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Classes as modules of partially-applied functions
//Functional programming is all about:
//. Pure, total and deterministic functions
//. ADTs (Algebraic Data Types)
//. Typeclasses
//However, in hybrid languages like Scala, OOP classes can still play a role!
//A simple domain class
case class Frunfles(id: Long, value: String)
//A package object acting as a module containing stand-alone functions
//for CRUD operations on Frunfles
package app.frunfles
package object crud {
def findAllFrunfles[F[_]: Monad](db: DatabaseConnection): F[List[Frunfles]] = ???
def findFrunflesById[F[_]: Monad](db: DatabaseConnection, id: Long): F[Option[Frunfles]] = ???
def findFrunflesByValue[F[_]: Monad](db: DatabaseConnection, value: String): F[Option[Frunfles]] = ???
def insertFrunfles[F[_]: Monad](db: DatabaseConnection, f: Frunfles): F[Unit] = ???
def updateFrunfles[F[_]: Monad](db: DatabaseConnection, f: Frunfles): F[Unit] = ???
def deleteFrunfles[F[_]: Monad](db: DatabaseConnection, id: Long): F[Unit] = ???
//These functions are quite repetitive; all of then require `[F[_]: Monad]` and `db: DatabaseConnection`,
//and this is a tame example! Techniques like Tagless Final or Free Monads can make function signatures
//have many context bounds (like `: Monad` in the example) or implicit parameters.
//Classes to the rescue!
package app.frunfles.crud
final class FrunflesRepository[F[_]: Monad](db: DatabaseConnection) {
def findAllFrunfles(): F[List[Frunfles]] = ???
def findFrunflesById(id: Long): F[Option[Frunfles]] = ???
def findFrunflesByValue(value: String): F[Option[Frunfles]] = ???
def insertFrunfles(f: Frunfles): F[Unit] = ???
def updateFrunfles(f: Frunfles): F[Unit] = ???
def deleteFrunfles(id: Long): F[Unit] = ???
//The class can group all the common parts in its declaration and constructor!
//Its like in Math when we factor by taking a common term => ab + ac = a(b + c)
//Making the `DatabaseConnection` available to all functions and removing the parameter
//is similar to apply only the `db` parameter to produce new functions.
//That's why the class is a "module of partially-applied functions"!
//Conclusion: you can start you code with stand-alone functions and
//"factor" them with a class when necessary.
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Another discussion on the topic:
A more succinct definition: Classes are closures with names

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