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Last active February 21, 2024 06:31
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Windows container networking [wip]
# this is work in progress
# the following script was from Gabriel
# will modify it to run with the v1.0.0 CNI spec.
$containerdDir = join-path $env:ProgramFiles containerd
if (!(Test-Path $containerdDir)){
mkdir $containerdDir
$downloadPath = Join-Path $env:Tmp "containerd.tar.gz"
$downloadLink = ""
$cli = [System.Net.WebClient]::new()
$cli.DownloadFile($downloadLink, $downloadPath)
tar xf $downloadPath -C $containerdDir
Throw "failed to extract containerd"
$cniDir = Join-Path $containerdDir "cni"
$cniConfDir = Join-Path $cniDir "conf"
$cniBinDir = Join-Path $cniDir "bin"
$cniConfPath = Join-Path $cniConfDir "0-containerd-nat.conf"
if (!(Test-Path $cniBinDir)) {
mkdir $cniBinDir
$prepareEnvScriptLink = ""
$prepareEnvScriptPath = Join-Path $env:TMP "prepare_env_windows.ps1"
$cli.DownloadFile($prepareEnvScriptLink, $prepareEnvScriptPath)
& $prepareEnvScriptPath
git clone $HOME\windows-container-networking
cd $HOME\windows-container-networking
git checkout aa10a0b31e9f72937063436454def1760b858ee2
make all
cp .\out\*.exe $cniBinDir\
if (!(Test-Path $cniConfDir)) {
mkdir $cniConfDir
Set-Content $cniConfPath @"
"cniVersion": "0.2.0",
"name": "nat",
"type": "nat",
"master": "Ethernet",
"ipam": {
"subnet": "",
"routes": [
"GW": ""
"capabilities": {
"portMappings": true,
"dns": true
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