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Created November 30, 2016 16:37
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UCS, BFS, and DFS search + PNG images of each level in /tmp/out/
# To use this first you must install pygraphviz
# $ sudo apt install graphviz-dev && sudo pip install pygraphviz
from queue import Queue, PriorityQueue
from pygraphviz import AGraph
from os import path, makedirs
counter = 0
def show(pth, edges, explored, frontier, start, end):
Show the UCS/DFS/BFS Search in a graph
:param pth: Path to save the file
:param edges: List of used edges
:param explored: List of explored nodes
:param frontier: List of frontier nodes
:param start: Node to start search from
:param end: Goal-node
global counter
# Create path of not exists
if not path.exists(pth):
graph = AGraph()
for node in explored:
if node == end:
graph.add_node(node, shape="doublecircle")
elif node == start:
graph.add_node(node, style="bold", shape="circle")
graph.add_node(node, style="filled", shape="circle")
for node in frontier:
if node == end:
if node not in explored: # In UCS node can be in both frontier and explored
graph.add_node(node, style="dotted", shape="doublecircle")
graph.add_node(node, style="dotted", shape="circle")
for edge in edges:
graph.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
# print(graph)
'%s%s' % (pth, counter),
counter += 1
def bfs(graph, start, end):
Compute DFS(Depth First Search) for a graph
:param graph: The given graph
:param start: Node to start BFS
:param end: Goal-node
frontier = Queue()
explored = []
edges = [] # edges that have been used
while True:
if frontier.empty():
raise Exception("No way Exception")
current_node = frontier.get()
# Check if node is goal-node
show('/tmp/out/bfs', edges, explored, frontier.queue, start, end)
if current_node == end:
for node in graph[current_node]:
if node not in explored:
edges.append((current_node, node))
show('/tmp/out/bfs', edges, explored, frontier.queue, start, end)
def dfs(graph, start, end):
Compute dfs for a graph
:param graph: The given graph
:param start: Node to start bfs
:param end: Goal-node
frontier = [start, ]
explored = []
edges = []
while True:
if len(frontier) == 0:
raise Exception("No way Exception")
current_node = frontier.pop()
# Check if node is goal-node
show('/tmp/out/dfs', edges, explored, frontier, start, end)
if current_node == end:
# expanding nodes
for node in reversed(graph[current_node]):
if node not in explored:
edges.append((current_node, node))
show('/tmp/out/dfs', edges, explored, frontier, start, end)
def ucs_weight(from_node, to_node, weights=None):
Returns the UCS weight for a edge between from and to
Assumption: There is no edge with weight >= 10e100 (You can change it)
:param from_node: The node edge starts from
:param to_node: The node edge ends to
:param weights: Dictionary of weights; maps `(from, to) -> weight`
:return: Returns the weight of edge between from and to.
return weights.get((from_node, to_node), 10e100) if weights else 1
def ucs(graph, start, end, weights=None):
Function to compute UCS(Uniform Cost Search) for a graph
:param graph: The graph to compute UCS for
:param start: start node
:param end: end node
:param weights: A dictionary of weights; maps (start_node, end_node) -> weight
frontier = PriorityQueue()
frontier.put((0, start)) # (priority, node)
explored = []
edges = []
while True:
if frontier.empty():
raise Exception("No way Exception")
ucs_w, current_node = frontier.get()
show('/tmp/out/ucs', edges, explored, [node[1] for node in frontier.queue], start, end)
if current_node == end:
for node in graph[current_node]:
if node not in explored:
ucs_w + ucs_weight(current_node, node, weights),
edges.append((current_node, node))
show('/tmp/out/ucs', edges, explored, [node[1] for node in frontier.queue], start, end)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# This is Tree
first_graph = {
'A': ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
'B': ['A', 'F', 'G'],
'C': ['A', 'H'],
'D': ['A', 'I', 'J'],
'E': ['A', 'K', 'L'],
'F': ['B', 'M', 'N', 'O'],
'G': ['B', 'P', 'Q', 'R'],
'H': ['C', 'S'],
'I': ['D'],
'J': ['D', 'T', 'U'],
'K': ['E'],
'L': ['E', 'V'],
'M': ['F'],
'N': ['F'],
'O': ['F'],
'P': ['G'],
'Q': ['G'],
'R': ['G'],
'S': ['H', 'W', 'X'],
'T': ['J'],
'U': ['J', 'Y', 'Z'],
'V': ['L'],
'W': ['S'],
'X': ['S'],
'Y': ['U'],
'Z': ['U']
bfs(first_graph, 'A', 'Y')
dfs(first_graph, 'A', 'Y')
ucs(first_graph, 'A', 'Y')
ucs_test_graph = {
'S': ['A', 'B', 'C'],
'A': ['S', 'G'],
'B': ['S', 'G'],
'C': ['S', 'G'],
'G': ['A', 'B', 'C']
ucs_test_weight = {
('S', 'A'): 1,
('S', 'B'): 5,
('S', 'C'): 15,
('A', 'G'): 10,
('A', 'S'): 1,
('B', 'S'): 5,
('B', 'G'): 5,
('C', 'S'): 15,
('C', 'G'): 5,
('G', 'A'): 10,
('G', 'B'): 5,
('G', 'C'): 5,
ucs(ucs_test_graph, 'S', 'G', ucs_test_weight)
# This is not Tree
second_graph = {
'A': ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
'B': ['A', 'F', 'G', 'H'],
'C': ['A', 'H'],
'D': ['A', 'I', 'J'],
'E': ['A', 'K', 'L'],
'F': ['B', 'G', 'M', 'N', 'O'],
'G': ['B', 'F', 'P', 'Q', 'R'],
'H': ['C', 'G', 'S'],
'I': ['D'],
'J': ['D', 'T', 'U'],
'K': ['E'],
'L': ['E', 'V'],
'M': ['F'],
'N': ['F'],
'O': ['F'],
'P': ['G'],
'Q': ['G'],
'R': ['G'],
'S': ['H', 'W', 'X'],
'T': ['J'],
'U': ['J', 'Y', 'Z'],
'V': ['L'],
'W': ['S'],
'X': ['S'],
'Y': ['U'],
'Z': ['U']
bfs(second_graph, 'A', 'Y')
dfs(second_graph, 'A', 'Y')
ucs(second_graph, 'A', 'Y')
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