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Created July 5, 2017 00:33
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import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
import scipy.optimize as opt
import scipy.ndimage
from PIL import Image
import netCDF4
import json
import os
import sys
import datetime
import argparse
def get_nc_name(hdf_tile_path, dest, suffix=""):
file_name = hdf_tile_path.split("/")[-1][:-4]
file_name_parts = file_name.split(".")
folder = ".".join([file_name_parts[2], file_name_parts[1][1:-3]])
dest_fold = os.path.join(dest, folder)
if not os.path.exists(dest_fold):
short_file_name = file_name.split(".")[:-1]
return os.path.join(dest_fold, "FC" + suffix + ".v302." + ".".join(short_file_name) + ".nc")
def pack_data(hdf_file, arr, dest):
file_name = get_nc_name(hdf_file, dest)
with netCDF4.Dataset(file_name, 'w', format='NETCDF4') as dest:
with open('nc_metadata.json') as data_file:
attrs = json.load(data_file)
for key in attrs:
setattr(dest, key, attrs[key])
setattr(dest, "date_created","%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"))
ds = gdal.Open('HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{}":MOD_Grid_BRDF:Nadir_Reflectance_Band1'.format(hdf_file))
proj_wkt = ds.GetProjection()
geot = ds.GetGeoTransform()
x_dim = dest.createDimension("x", ds.RasterXSize)
y_dim = dest.createDimension("y", ds.RasterYSize)
b_dim = dest.createDimension("b", 3)
var = dest.createVariable("x", "f8", ("x",))
var.units = "m"
var.long_name = "x coordinate of projection"
var.standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate"
var[:] = np.linspace(geot[0], geot[0]+(geot[1]*ds.RasterXSize), ds.RasterXSize)
var = dest.createVariable("y", "f8", ("y",))
var.units = "m"
var.long_name = "y coordinate of projection"
var.standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate"
var[:] = np.linspace(geot[3], geot[3]+(geot[5]*ds.RasterYSize), ds.RasterYSize)
var = dest.createVariable("phot_veg", "u1", ("y", "x"), fill_value=255)
var.long_name = "Photosynthetic Vegetation"
var.units = '%'
var.grid_mapping = "sinusoidal"
var[:] = arr[:, :, 0]
var = dest.createVariable("nphot_veg", "u1", ("y", "x"), fill_value=255)
var.long_name = "Non Photosynthetic Vegetation"
var.units = '%'
var.grid_mapping = "sinusoidal"
var[:] = arr[:, :, 1]
var = dest.createVariable("bare_soil", "u1", ("y", "x"), fill_value=255)
var.long_name = "Bare Soil"
var.units = '%'
var.grid_mapping = "sinusoidal"
var[:] = arr[:, :, 2]
generate_thumbnail(arr, file_name)
var = dest.createVariable("sinusoidal", 'S1', ())
var.grid_mapping_name = "sinusoidal"
var.false_easting = 0.0
var.false_northing = 0.0
var.longitude_of_central_meridian = 0.0
var.longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0.0
var.semi_major_axis = 6371007.181
var.inverse_flattening = 0.0
var.spatial_ref = proj_wkt
var.GeoTransform = "{} {} {} {} {} {} ".format(*[geot[i] for i in range(6)])
def jp_superfunc(A, arr, mask):
res = np.zeros((arr.shape[0], A.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
#if mask[i]:
if mask[i] and (arr[i, :7] < 0).sum() == 0 and (arr[i, :7] > 1).sum() == 0:
res[i, :] = (opt.nnls(A, arr[i, :])[0].clip(0, 2.54)*100).astype(np.uint8)
res[i, :] = np.ones((A.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)*(255)
return res
def input_mask(pq_mask_path):
pq_ds = gdal.Open('HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{}":MOD_Grid_BRDF:BRDF_Albedo_Ancillary'.format(pq_mask_path))
pq_raw = pq_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
mask = 0b0000000000001111
pq = pq_raw>>4 & mask
snow_ds = gdal.Open('HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{}":MOD_Grid_BRDF:Snow_BRDF_Albedo'.format(pq_mask_path))
snow_pq = np.equal(snow_ds.ReadAsArray(), 0)
# True if pq is 1, 2 or 4
pq = np.logical_and(snow_pq, np.logical_or(np.logical_or(np.equal(pq, np.ones(1)), np.equal(pq, np.ones(1)*2)), np.equal(pq, np.ones(1)*4)))
#pq = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(np.equal(pq, np.ones(1)), np.equal(pq, np.ones(1)*2)), np.equal(pq, np.ones(1)*4))
return pq.reshape(2400*2400)
def input_stack(tile_path):
bands = [gdal.Open('HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{}":MOD_Grid_BRDF:Nadir_Reflectance_Band{}'.format(tile_path, b)) for b in range(1, 8)]
#add band
bands_stack = (bands[0].GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()*.0001).astype(np.float32)
for b in range(1, len(bands)):
bands_stack = np.dstack((bands_stack, (bands[b].GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()*.0001).astype(np.float32)))
bands_stack = bands_stack.reshape(2400*2400, 7)
#add log(band)
for b in range(7):
bands_stack = np.hstack((bands_stack, np.expand_dims(np.log(bands_stack[:, b]), axis=1)))
#add band*log(band)
for b in range(7):
bands_stack = np.hstack((bands_stack, np.expand_dims(np.multiply(bands_stack[:, b], bands_stack[:, b+7]), axis=1)))
#add band*next_band
for b in range(7):
for b2 in range(b+1, 7):
bands_stack = np.hstack((bands_stack, np.expand_dims(np.multiply(bands_stack[:, b], bands_stack[:, b2]), axis=1)))
#add log(band)*log(next_band)
for b in range(7):
for b2 in range(b+1, 7):
bands_stack = np.hstack((bands_stack, np.expand_dims(np.multiply(bands_stack[:, b+7], bands_stack[:, b2+7]), axis=1)))
#add (next_band-band)/(next_band+band)
for b in range(7):
for b2 in range(b+1, 7):
bands_stack = np.hstack((bands_stack, np.expand_dims(np.divide(bands_stack[:, b2]-bands_stack[:, b], bands_stack[:, b2]+bands_stack[:, b]), axis=1)))
bands_stack = np.nan_to_num(bands_stack)
# this bit new, by JPG
ones = np.ones(bands_stack.shape[0])
ones = ones.reshape(ones.shape[0], 1)
bands_stack = np.concatenate((bands_stack, ones), axis=1)
return bands_stack
def members():
A = np.load("endmembers.npy")
# this bit new, by JPG
SumToOneWeight = 0.02
ones = np.ones(A.shape[1]) * SumToOneWeight
ones = ones.reshape(1, A.shape[1])
A = np.concatenate((A, ones), axis=0).astype(np.float32)
return A
if __name__ == "__main__":
root_path = "/g/data2/u39/public/data/modis/lpdaac-tiles-c5/"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Modis Vegetation Analysis argument parser""")
parser.add_argument(dest="year", type=int, help="Year of a modis tile (HDF-EOS).")
parser.add_argument(dest="julday", type=int, help="Julian Day of a modis tile (HDF-EOS).")
parser.add_argument(dest="h", type=int, help="Horizontal Corrrdinate of Modis Tile (HDF-EOS).")
parser.add_argument(dest="v", type=int, help="Vertical Corrrdinate of Modis Tile (HDF-EOS).")
parser.add_argument(dest="destination", type=str, help="Full path to destination.")
args = parser.parse_args()
tile_year = args.year
tile_julday = args.julday
tile_h = args.h
tile_v = args.v
dest_path = args.destination
tile_date = datetime.datetime(tile_year, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=tile_julday-1)
tile_path = os.path.join(root_path, "MCD43A4.005", "{0:04d}.{1:02d}.{2:02d}".format(tile_date.year, tile_date.month,
tile = [tile for tile in os.listdir(tile_path) if (tile.endswith(".hdf") and tile.startswith("MCD43A4.A{0:04d}{1:03d}.h{2:02d}v{3:02d}.".format(tile_year, tile_julday, tile_h, tile_v)))]
if len(tile) != 1:
print("Tile not found", tile_year, tile_julday, tile_h, tile_v)
modis_tile = os.path.join(tile_path, tile[0])
file_name = get_nc_name(modis_tile, dest_path)
if os.path.isfile(file_name):
print("Tile {} already exists".format(file_name))
bands_stack = input_stack(modis_tile)
mask_path = os.path.join(root_path, "MCD43A2.005", "{0:04d}.{1:02d}.{2:02d}".format(tile_date.year, tile_date.month,
mask = [tile for tile in os.listdir(mask_path) if (tile.endswith(".hdf") and tile.startswith("MCD43A2.A{0:04d}{1:03d}.h{2:02d}v{3:02d}.".format(tile_year, tile_julday, tile_h, tile_v)))]
if len(mask) != 1:
print("Mask not found", tile_year, tile_julday, tile_h, tile_v)
mask_tile = os.path.join(mask_path, mask[0])
mask = input_mask(mask_tile)
A = members()
out = jp_superfunc(A, bands_stack, mask).reshape(2400, 2400, 3)
pack_data(modis_tile, out, dest_path)
pack_data_lowres(modis_tile, out, dest_path)
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