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Last active May 15, 2024 18:05
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  • Save probeiuscorp/0a3d22ddd1ec3e53b15d8e96916e30ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Files and changes I made to gather data for
let n = 0 // Line 400
const readAtomState = <Value>(
atom: Atom<Value>,
force?: boolean,
): AtomState<Value> => {
// See if we can skip recomputing this atom.
const atomState = getAtomState(atom)
const isInteresting = atom.debugLabel === 'filteredAtom'
const log = (...args) => isInteresting && console.log(...args)
if (isInteresting) {
// I used this to monkey patch force
if (n === 0) force = undefined
if (n === 1) force = true
if (n === 2) force = undefined
// End monkey patching
log('readAtomState', 'force:', force, 'atomState:', atomState)
if (isInteresting) {
console.log(new Error().stack) // see zz_doctoring-stack-trace.ts
if (!force && atomState) {
// If the atom is mounted, we can use the cache.
// because it should have been updated by dependencies.
if (mountedMap.has(atom)) {
log('<= returning from cache since mounted')
return atomState
// Otherwise, check if the dependencies have changed.
// If all dependencies haven't changed, we can use the cache.
if (
Array.from(atomState.d).every(([a, s]) => {
// we shouldn't use isSelfAtom.
if (a === atom) {
return true
const aState = readAtomState(a)
// Check if the atom state is unchanged, or
// check the atom value in case only dependencies are changed
return aState === s || isEqualAtomValue(aState, s)
) {
log('<= from cache since dependencies unchanged')
return atomState
log('<= not from cache: resolving dependencies')
// Compute a new state for this atom.
const nextDependencies: NextDependencies = new Map()
import { atom, createStore } from './src/vanilla'
const dataAtom = atom<number[]>([100])
const hasFilterAtom = atom(false)
const filteredAtom = atom((get) => {
const data = get(dataAtom)
const hasFilter = get(hasFilterAtom)
if (hasFilter) {
return []
} else {
return data
filteredAtom.debugLabel = 'filteredAtom'
const stageAtom = atom((get) => {
const hasFilter = get(hasFilterAtom)
if (hasFilter) {
const filtered = get(filteredAtom)
return filtered.length === 0 ? 'is-empty' : 'has-data'
} else {
return 'no-filter'
const store = createStore()
store.sub(filteredAtom, () => undefined)
store.sub(stageAtom, () => undefined)
console.log('=> (should be "no-filter")', store.get(stageAtom))
store.set(hasFilterAtom, true)
console.log('=> (should be "is-empty") ', store.get(stageAtom))
new Error().stack
.flatMap((line) => {
if (line.includes('global-require-patch') || line === 'Error' || line.includes('Module')) {
return []
if (line.includes('at ')) {
const filename = line.slice(
Math.max(line.lastIndexOf('/'), line.indexOf('(')) + 1,
return (
'-' +
line.slice(line.indexOf('at') + 2, line.indexOf('(') + 1) +
filename +
return line
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