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Last active September 2, 2021 01:27
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Fizzbuzz Playground Starter
Pair up with another person to complete this assignment.
Create a Swift function called fizzbuzz() that takes an integer and returns either:
- “Fizz” if the number is divisible by 3,
- “Buzz” if divisible by 5,
- “FizzBuzz” if divisible by both 3 and 5, or
- the number itself as a string if none of these other conditions hold.
Below you can find a sample of the function being called and what is being returned.
An important caveat: to receive full credit for this problem, you have to write this function _without_ using the _if_ conditional operator. (You can get partial credit using _if_, but look at 2-pattern-matching playground if you need a clue how to do this.)
func fizzbuzz(<#parameters#>) -> <#return type#> {
// <#function body#>
// Running the function should yield the following results:
fizzbuzz(1) // => “1”
fizzbuzz(6) // => “Fizz”
fizzbuzz(10) // => “Buzz”
fizzbuzz(15) // => “FizzBuzz”
// -------------------------------------------------------
// STOP: Do not go beyond here until optionals are covered
// -------------------------------------------------------
Pair up with another person to complete this assignment.
Create a Swift function called fizzbuzzAll() that might take an integer and returns either:
- “Fizz” if the number is divisible by 3,
- “Buzz” if divisible by 5,
- “FizzBuzz” if divisible by both 3 and 5,
- the number itself as a string if none of these other conditions hold
- prints the message "No integer passed; returning nil" and returns nil if the value argument is missing or is not an integer
Below you can find a sample of the function being called and what is being returned and the starting function (_may need a tweak..._)
//func fizzbuzzAll(_ num: Any? = nil) -> String {
// // if the number exists and can be converted to int, then do the usual
// // if not, then print "No integer passed; returning nil" and actually return nil
// Run earlier tests for new function and it behaves the same
fizzbuzzAll(1) // => “1”
fizzbuzzAll(6) // => “Fizz”
fizzbuzzAll(10) // => “Buzz”
fizzbuzzAll(15) // => “FizzBuzz”
// Better way to demo with functional programming (coming up)
print(Array(1...10).map{fizzbuzzAll($0)!}.joined(separator: ", "))
// Make sure string fails
// Make sure empty fails
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