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Created June 2, 2020 09:13
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PyDySoFu version 3
from inspect import isfunction, isclass, ismethod
import re
import builtins
from functools import wraps, partial, reduce
from copy import deepcopy
import ast
import copy
import inspect
class AspectHooks:
pre_rules = list()
around_rules = list()
post_rules = list()
error_handling_rules = list()
def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.old_import = __import__
import builtins
builtins.__import__ = self.__import__
def final_around(self, target, *args, **kwargs):
return target(*args, **kwargs)
def __import__(self, *args, **kwargs):
mod = self.old_import(*args, **kwargs)
def build_wrapper(target):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
pre, around, post, error_handlers = self.get_rules(target.__name__)
# Run pre advice
[advice(target, *args, **kwargs) for advice in pre]
def nest_around_call(nested_around, next_around):
return partial(next_around, nested_around)
# NOTE. The signature of around functions is around(next_around_function, target, *args, **kwargs),
# ... and they MUST make the call next_around_function(target*args, **kwargs)
# for around_index in range(len(around-1)):
# around[around_index] = partial(around[around_index], around_index[around_index+1])
# around[-1] = partial(around[-1], self.final_around)
nested_around = reduce(nest_around_call,
ret = nested_around(target, *args, **kwargs)
for advice in post:
post_return = advice(target, ret, *args, **kwargs)
ret = ret if post_return is None else post_return
return ret
except Exception as exception:
prevent_raising = False
for handler in error_handlers:
prevent_raising = prevent_raising or handler(target, exception, *args, **kwargs)
if not prevent_raising:
raise exception
return wrapper
def apply_hooks(target_object):
for item_name in filter(lambda p: isinstance(p, str) and len(p) > 1 and p[:2] != "__", dir(target_object)):
item = getattr(target_object, item_name)
if isfunction(item) or ismethod(item):
setattr(target_object, item_name, build_wrapper(item))
elif isclass(item):
return mod
def add_prelude(cls, rule, advice, urgency=0):
AspectHooks.pre_rules.append((re.compile(rule), advice, urgency))
def add_around(cls, rule, advice, urgency=0):
AspectHooks.around_rules.append((re.compile(rule), advice, urgency))
def add_encore(cls, rule, advice, urgency=0):
AspectHooks.post_rules.append((re.compile(rule), advice, urgency))
def add_error_handler(cls, rule, advice, urgency=0):
AspectHooks.error_handling_rules.append((re.compile(rule), advice, urgency))
def get_rules(self, methodname):
pre, around, post, error_handlers = list(), list(), list(), list()
for pattern, advice, urgency in AspectHooks.pre_rules:
if pattern.match(methodname) is not None:
pre.append((advice, urgency))
for pattern, advice, urgency in AspectHooks.around_rules:
if pattern.match(methodname) is not None:
around.append((advice, urgency))
for pattern, advice, urgency in AspectHooks.post_rules:
if pattern.match(methodname) is not None:
post.append((advice, urgency))
for pattern, advice, urgency in AspectHooks.error_handling_rules:
if pattern.match(methodname) is not None:
error_handlers.append((advice, urgency))
urgencykey = lambda ad_urg_tuple: -ad_urg_tuple[1] # Negative so we get the highest urgency first
pre, around, post, error_handlers = sorted(pre, key=urgencykey), sorted(around, key=urgencykey), sorted(post, key=urgencykey), sorted(error_handlers, key=urgencykey)
advice_functions = list(map(lambda x: x[0], pre)), list(map(lambda x: x[0], around)), list(map(lambda x: x[0], post)), list(map(lambda x: x[0], error_handlers))
return advice_functions
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
builtins.__import__ = self.old_import
if __name__ == "__main__":
from math import pow
with AspectHooks():
import testmod
invocations = 0
def encore(*args, **kwargs):
global invocations
invocations += 1
def loggingaround(next_around, target, *args, **kwargs):
print("running " + str(target))
ret = next_around(target, *args, **kwargs)
print(str(target) + " returned " + str(ret))
return ret
def switch_to_power_of_two(next_around, target, *args, **kwargs):
return next_around(partial(pow, 2), *args, **kwargs)
AspectHooks.add_encore(".*", encore)
AspectHooks.add_around(".*", loggingaround)
assert testmod.dosomething() is None
assert testmod.Calc().triple(4) == 12
assert testmod.double(5) == 10
AspectHooks.add_around("double", switch_to_power_of_two)
assert testmod.double(5) == 32
assert invocations == 4
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