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Last active May 4, 2019 11:04
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Habitica: Import as TODO
// This scipts allows to import Egghead course as TODO to Habitica
// Step 1: Replace `apiKey` and `userId` with yours (check profile settings on Habitica)
// Step 2: Type resource name (egghead/vuemaster/frontendmaster/pluralsight/freecodecamp) in last line of the script
// Step 3: Open desired course in browser
// Step 4: Open DevTool and execute script in console
// Step 5: Check Habitica: new ToDo should be there :)
const credentials = {
apiKey: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
userId: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
const nodeListToChecklistItems = nodeList => {
return [...nodeList]
.map(item => item.innerText)
.filter(item => !!item)
const vueMasteryStrategy = () => {
const getText = doc => doc.querySelector('h2.title').innerText;
const getChecklistItems = (doc) => {
const selectors = doc.querySelectorAll('.lessons-list .list-item-title');
return nodeListToChecklistItems(selectors);
return { getText, getChecklistItems }
const eggHeadStrategy = () => {
const getText = doc => doc.querySelector('h1').innerText;
const getChecklistItems = (doc) => {
const selectors = doc.querySelectorAll('');
return nodeListToChecklistItems(selectors);
return { getText, getChecklistItems }
const freeCodeCampStrategy = () => {
const getText = doc => doc.title;
const getChecklistItems = doc => {
const selectors = doc.querySelectorAll('.intro-toc > a > span.list-group-item');
return nodeListToChecklistItems(selectors);
return { getText, getChecklistItems }
const frontendMastersStrategy = () => {
const getText = doc => doc.querySelector('h1').innerText;
const getChecklistItems = doc => {
const selectors = doc.querySelectorAll('h3');
return nodeListToChecklistItems(selectors);
return { getText, getChecklistItems }
const pluralsightStrategy = () => {
const getText = doc => doc.querySelector('h1').innerText + ' ' +doc.querySelector('.course-hero__byline').innerText;
const getChecklistItems = (doc) => {
const selectors = doc.querySelectorAll('.l-course-page__content a[target="psplayer"]');
return nodeListToChecklistItems(selectors);
return { getText, getChecklistItems }
const createStrategy = (strategy) => {
const getDesc = (window) => window.location.href;
return { getDesc, ...strategy() };
const getStrategyByName = name => {
const nameToStrategy = {
'vuemastery': createStrategy(vueMasteryStrategy),
'egghead': createStrategy(eggHeadStrategy),
'freecodecamp': createStrategy(freeCodeCampStrategy),
'frontendmasters': createStrategy(frontendMastersStrategy),
'pluralsight': createStrategy(pluralsightStrategy)
return nameToStrategy[name];
const createTaskOnHabitica = credentials => task => {
return fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Api-Key': credentials.apiKey,
'X-Api-User': credentials.userId,
body: JSON.stringify(task),
const guid = () => {
const s4 = () => Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();
const makeChecklistItem = text => ({
id: guid(),
completed: false
const makeTaskItem = ({ text, notes, checklist, type = 'todo' }) => ({
collapseChecklist: true,
const startImport = async (credentials, strategyName) => {
const createTaskForUser = createTaskOnHabitica(credentials);
const { getText, getDesc, getChecklistItems } = getStrategyByName(strategyName);
const preparedTask = makeTaskItem({
text: getText(document),
notes: getDesc(window),
checklist: getChecklistItems(document).map(makeChecklistItem),
return await createTaskForUser(preparedTask);
startImport(credentials, 'pluralsight');
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