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Created August 4, 2018 12:02
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Automatically download and install server SSL certificate to java keystore (keytool)
fail() { echo -e "\033[1;31mError:\033[0m" "$@" >&2; exit 1; }
warn() { echo -e "\033[1;33mWarning:\033[0m" "$@"; }
info() { echo -e "\033[1;32mInfo:\033[0m" "$@"; }
printHelp() { cat << EOF
Usage: $0 <hostname>
-keystore <file> [-storepass <password>]
[-keytool <path>]
[-quiet] [-test|-testonly]
[-- <cmd> [args...]]
<hostname> - domain from which the SSL certificate should be retrieved
-keystore <file> - java's keystore file with known certificates
-storepass <any> - password of keystore file ( default 'changeit' )
-keytool <path> - fulll path to keytool ( default 'keytool' )
-quiet - do not print any output if -test or -testonly success
-test - before updating keystore, test if certificate
was changed (by comparing fingerprints SHA1).
continue to update keystore only if certificate was changed
-testonly - like test, but do not continue update keystore.
if certificate changed, returns status code 2.
<cmd> [args...] - any command with, optionaly with arguments,
which will be executed if certificate
was successfully updated in keystore.
qwarn() { ! [ -z "$Q" ] || echo -e "\033[1;33mWarning:\033[0m" "$@"; }
qinfo() { ! [ -z "$Q" ] || echo -e "\033[1;32mInfo:\033[0m" "$@"; }
fingerprint() { perl -ne '/(^SHA1 Fingerprint=|fingerprint \(SHA1\): )([A-F\d]{2}(:[A-F\d]{2}){19})/ && print "SHA1 $2";
/(^MD5 Fingerprint=|fingerprint \(MD5\): )([A-F\d]{2}(:[A-F\d]{2}){15})/ && print "MD5 $2";
/(^SHA256 Fingerprint=|fingerprint \(SHA256\): )([A-F\d]{2}(:[A-F\d]{2}){31})/ && print "SHA256 $2";'; }
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
aux="$1"; shift;
case "$aux" in
-h|'-?'|--help) printHelp; exit;;
-keystore) K="$1"; shift;;
-keytool) J="$1"; shift;;
-storepass) P="$1"; shift;;
-quiet) Q=1;;
-test) [ -z "$T" ] && T=1 || fail "Only one of parameters -test, -testonly is accepted!";;
-testonly) [ -z "$T" ] && T=2 || fail "Only one of parameters -test, -testonly is accepted!";;
--) break;;
-*) fail "Unknown option \033[35m$aux\033[0m!";;
*) [ -z "$H" ] && H="$aux" || fail "Too many arguments!";;
hash nslookup 2>/dev/null && ( nslookup "$H" || fail "First parameter ($H) must be a valid hostname!" ) || \
qwarn "skipping to test domain \033[36m$H\033[0m (because \033[35mnslookup\033[0m is not installed)"
[ -f "$K" ] || fail "Keystore ($K) is not a file!"
[ -w "$K" ] || fail "Unable write to keystore ($K)!"
if ! [ -z "$T" ]; then
oldF="$("$J" -list -keystore "$K" -storepass "$P" -alias "$H" | fingerprint)"
newF="$(openssl x509 -in <(openssl s_client -connect "$H":443 -servername "$H" -prexit < /dev/null 2>/dev/null) \
-noout -fingerprint ${oldF:+-}${oldF/ */} | fingerprint)"
[ -z "$newF" ] && fail "Unable to retrieve fingerprint from \033[36m$H\033[0m!"
[ "$newF" == "$oldF" ] && qinfo "Certificate of \033[36m$H\033[0m was not changed!\n\033[35m fingerprint ${newF/ /: }\033[0m" && exit
info "Certificate of \033[36m$H\033[0m was changed:\n\033[31m old fingerprint ${oldF/ /: }$([ -z "$oldF" ] && echo '<missing>'
)\n\033[32m new fingerprint ${newF/ /: }\033[0m"
[ "$T" -eq 2 ] && exit 2;
"$J" -delete -keystore "$K" -storepass "$P" -alias "$H" && info "Old certificate was removed."
"$J" -noprompt -trustcacerts -importcert -alias "$H" -keystore "$K" -storepass "$P" \
-file <(openssl x509 -in <(openssl s_client -connect "$H":443 -servername "$H" -prexit < /dev/null 2>/dev/null))
"$J" -list -keystore "$K" -storepass "$P" -alias "$H" && info "Everyting looks fine." || fail "Certificate of $1 was not inserted!"
[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && info "Sarting commnad: \033[36m$@\033[0m" && "$@"
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