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Created February 23, 2017 09:52
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Introduction to functions in python

Functions are programming constructs that helps us package common operations. In addition they make our code that much more readable.

They have a format that looks like this:

def first_function():

output = first_function()


def first_function():
        some_string = "An example string"
        return some_string

output = first_function()

Basically we start by telling python that we are about to define a function by using the keyword def and then give the name of the function followed by round brackets with any arguments and then the body of the function.

A function in python must have a body. If none is available, say if you are still sketching out the overall system, then use the keyword pass

If you don't explicitly return an output. Python will return a None object. See the reference.

Note that Method is another way of referring to Function. This terminology is more common in OOP conversations.

##Step 1

Let us implement this requirement

    As a user I want to see welcome message from fairmont when I run the script

Let us start by creating our lesson folder

mkdir 6lesson
cd 6lesson

Now open the in the 6lesson folder and type in the following code.

def welcome_message():
    message =  "Welcome guest to Fairmont hotels. It is a pleasure to serve you"
    return message
output = welcome_message()

Run the code from the bash terminal


What did you see on the screen?


Can you make the script print out a welcome message for you instead of generic guest

##Step 2

Now that we are able to print out a string, let us make it more useful by having it accept an argument. An argument is simply a value that you pass to a function or method.

Suppose the requirement is now.

As a guest I want the script welcome_message to first ask for my name and then give me a personalized message

Modify your welcome script so that it now looks like this.

def welcome_message(name):
    message =  "Welcome {} to Fairmont hotels. It is a pleasure to serve you".format(name)
    return message
name = input("What is your name?")

output = welcome_message(name)

Run the script.


What do you now see as the output?

##Step 3

Now that we are able to work with strings, how would a function help us with numbers.

Suppose we now have a requirement.

    As a user I want the script to first ask me for a base and height and then give me an area

We can now create a new file called


And then type in the following code into your python file

def area_triangle(base,height):
    int_base = int(base)
    int_height = int(height)
    area = 0.5 * int_base * int_height
    return area
base = input("What is the base of your triangle?:")
height = input ("What is the height of your triangle?:")
area = area_triangle(base,height)

You notice that we moved the operations necessary to clean up the data into the function itself.

What was the result?


Create two more scripts, area of rectangle and area of circle. When the files are run the area of rectangle should ask for a base and height and then give the area. The area of a circle should ask for radius and then give the area


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