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Created November 12, 2018 18:36
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<StackLayout class="c-grid-background">
<CardView class="c-card c-card-animation m-t-10" shadowColor="#849596" margin="5" radius="10" elevation="50" shadowOffsetWidth="0" shadowOffsetHeight="0">
<GridLayout rows="auto, auto" columns="auto, auto" class="p-y-5 p-l-5">
<Label text="Learning in last 5 days" class="h4" row="0" col="0" />
<GridLayout rows="auto" columns="auto, auto, auto, auto, auto" row="0" col="1">
<template v-for="(learningStatus, index) in statuses">
<Label row="0" :col='index' v-if="learningStatus.success" :text="'fa-check' | fonticon" class="fa c-context-success p-l-5" />
<Label row="0" :col='index' v-else :text="'fa-times' | fonticon" class="fa c-context-danger p-l-5" />
<Label text="Task Streak (in last 30 days)" row="1" col="0" class="h4" />
<GridLayout rows="auto" columns="auto, auto" row="1" col="1">
<Label row="0" col="0" :text='streakPercentage + "%"' class="c-context-gold p-l-5" />
<Label row="0" col="1" v-if='streakPercentage > 49' :text="'fa-bolt' | fonticon" class="fa c-context-gold p-l-5" />
<Label row="0" col="1" v-else :text="'fa-arrow-down' | fonticon" class="fa c-context-gold p-l-5" />
<CardView class="c-card c-card-animation-opposite" shadowColor="#849596" margin="5" radius="10" elevation="50" shadowOffsetWidth="5" shadowOffsetHeight="5">
<GridLayout rows="auto,auto,auto" columns="auto">
<Label text="My Tasks for today" class="h2 p-l-5 p-t-5 v-home-today c-white-text" row="0" col="0"/>
<GridLayout :rows='rowOrColumnsStringConstructor(workTasks.length + 1, "auto")' columns="auto,auto" class="p-l-5" row="1" col="0">
<Label text="Work" class="h3 c-context-info" row="0" col="0"/>
<template v-for='(workTask, index) in workTasks'>
<GridLayout :row='index + 1' col="0" rows="auto" :columns='rowOrColumnsStringConstructor(workTask.labels.length + 1, "*")'>
<Label :text='workTask.text' row="0" col="0" class="h4" textWrap="true"/>
<template v-for='(label, index) in workTask.labels'>
<Button :text='label' class="c-context-label m-l-5 p-x-5 h5" row="0" :col='index + 1'></Button>
<GridLayout :rows='rowOrColumnsStringConstructor(learnTasks.length + 1, "auto")' columns="auto,auto" class="p-l-5" row="2" col="0">
<Label text="Learn" class="h3 c-context-info" row="0" col="0" textWrap="true"/>
<template v-for='(learnTask, index) in learnTasks'>
<GridLayout :row='index + 1' col="0" rows="auto" :columns='rowOrColumnsStringConstructor(learnTask.labels.length + 1, "auto")'>
<Label :text='learnTask.text' row="0" col="0" class="h4"/>
<template v-for='(label, index) in learnTask.labels'>
<Button :text='label' class="c-context-label m-l-5 p-x-5 h5" row="0" :col='index + 1'></Button>
<CardView class="c-card c-card-animation" shadowColor="#849596" margin="5" radius="10" elevation="50" shadowOffsetWidth="5" shadowOffsetHeight="5">
<Label text="PTO" class="c-white-text h2 p-l-5 p-t-5 v-home-pto" />
<Button class="btn c-white-text c-context-danger-label h5"> >>> Swipe to Apply OOO Tomorrow >>></Button>
<Button class="btn c-white-text c-context-info-label h5"> >>> Swipe to Apply WFH Tomorrow >>></Button>
<GridLayout rows="auto,auto" columns="*,*">
<Label row="0" col="0" text="Today" class="h3 c-context-info p-l-5 p-t-5"/>
<GridLayout row="1" col="0" :rows='rowOrColumnsStringConstructor(todayOOOs.length + todayWFHs.length, "auto")' columns="auto, auto" class="p-l-5">
<template v-for='(employeeName, index) in todayOOOs'>
<Label :row='index' col="0" :text="'fa-bed' | fonticon" class="fa h1 c-context-danger" />
<Label :row='index' col="1" :text='employeeName' class="h3 p-l-5" />
<template v-for='(employeeName, index) in todayWFHs'>
<Label :row='index + todayOOOs.length' col="0" :text="'fa-home' | fonticon" class="fa h1 c-context-success" />
<Label :row='index + todayOOOs.length' col="1" :text='employeeName' class="h3 p-l-5" />
<Label row="0" col="1" text="Tomorrow" class="h3 c-context-info p-l-5 p-t-5"/>
<GridLayout row="1" col="1" :rows='rowOrColumnsStringConstructor(tomorrowOOOs.length + tomorrowWFHs.length, "auto")' columns="auto, auto" class="p-l-5">
<template v-for='(employeeName, index) in tomorrowOOOs'>
<Label :row='index' col="0" :text="'fa-bed' | fonticon" class="fa h1 c-context-danger" />
<Label :row='index' col="1" :text='employeeName' class="h3 p-l-5" />
<template v-for='(employeeName, index) in tomorrowWFHs'>
<Label :row='index + tomorrowOOOs.length' col="0" :text="'fa-home' | fonticon" class="fa h1 c-context-success" />
<Label :row='index + tomorrowOOOs.length' col="1" :text='employeeName' class="h3 p-l-5" />
<CardView class="c-card c-card-animation" shadowColor="#849596" margin="5" radius="10" elevation="50" shadowOffsetWidth="5" shadowOffsetHeight="5">
<Label text="Streak Gurus of last 30 days" class="h2 c-white-text p-l-5 p-t-5 v-home-task-streak"/>
<GridLayout :rows='rowOrColumnsStringConstructor(streakGurus.length, "auto")' columns="auto,auto" class="p-l-5">
<template v-for='(streak, index) in streakGurus'>
<Image :src='streak.imageData' :row='index' col="0" class="iconImage m-5"></Image>
<GridLayout :row='index' col="1" rows="auto,auto" columns="auto" class="p-t-10">
<Label :text='streak.employeeName' class="h4" row="0" col="0"/>
<Label :text='streak.percentage + "% streak"' class="h4" row="1" col="0"/>
<CardView class="c-card c-card-animation-opposite" shadowColor="#849596" margin="5" radius="10" elevation="50" shadowOffsetWidth="5" shadowOffsetHeight="5">
<Label text="Learning Gurus of last 30 days" class="h2 c-white-text p-l-5 p-t-5 v-home-learning-streak"/>
<GridLayout :rows='rowOrColumnsStringConstructor(learningGurus.length, "auto")' columns="auto,auto" class="p-l-5">
<template v-for='(learning, index) in learningGurus'>
<Image :src='learning.imageData' :row='index' col="0" class="iconImage m-5"></Image>
<GridLayout :row='index' col="1" rows="auto,auto" columns="auto" class="p-t-10">
<Label :text='learning.employeeName' class="h4" row="0" col="0"/>
<Label :text='learning.percentage + "% streak"' class="h4" row="1" col="0"/>
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