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Created February 8, 2018 02:16
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Understanding Ruby Symbols
# Simple method format purposes
def brk
puts "============================"
# Finding all symbols and symbol methods that Ruby already knows:
symbols = Symbol.all_symbols.sort{|x,y| x.to_s <=> y.to_s }
symbols.each { |x| print x.to_s + "\t" }
# Strings and Symbols (see these symbols added to the symbol table above)
puts "duck" # this is a string
puts :"duck" # the : converts the string to a symbol
puts :duck # since it is so common, Ruby let's us drop the quotation marks
puts "duck".to_sym # this is a string converted to a symbol with .to_sym method
puts %s[goose] # %s[goose].class # => Symbol
# Adding more symbols to the symbols table
# Adding methods also creates symbols
def quack
puts "quack"
# Adding classes (and their associated methods) adds more symbols
class Duck
attr_accessor :breed, :gender
def walk
puts "waddle"
# Difference between strings and symbols is that
# same string repeated creates separate objects (and
# uses more memory) while a symbol is created once and
# linked to many times (saving memory).
puts "favorite".object_id.to_s
puts "favorite".object_id.to_s
puts "favorite".object_id.to_s
puts :favorite.object_id.to_s
puts :favorite.object_id.to_s
puts :favorite.object_id.to_s
# Symbols are much faster than strings
require 'benchmark'
str_time = Benchmark.measure { for i in 1..10_000_000; duck = "mallard" end}
sym_time = Benchmark.measure { for i in 1..10_000_000; duck = :mallard end}
puts str_time.format("[String] Total CPU time: %t")
puts sym_time.format("[Symbol] Total CPU time: %t")
puts "Ratio str/sym: #{}"
### BOTTOM LINE: Symbols are immutable strings that take less memory
### and are faster to implement than strings.
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