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Last active September 24, 2020 07:53
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public class FindAllPermutationsInGivenString {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FindAllPermutationsInGivenString obj = new FindAllPermutationsInGivenString();
String inputText = "abcdefcabdpqrbcaz";
String inputWord = "dbca";
List<Integer> listOfStartingIndex = obj.getListOfStartingIndex(inputText, inputWord);
private List<Integer> getListOfStartingIndex(String inputText, String inputWord) {
List<Integer> listOfStartingIndex = new ArrayList<>();
char[] alphabetArrayForWord = new char[26];
for (char ch : inputWord.toCharArray()) {
alphabetArrayForWord[ch - 'a']++;
int index = 0;
int right = inputWord.length();
char[] alphabetArrayForText = new char[26];
while (index < inputText.length()) {
if (index < inputWord.length()) {
char ch = inputText.charAt(index);
alphabetArrayForText[ch - 'a']++;
} else {
char ch = inputText.charAt(index);
alphabetArrayForText[ch - 'a']++;
ch = inputText.charAt(index - right);
alphabetArrayForText[ch - 'a']--;
if (Arrays.hashCode(alphabetArrayForWord) == Arrays.hashCode(alphabetArrayForText)) {
listOfStartingIndex.add(index - right + 1);
return listOfStartingIndex;
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I implemented something very similar but instead of comparing the hash of two arrays every time i kept a count of the differences, and whenever the differences count is 0 i added the position. Check it out here (But using PHP)

Sliding window technique

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Even my current solution also based on slidingwindow..

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