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Created September 11, 2020 17:18
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Mint and deposit PoS dummy erc721 to Matic Network [networks: goerli, mumbai]


Save all three files in a directory and install dependencies:

$ npm init -y
$ npm i -s @maticnetwork/maticjs @truffle/hdwallet-provider web3
module.exports = {
root: {
POSRootChainManager: '0xBbD7cBFA79faee899Eaf900F13C9065bF03B1A74',
DERC20: '0x655F2166b0709cd575202630952D71E2bB0d61Af',
DERC721: '0x084297B12F204Adb74c689be08302FA3f12dB8A7',
DERC1155: '0x2e3Ef7931F2d0e4a7da3dea950FF3F19269d9063',
posERC20Predicate: '0xdD6596F2029e6233DEFfaCa316e6A95217d4Dc34',
posERC721Predicate: '0x74D83801586E9D3C4dc45FfCD30B54eA9C88cf9b',
posERC1155Predicate: '0xB19a86ba1b50f0A395BfdC3557608789ee184dC8',
posEtherPredicate: '0xe2B01f3978c03D6DdA5aE36b2f3Ac0d66C54a6D5',
child: {
RPC: '',
DERC20: '0xfe4F5145f6e09952a5ba9e956ED0C25e3Fa4c7F1',
DERC721: '0x757b1BD7C12B81b52650463e7753d7f5D0565C0e',
DERC1155: '0xA07e45A987F19E25176c877d98388878622623FA',
MaticWETH: '0x714550C2C1Ea08688607D86ed8EeF4f5E4F22323',
user: {
privateKey: '<PRIVATE_KEY>',
address: '<ADDRESS>'
const Web3 = require('web3')
const rootRPC = ''
const childRPC = ''
const web3 = new Web3()
const config = require('./config')
const utils = require('./utils')
const rootErc721ABI = require('./abi/pos/DummyERC721.json')
const rootErc721Address = config.root.DERC721
const rootErc721 = new web3.eth.Contract(rootErc721ABI.abi, rootErc721Address)
const childErc721Address = config.child.DERC721
const childErc721 = new web3.eth.Contract(rootErc721ABI.abi, childErc721Address)
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); //The maximum is exclusive and the minimum is inclusive
async function mint (id) {
web3.setProvider (rootRPC)
let r = await
from: web3.eth.accounts.wallet[0].address,
gas: 800000
}).then ((r) => {
return id
const maticPOSClient = utils.getMaticPOSClient()
async function deposit(tokenId) {
try {
const approve = await maticPOSClient.approveERC721ForDeposit(rootErc721Address, tokenId, {
from: web3.eth.accounts.wallet[0].address
console.log ('approved')
const tx = await maticPOSClient.depositERC721ForUser(rootErc721Address, web3.eth.accounts.wallet[0].address, tokenId)
console.log('deposited', tx.transactionHash)
} catch (e) {
// process.exit()
function wait (delayms) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, delayms)
async function main () {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
let id = getRandomInt(1000000, 10000000000)
console.log ('minting:',id)
let token = await mint (id)
let token='4792115200'
console.log ('depositing', token)
await deposit(token)
// console.log('waiting 30s')
// await wait(30000)
const MaticPOSClient = require('@maticnetwork/maticjs').MaticPOSClient
const config = require('./config')
const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider')
const getMaticPOSClient = () => {
return new MaticPOSClient({
network: 'testnet', // optional, default is testnet
version: 'mumbai', // optional, default is mumbai
parentProvider: new HDWalletProvider(config.user.privateKey, config.root.RPC),
maticProvider: new HDWalletProvider(config.user.privateKey, config.child.RPC),
posRootChainManager: config.root.POSRootChainManager,
posERC20Predicate: config.root.posERC20Predicate, // optional, required only if working with ERC20 tokens
posERC721Predicate: config.root.posERC721Predicate, // optional, required only if working with ERC721 tokens
posERC1155Predicate: config.root.posERC1155Predicate, // optional, required only if working with ERC71155 tokens
parentDefaultOptions: { from: config.user.address }, // optional, can also be sent as last param while sending tx
maticDefaultOptions: { from: config.user.address }, // optional, can also be sent as last param while sending tx
module.exports = {
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