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Created June 27, 2012 13:58
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The Personal Analytics of My Life
#----- Inspired by Wolfram's "Analytics of My Life", we try it ourself
This projects aims to plot your personal mail-traffic and calendar-events, inspired by Wolfram's
blogpost "Analytics of My Life".
It uses python-scripts to collect your data
and GNU R ( to plot it.
This will only work, if you
a) use Thunderbird as your mail-client,
b) manage your calendars with OwnCloud/MySQL or have it stored as *.ics-Files.
The data we are interested in are DATETIMES of any mails or events. We will neither grep
descriptions, tiles, nor authors or anything else, just DATETIMEs.
The Python-Scripts will create texttable-files, wich will contain the DATETIMEs of any mail- or
calendar-events as "YYYYMMDD, HHMMSS". Each line represents a single mail or event.
GNU R can use these texttable-files to import the data. If you haven't installed GNU R yet,
visits its homepage to do so:
On Ubuntu, just type in a terminal: "sudo apt-get install r-recommended"
#### How to proceed ######
I. Maildata
There are two ways to collect your maildata:
a) get all maildata of all imap-(sub)folders at once
b) get maildata for one imap-folder only
a) if you like to create a texttabel containing DATETIMES of all mails in all IMAP-(sub)folders,
use the script "" (see the scripts head for how to use it).
b) if you like to create a texttable with DATETIMES of a specific IMAP-folder, user the script
"" (see the scripts head for how to use it)
Import your data into R and plot your stuff. See "My_R-Code_for_Mail.R" for how to do it.
II. Calendar events
THere are two ways to collect your calendar-events:
a) you have all Calendars in an OwnCloud-instance using MySQL
b) you have an *.ics-file for any calendar
a) if you have an OwnCloud-instance using MySQL, use "" to create DATETIME-
texttables for every calendar. If you use OwnCloud with SQLite, this will *not* work.
b) if you have your calendars as *.ics-files, use "" (have a look at the script's
head for how to use it) to create your texttable files.
Import your data into R and plot your stuff. See "The_R-Code_for_Calendar.R" for how to do it.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#----- Ich mache ne Faxe wie hier:
#----- Dies ist eine Anpassung von '':
#----- 2012-06-28 - Micha (
#----- All mboxes are analyzed rekursiv
#----- Thanks Micha !!!
#----- Example call:
#------ cd ~/.thunderbird/PROFILE.default/ImapMail/
#----- /path/to/ .
#----- Licence: GPL
import sys
import os
import string
import sys
import time
import datetime
from mailbox import mbox as MBox
from email.utils import parsedate
mBoxes = [] # Paths of all mBoxes
''' Analyze all mails of submitted mboxes and write result to file'''
def analyzeMBox(dir, file):
noOfMails = 0
mbox = MBox(dir)
for msg in mbox:
noOfMails = noOfMails + 1
try: # check if mail is corrupt...
maildate = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', parsedate(msg.get("date")))
mailtime = time.strftime('%H%M%S', parsedate(msg.get("date")))
file.write(str('NA,NA\n')) # if corrupt, create NAs (missing values) for GNU_R
file.write(str("%s,%s\n") % (maildate, mailtime))
return noOfMails # Number of Mails in mBox
''' Get all mBoxes rekursiv from submitted folder'''
def findMBoxes(dir):
join = os.path.join
for cur in os.listdir(dir): # For any element in current directory
pathname = join(dir, cur) # put path
if os.path.isdir(pathname): # check if path is a folder
if string.find(cur, '.sbd') != -1: # Get all folders with sbd-suffix
findMBoxes(pathname) # Function rekursiv
elif os.path.isfile(pathname): # current element is a file
if(string.find(cur, '.') == -1): # current element has no "."
mBoxes.append(pathname) # put dirname to list
def main():
numberOfMails = 0 # number of Mails
findMBoxes(sys.argv[1]) # Find all mBoxes
mBoxes.sort() # mBoxes sort
print('Mailbox enthaelt %d mBoxes' % len(mBoxes))
dest = ("mBox-Summary-%s.txt") % (sys.argv[1]) # Name of Output-File
file = open(dest,"w") # Open file for writing
for i in mBoxes: # For evey mBox
numberOfMails = numberOfMails + analyzeMBox(i,file) # Analyze Mails in mBox
file.close() # close file
print('%d Mails analysiert' % numberOfMails)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Version 1
#----- Inspired by Wolfram's "Analytics of My Life", we try it ourself
# call this script like this:
# where MAILBOX is the path to your thunderbird mailboxfile, most likely
# ~/.thunderbird/foobar.default/ImapMail/
# but may be any other mailfolder-file,
# and where APPENDIX is the appendix of the outputfile to be created by this script
# (and which contains MAILDATE and MAILTIME for each mail in a texttable for GNU R)
import sys
import time
import datetime
from mailbox import mbox as MBox
from email.utils import parsedate
mailboxname = sys.argv[1] # e.g.("~/.thunderbird/foobar.default/ImapMail/")
myfilename = sys.argv[2] # outputfile appendix
mbox = MBox(mailboxname)
ZIEL = ("MyMail-%s.txt") % (myfilename) # filename of textable created by this script
SCHREIB = open(ZIEL,"w")
for msg in mbox:
try: # test if mail is corrupt
maildate = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', parsedate(msg.get("date")))
mailtime = time.strftime('%H%M%S', parsedate(msg.get("date")))
print maildate, ",", mailtime
SCHREIB.write(str('NA,NA\n')) # if corrupt, create NAs (missing values) for GNU_R
SCHREIB.write(str("%s,%s\n") % (maildate, mailtime))
# Read texttable into R
# You need to specify the path to textfile (created with
# in the command below
inbox <- read.table("/Path/to/MyMail-inbox.txt", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # Read table as characters
colnames(inbox) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit") # give names to colums
inbox$Datum <- strptime(inbox$Datum,format="%Y%m%d") # turn into format DATE
inbox$Uhrzeit <- strptime(inbox$Uhrzeit, format="%H%M%S") # turn into format TIME
plot(inbox$Datum, inbox$Uhrzeit) # plot the stuff
# Add data of another texttable
# You need to specify the path to textfile in the command below
test <- read.table("/Pfad/zu/MyMail-outbox.txt", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # read another texttable
colnames(test) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit")
test$Datum <- strptime(test$Datum,format="%Y%m%d")
test$Uhrzeit <- strptime(test$Uhrzeit, format="%H%M%S")
points(test$Datum, test$Uhrzeit) # add data to plot
# Use Demotable "Produnis" from the internet
produnis <- read.table("", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # read as characters
colnames(produnis) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit") # give names to columns
produnis$Datum <- strptime(produnis$Datum,format="%Y%m%d") # turn into format DATE
produnis$Uhrzeit <- strptime(produnis$Uhrzeit, format="%H%M%S") # turn into format TIME
plot(produnis$Datum, produnis$Uhrzeit) # plot it
produnis <- produnis[-which(produnis$Datum==min(produnis$Datum,na.rm=T)),] #remove outsider of 1970s
plot(produnis$Datum, produnis$Uhrzeit) # plot it again
#remove duplicates and plot again
produnis <- produnis[-which(duplicated(produnis)),]
plot(produnis$Datum, produnis$Uhrzeit) # plot it again
### Plot Mailsums per day
produnis <- read.table("", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # read as characters
colnames(produnis) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit") # name Colums
# dont turn colums into DATE format! this specific plot works with character data only
produnis <- produnis[-which(produnis$Datum==min(produnis$Datum,na.rm=T)),] #remove outsider of 1970s
#remove duplicates and plot again
produnis <- produnis[-which(duplicated(produnis)),]
## Do stuff with ggplot
install.packages("ggplot2",dependencies=TRUE)# install ggplot2
library(ggplot2) # activate ggplot2
produnis$Datum <- strptime(produnis$Datum,format="%Y%m%d") # turn into format DATE
produnis$Uhrzeit <- strptime(produnis$Uhrzeit, format="%H%M%S") # turn into format TIME
g <- ggplot(produnis,aes(x=Datum,y=Uhrzeit)) # create ggplot-object
g + geom_point(alpha=0.3) + # draw points with transparency 0.3
scale_x_datetime(limits=c(as.POSIXct("2004",format="%Y"),as.POSIXct("2012",format="%Y"))) + #limit x-axis
stat_density2d(color="#88EEAA") # draw density circles
# Version 1
#----- Inspired by Wolfram's "Analytics of My Life", we try it ourself
# If you use OwnCloud with MySQL to manage your calendars, you may use this script
# instead of ''
# call this script like this:
# /path/to/
# This script will scan all events of all calendars in your OwnCloud-MySQL database.
# For each calendar, a texttable-file will be created
# which will contain DATE and TIME for every calendar-entry for GNU R import)
import sys
import MySQLdb
import os,re
conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost", #
user = "dbuser", # change to your mysql user
passwd = "dbpass", # and password
db = "owncloud") # database
except MySQLdb.Error, e:
print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
sys.exit (1)
cursor = conn.cursor (MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
cursor.execute ("SELECT id, displayname FROM oc_calendar_calendars")
result_set = cursor.fetchall ()
calendar_rowcount = cursor.rowcount
for row in result_set:
print "%s, %s" % (row["id"], row["displayname"].replace(" ", "_", 1))
cursor.execute ("SELECT startdate FROM oc_calendar_objects WHERE calendarid = '%s'" % (row["id"]))
result_set2 = cursor.fetchall ()
ZIEL = ("MyCalendar-%s.txt") % (row["displayname"].replace(" ", "_", 1))
SCHREIB = open(ZIEL,"w")
for row2 in result_set2:
eventdata = "%s" % (row2["startdate"])
print eventdata
eventdate = eventdata[0:10]
eventdate = eventdate.replace("-", "", 2)
print eventdate
eventtime = eventdata[11:19]
eventtime = eventtime.replace(":","",2)
print eventtime
SCHREIB.write(str("%s,%s\n") % (eventdate, eventtime))
print "Number of Events parsed: %d" % cursor.rowcount
print "Number of Calendars parsed: %d" % calendar_rowcount
cursor.close ()
# Version 1
#----- Inspired by Wolfram's "Analytics of My Life", we try it ourself
# call this script like this:
# where CALENDAR is the path to your ics-file,
# /foo/bar/calendar.ics
# and where APPENDIX is the appendix of the outputfile to be created by this script
# (and which will contain DATE and TIME for each calendar-entry in a texttable for GNU R)
import os,re
import sys
import time
kalendername = sys.argv[1] # e.g.("/foo/bar/calendar.ics")
myfilename = sys.argv[2] # Filename-Appendix, e.g "Office"
# modify to your needs
ZIEL = ("MyCalendar-%s.txt") % (myfilename) # change filename-prefix to your needs
### nothing to edit from here on, leave it alone ...
### My Functions and Routines
#-- BashReturn benoetigt: os ---------------------------------------
def BashReturn(cmd):
output = "a" # is a dummy, will be deleted afterwards
for i in f.readlines():
output = output + i
output = output[1:] # kill the dummy-a
return output
#==============End of Functions ========================================
SCHREIB = open(ZIEL,"w")
cmd = 'less %s|grep DTSTART' % (kalendername)
bla = BashReturn(cmd)
for line in bla.split('\n'):
if len(line)!=0: # check if line is an entry
if line[len(line)-8]=="T": # check if it has TIME
s = len(line)-7 # TIME
z = len(line)-1 # TIME
x = len(line)-16 # DATE
y = len(line)-8 # DATE
termintime = line[s:z]
termindate = line[x:y]
#print termindate
#print termintime
else: # it has DATE only
termintime = "000000"
x = len(line)-9 # DATE
y = len(line)-1 # DATE
termindate = line[x:y]
else: # is no real entry
termintime = "NA"
termindate = "NA"
SCHREIB.write(str("%s,%s\n") % (termindate, termintime))
# Read texttable into R
# You need to specify the path to textfile (created with
# in the command below
mycalendar <- read.table("/Path/to/MyCalendar-foobar.txt", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # Read table as characters
colnames(mycalendar) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit") # give names to colums
mycalendar$Datum <- strptime(inbox$Datum,format="%Y%m%d") # turn into format DATE
mycalendar$Uhrzeit <- strptime(inbox$Uhrzeit, format="%H%M%S") # turn into format TIME
plot(mycalendar$Datum, mycalendar$Uhrzeit) # plot the stuff
### demo
privat <- read.table("", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # Read table as characters
colnames(privat) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit") # give names to colums
privat$Datum <- strptime(privat$Datum,format="%Y%m%d") # turn into format DATE
privat$Uhrzeit <- strptime(privat$Uhrzeit, format="%H%M%S") # turn into format TIME
plot(privat, xlim=c(as.POSIXct(strptime("20020801",format="%Y%m%d")), as.POSIXct(strptime("20120701",format="%Y%m%d"))))
lecture <- read.table("", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # Read table as characters
colnames(lecture) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit") # give names to colums
lecture$Datum <- strptime(lecture$Datum,format="%Y%m%d") # turn into format DATE
lecture$Uhrzeit <- strptime(lecture$Uhrzeit, format="%H%M%S") # turn into format TIME
uni <- read.table("", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # Read table as characters
colnames(uni) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit") # give names to colums
uni$Datum <- strptime(uni$Datum,format="%Y%m%d") # turn into format DATE
uni$Uhrzeit <- strptime(uni$Uhrzeit, format="%H%M%S") # turn into format TIME
plot(privat, col="darkgreen", xlim=c(as.POSIXct(strptime("20020801",format="%Y%m%d")), as.POSIXct(strptime("20120701",format="%Y%m%d"))))
points(lecture, col="red")
points(uni, col="darkblue")
### Entry-Sums per day
# read tables again, and
# dont turn colums into DATE format! this specific plot works with character data only
privat <- read.table("", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # Read table as characters
colnames(privat) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit") # give names to colums
lecture <- read.table("", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # Read table as characters
colnames(lecture) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit") # give names to colums
uni <- read.table("", sep=",", colClasses = "character") # Read table as characters
colnames(uni) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit") # give names to colums
allcalendar <- rbind(privat,uni,lecture)
# remove outliners of 1970er from plot
plot(strptime(levels(as.factor(allcalendar$Datum)),format="%Y%m%d"),as.vector(table(as.factor(allcalendar$Datum))),type="l",col="black",xlim=c(as.POSIXct(strptime("20020801",format="%Y%m%d")), as.POSIXct(strptime("20120701",format="%Y%m%d"))),xaxt="n")
# alternative:
# remove outliners of 1970er from dataset
allcalendar <- allcalendar[-grep("^197",allcalendar$Datum),]
## Do stuff with ggplot
install.packages("ggplot2",dependencies=TRUE)# install ggplot2
library(ggplot2) # activate ggplot2
privat.f <- cbind(privat, "Privat")# add a colum to privat
lecture.f <- cbind(lecture,"Lecture")# add a colum
uni.f <- cbind(uni, "Uni") # add a colum
colnames(privat.f) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit", "Kalender") # give names to colums
colnames(lecture.f) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit", "Kalender") # give names to colums
colnames(uni.f) <- c("Datum","Uhrzeit", "Kalender") # give names to colums
calendars <- data.frame(rbind(privat.f,uni.f,lecture.f)) # create a data.frame
calendars$Datum <- strptime(calendars$Datum,format="%Y%m%d") # format time
calendars$Uhrzeit <- strptime(calendars$Uhrzeit, format="%H%M%S") # format time
g <- ggplot(calendars,aes(x=Datum,y=Uhrzeit,color=Kalender)) # create ggplot-object
g + geom_point() + # plot data as points
scale_x_datetime(limits=c(as.POSIXct("2002",format="%Y"),as.POSIXct("2012",format="%Y"))) + # limit x-axis
stat_density2d() # draw densities
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----- Inspired by Wolfram's "Analytics of My Life", we try it ourself


Run the Python-Scripts "" and "" to create data output files for R.
The scripts create a texttabel, which includes YYYYMMDD, HHMMSS of every mail or calendar entry.

Use R-Code-Snippets to read these texttables into your R session and plot your stuff.

Don't forget to check the _README for more details, and
if you understand German, have a look here:

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