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Created December 18, 2018 15:36
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Scamming the coding interview: Problem 006: Partition into sets of equal sum
Scamming the coding interview
def generate_all_combinations(nums, combinations, start_index, running_set):
Generates all the combinations a given list of numbers
if start_index >= len(nums):
for i, num in enumerate(nums):
if i < start_index:
temp_comb = running_set[:]
generate_all_combinations(nums, combinations, i + 1, temp_comb)
def find_parts(nums):
Splits the given numbers list into sets such that the sum of both the sets is same
length_of_num = len(nums)
a = nums[0:length_of_num]
b = nums[length_of_num:]
total_sum = sum(nums)
half_sum = total_sum/2
a_combinations = []
generate_all_combinations(a, a_combinations, 0, [])
a_sum_to_combination_map = {}
answer = None
for combination in a_combinations:
temp_s = sum(combination)
a_sum_to_combination_map[temp_s] = combination
if temp_s == half_sum:
answer = combination
b_combinations = []
generate_all_combinations(b, b_combinations, 0, [])
for combination in b_combinations:
temp_s = sum(combination)
if temp_s == total_sum/2:
answer = combination
needed = total_sum/2 - temp_s
if a_sum_to_combination_map.get(needed):
answer = combination + a_sum_to_combination_map.get(needed)
if answer:
first_set = answer[:]
nums_copy = nums[:]
for n in answer:
second_set = nums_copy
return first_set, second_set
return None, None
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = [15, 5, 15, 10, 10, 20, 35]
a, b = find_parts(s)
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