isReceiver()) {
System.out.println("It can take a while to stop the receiver.");
UnbindResp response = session.unbind();
System.out.println("Unbind response " + response.debugString());
bound = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Unbind operation failed. " + e);
* Creates a new instance of <code>SubmitSM</code> class, lets you set
* subset of fields of it. This PDU is used to send SMS message
* to a device.
* See "SMPP Protocol Specification 3.4, 4.4 SUBMIT_SM Operation."
* @see Session#submit(SubmitSM)
* @see SubmitSM
* @see SubmitSMResp
private void submit(String destAddress, String shortMessage, String sender, byte senderTon, byte senderNpi) {
try {
String msg = "ආර්ථික අර්බ�දය";
int msgRefNum = 1;
int messageLength=160;
int splitLength=150;
if (CharMatcher.ASCII.matchesAllOf(msg)) {
System.out.println("CharMatcher : ASCII");
} else {
System.out.println("CharMatcher : UTF8");
if (msg.length() > messageLength) {
ArrayList<String> msgs = splitMessage(msg, splitLength);
for (int i = 0; i < msgs.size(); i++) {
SubmitSM sm = new SubmitSM();
setSource(sender, senderTon, senderNpi, sm);
if(destAddress.startsWith("+")) {
destAddress = destAddress.substring(1);
sm.setDestAddr(new Address((byte)1, (byte)1, destAddress));
sm.setRegisteredDelivery((byte) 1);
if (CharMatcher.ASCII.matchesAllOf(msg)) {
sm.setMessagePayload(new ByteBuffer(msgs.get(i).getBytes()));
sm.setDataCoding((byte)(0x08)); // UCS-2
sm.setMessagePayload( new ByteBuffer(msgs.get(i).getBytes("UTF-8")) );
//Set Message ID
sm.setSarSegmentSeqnum((short)(i + 1));
System.out.println("Submit request " + sm.debugString());
SubmitSMResp response = session.submit(sm);
System.out.println("Submit response " + response.debugString());
messageId = response.getMessageId();
else {
SubmitSM sm = new SubmitSM();
setSource(sender, senderTon, senderNpi, sm);
if(destAddress.startsWith("+")) {
destAddress = destAddress.substring(1);
sm.setDestAddr(new Address((byte)1, (byte)1, destAddress));
sm.setRegisteredDelivery((byte) 1);
if (CharMatcher.ASCII.matchesAllOf(msg)) {
sm.setShortMessage(msg, "UTF-8");
sm.setDataCoding((byte)(0x08)); // UCS-2
sm.setShortMessage( msg, "UTF-8" );
//Set Message ID
System.out.println("Submit request " + sm.debugString());
SubmitSMResp response = session.submit(sm);
System.out.println("Submit response " + response.debugString());
messageId = response.getMessageId();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Submit operation failed. " + e);
* @param sender
* @param senderTon
* @param senderNpi
* @param request
* @throws WrongLengthOfStringException
private void setSource(String sender, byte senderTon, byte senderNpi, SubmitSM request)
throws WrongLengthOfStringException {
if(sender != null) {
if(sender.startsWith("+")) {
sender = sender.substring(1);
senderTon = 1;
senderNpi = 1;
if(!sender.matches("\\d+")) {
senderTon = 5;
senderNpi = 0;
if(senderTon == 5) {
request.setSourceAddr(new Address(senderTon, senderNpi, sender, 11));
} else {
request.setSourceAddr(new Address(senderTon, senderNpi, sender));
} else {
* Creates a new instance of <code>EnquireSM</code> class.
* This PDU is used to check that application level of the other party
* is alive. It can be sent both by SMSC and ESME.
* See "SMPP Protocol Specification 3.4, 4.11 ENQUIRE_LINK Operation."
* @see Session#enquireLink(EnquireLink)
* @see EnquireLink
* @see EnquireLinkResp
private void enquireLink() {
try {
EnquireLink request = new EnquireLink();
EnquireLinkResp response;
System.out.println("Enquire Link request " + request.debugString());
response = session.enquireLink(request);
System.out.println("Enquire Link response " + response.debugString());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Enquire Link operation failed. " + e);
* Loads configuration parameters from the file with the given name.
* Sets private variable to the loaded values.
private void loadProperties(String fileName) throws IOException {
System.out.println("Reading configuration file " + fileName + "...");
FileInputStream propsFile = new FileInputStream(fileName);
System.out.println("Setting default parameters...");
byte ton;
byte npi;
String addr;
String bindMode;
int rcvTimeout;
ipAddress = properties.getProperty("ip-address");
port = getIntProperty("port", port);
systemId = properties.getProperty("system-id");
password = properties.getProperty("password");
ton = getByteProperty("addr-ton", addressRange.getTon());
npi = getByteProperty("addr-npi", addressRange.getNpi());
addr = properties.getProperty("address-range", addressRange.getAddressRange());
try {
} catch (WrongLengthOfStringException e) {
System.out.println("The length of address-range parameter is wrong.");
ton = getByteProperty("source-ton", sourceAddress.getTon());
npi = getByteProperty("source-npi", sourceAddress.getNpi());
addr = properties.getProperty("source-address", sourceAddress.getAddress());
setAddressParameter("source-address", sourceAddress, ton, npi, addr);
ton = getByteProperty("destination-ton", destAddress.getTon());
npi = getByteProperty("destination-npi", destAddress.getNpi());
addr = properties.getProperty("destination-address", destAddress.getAddress());
setAddressParameter("destination-address", destAddress, ton, npi, addr);
serviceType = properties.getProperty("service-type", serviceType);
systemType = properties.getProperty("system-type", systemType);
bindMode = properties.getProperty("bind-mode", bindOption);
if (bindMode.equalsIgnoreCase("transmitter")) {
bindMode = "t";
} else if (bindMode.equalsIgnoreCase("receiver")) {
bindMode = "r";
} else if (bindMode.equalsIgnoreCase("transciever")) {
bindMode = "tr";
} else if (
!bindMode.equalsIgnoreCase("t") && !bindMode.equalsIgnoreCase("r") && !bindMode.equalsIgnoreCase("tr")) {
"The value of bind-mode parameter in "
+ "the configuration file "
+ fileName
+ " is wrong. "
+ "Setting the default");
bindMode = "t";
bindOption = bindMode;
// receive timeout in the cfg file is in seconds, we need milliseconds
// also conversion from -1 which indicates infinite blocking
// in the cfg file to Data.RECEIVE_BLOCKING which indicates infinite
// blocking in the library is needed.
if (receiveTimeout == Data.RECEIVE_BLOCKING) {
rcvTimeout = -1;
} else {
rcvTimeout = ((int) receiveTimeout) / 1000;
rcvTimeout = getIntProperty("receive-timeout", rcvTimeout);
if (rcvTimeout == -1) {
receiveTimeout = Data.RECEIVE_BLOCKING;
} else {
receiveTimeout = rcvTimeout * 1000;
* Gets a property and converts it into byte.
private byte getByteProperty(String propName, byte defaultValue) {
return Byte.parseByte(properties.getProperty(propName, Byte.toString(defaultValue)));
* Gets a property and converts it into integer.
private int getIntProperty(String propName, int defaultValue) {
return Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(propName, Integer.toString(defaultValue)));
* Sets attributes of <code>Address</code> to the provided values.
private void setAddressParameter(String descr, Address address, byte ton, byte npi, String addr) {
try {
} catch (WrongLengthOfStringException e) {
System.out.println("The length of " + descr + " parameter is wrong.");
private ArrayList<String> splitMessage(String msg, int length) {
ArrayList<String> msgs = new ArrayList<String>(0);
int start = 0;
while (msg.length() > 0) {
if (msg.length() > length) {
msgs.add(msg.substring(start, length));
msg = msg.substring(length);
} else {
msg = "";
return msgs;
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* Revision 1.1 2004/09/12 12:37:40 sverkera
* Added
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