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Last active March 16, 2020 16:47
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vuedraggable / sortablejs support files for
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
import draggable from './draggable'
// drag and drop a source element to a target selector, anchoring the drop to the given
// position of the selector. positions are the same as the cypress trigger command
Cypress.Commands.add('drop', { prevSubject: 'element' }, ($source, selector, position) => {
cy.get(selector).then($target => {
const source = $source[0]
const target = $target[0]
draggable(source, target, position)
// moves an item to a given index in the same list
Cypress.Commands.add('move', { prevSubject: 'element' }, ($source, listSelector, itemsSelector, targetIndex) => {
cy.get(listSelector).then($list => {
const list = $list[0]
const items = []
const item = $source[0]
const currentIndex = items.findIndex(i => i === item)
// if the target index is equal to the current index, do nothing
if (targetIndex === currentIndex) return
if (targetIndex === 0) {
// if the target index is 0, move to the top of the drag area
draggable(item, list, 'top')
} else if (targetIndex === items.length - 1) {
// if the target index is the last index, move to the bottom of the drag area
draggable(item, list, 'bottom')
} else if (targetIndex < currentIndex) {
// if the target index is less than the current index, choose target - 1
draggable(item, items[targetIndex - 1])
} else if (targetIndex > currentIndex) {
// if the target index is more than the current index, choose target + 1
draggable(item, items[targetIndex + 1])
// adapted from:
export default function draggable(source, target, positionOrOptions) {
.trigger('mousedown', { which: 1, button: 0 })
.trigger('dragover', positionOrOptions)
.trigger('drop', positionOrOptions)
.trigger('mouseup', { which: 1, button: 0 })
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
context(`drag drop examples`, () => {
it(`drag and move items`, () => {
// load the test page
// here is a selector for the draggable area
// and another for the items within it
const draggableArea = '.draggable'
const draggableItems = '.draggable .item'
// drop items into the target draggable area
cy.get('.grab-handle[name=a]').drop(draggableArea, 'bottom')
cy.get('.grab-handle[name=b]').drop(draggableArea, 'bottom')
cy.get('.grab-handle[name=c]').drop(draggableArea, 'bottom')
cy.get('.grab-handle[name=d]').drop(draggableArea, 'bottom')
// current list state
// a
// b
// c
// d
// here we want to swap item b with item c
cy.get('.grab-handle[name=b]').move(draggableArea, draggableItems, 2)
// current list state
// a
// c
// b
// d
// here we want to move item a to the last position
cy.get('.grab-handle[name=a]').move(draggableArea, draggableItems, 3)
// current list state
// c
// b
// d
// a
// here we want to move item d to the top
cy.get('.grab-handle[name=d]').move(draggableArea, draggableItems, 0)
// current list state
// d
// c
// b
// a
// not a real vue example. showing essentials for brevity.
const options = {
handle: '.grab-handle',
draggable: '.item'
const items = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
<draggable class="draggable" element="div" :list="items" :options="options">
<li class="grab-handle item" v-for="item in items"
:name="item" :key="item">
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