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Created January 10, 2021 13:59
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Timc 2021 新年題 Q3
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
// switch the comment below to see log printed to stderr
//#define LOGERR(x) x
#define LOGERR(x)
double MAX_LOG = 35; // e^35 < 2^52
const double PI = 3.141592653589793238;
struct _source
int64_t factnum;
int nsqrt;
struct _qitem
int steps;
int64_t number;
bool operator < (const _qitem& other) const
return steps > other.steps || (steps == other.steps && number > other.number);
operator pair<int, int64_t> () const
return {steps, number};
map<int64_t, int> steps;
map<int64_t, _source> source;
priority_queue<_qitem> q;
double logfactorial(int n)
if(n <= 17) // 17! < e^35 < 18!
double v = 1;
for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
v *= i;
return log(v);
// Use Ramanujan's approximation
return (n * log(n * 1.) - n + log(n * (1. + 4.*n*(1. + 2.*n)) + 1./30)/6 + log(PI)/2);
int main()
q.push({0, 2021});
source[2021] = {-1, 0};
steps[2021] = 0;
double v = sqrt(2021);
for(int i = 1; v >= 3; ++i, v = sqrt(v))
int64_t iv = (int64_t)(floor(v));
q.push({i+1, iv});
source[iv] = {-1, i};
steps[iv] = i+1;
LOGERR(cerr << "Update " << iv << " to " << (i+1) << " steps" << endl);
int s;
int64_t num;
while(tie(s, num) = (pair<int,int64_t>), q.pop(), num != 110)
if(steps.find(num) != steps.end() && steps[num] < s) continue;
LOGERR(cerr << "Doing " << num << "! with " << s << " steps" << endl);
steps[num] = s;
double logfact = logfactorial(num);
int sqcounter = 0;
while(logfact > MAX_LOG)
logfact /= 2;
LOGERR(cerr << " ln(" << num << "!) / 2^" << sqcounter << " ~ " << logfact << endl);
double value = exp(logfact);
while(value >= 3)
LOGERR(cerr << " " << num << "! with sqrt^" << sqcounter << " ~ " << value << endl);
int64_t iv = (int64_t)(floor(value));
int newstep = s+sqcounter+1;
if(sqcounter > 0) newstep++;
if(steps.find(iv) == steps.end() || steps[iv] > newstep)
q.push({newstep, iv});
source[iv] = {num, sqcounter};
steps[iv] = newstep;
LOGERR(cerr << " Update " << iv << " to " << newstep << " steps" << endl);
value = sqrt(value);
cout << "Found 110 at " << s << " steps:" << endl;
int64_t x = 110;
while(x != -1)
auto src = source[x];
cout << x << " <- ";
if(src.factnum == -1)
cout << "2021";
cout << src.factnum << "!";
cout << ", sqrt * " << src.nsqrt << endl;
x = src.factnum;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
// switch the comment below to see log printed to stderr
#define LOGERR(x) x
//#define LOGERR(x)
const double MAX_LOG = 35; // e^35 < 2^52
const int MAX_FACT = 17; // 17! < e^35 < 18!
const double PI = 3.141592653589793238;
struct _source
int64_t factnum;
int nsqrt;
struct _qitem
int steps;
int64_t number;
bool operator < (const _qitem& other) const
return steps > other.steps || (steps == other.steps && number > other.number);
operator pair<int, int64_t> () const
return {steps, number};
map<int64_t, int> steps;
map<int64_t, _source> source;
priority_queue<_qitem> q;
// Assume called with n > MAX_FACT
double logfactorial(int64_t n)
// Use Ramanujan's approximation
return (n * log(n * 1.) - n + log(n * (1. + 4.*n*(1. + 2.*n)) + 1./30)/6 + log(PI)/2);
int main()
q.push({0, 2021});
source[2021] = {-1, 0};
steps[2021] = 0;
double v = sqrt(2021);
for(int i = 1; v >= 3; ++i, v = sqrt(v))
int64_t iv = (int64_t)(floor(v));
q.push({i+1, iv});
source[iv] = {-1, i};
steps[iv] = i+1;
LOGERR(cerr << "Update " << iv << " to " << (i+1) << " steps" << endl);
int s;
int64_t num;
while(tie(s, num) = (pair<int,int64_t>), q.pop(), num != 110)
if(steps.find(num) != steps.end() && steps[num] < s) continue;
LOGERR(cerr << "Doing " << num << "! with " << s << " steps" << endl);
steps[num] = s;
double value;
int sqcounter;
if(num > MAX_FACT)
double logfact = logfactorial(num);
LOGERR(cerr << " WARNING: logfactorial returns NAN" << endl);
sqcounter = 0;
while(logfact > MAX_LOG)
logfact /= 2;
LOGERR(cerr << " ln(" << num << "!) / 2^" << sqcounter << " ~ " << logfact << endl);
value = exp(logfact);
value = 1;
for(int i = 2; i <= num; i++) value *= i;
sqcounter = 0;
while(value >= 3)
LOGERR(cerr << " " << num << "! with sqrt^" << sqcounter << " ~ " << value << endl);
int64_t iv = (int64_t)(floor(value));
int newstep = s+sqcounter+1;
if(sqcounter > 0) newstep++;
if(steps.find(iv) == steps.end() || steps[iv] > newstep)
q.push({newstep, iv});
source[iv] = {num, sqcounter};
steps[iv] = newstep;
LOGERR(cerr << " Update " << iv << " to " << newstep << " steps" << endl);
value = sqrt(value);
cout << "Found 110 at " << s << " steps:" << endl;
int64_t x = 110;
while(x != -1)
auto src = source[x];
cout << x << " <- ";
if(src.factnum == -1)
cout << "2021";
cout << src.factnum << "!";
cout << ", sqrt * " << src.nsqrt << endl;
x = src.factnum;
return 0;
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