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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Troubleshooting Vagrant Issues

#Trouble Shooting Vagrant Issues

####Vagrant stuck connection timeout retrying

This can happen if the guest machine is turned off improperly (or perhaps the host machine was rebooted without first doing a vagrant halt). When performing a vagrant up the machine is waiting on a response (probably "enter" key). You can update the vagrant file to have gui set to true but this will require a vagrant destroy. Instead, you can send an "enter" key to the machine. Open up a new terminal window and:

 // Get the list of running VMs
 $ vboxmanage list runningvms
 // Will show something like this:
 // "projects_1234567890" {5cxxxx-cxxx-4xxx-8xxx-5xxxxxxxxxx}
 // Now send the "enter" key to the machine
 $ vboxmanage controlvm projects_1234567890 keyboardputscancode 1c

####Disable Guest Machine Time Keeping Up with Host Machine Time

 $ vboxmanage setextradata "projects_1234567890" "VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/GetHostTimeDisabled" 1
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