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Last active March 19, 2024 08:00
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Samsung UP_PARAM Bootloader Splash Helper Script
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "This script helps you create your own up_param file for modifying bootloader splashes on samsung devices."
echo "Download the stock firmware, extract it until you have up_param.bin"
echo "Set your device codename by editing this script. (Currently set to \"$DEVICE\")"
echo "Then run "
echo " $0 processMeta up_param.bin"
echo "Then a file named \"$PIC_META_FILE\" will appear, which describes the images."
echo "You can now either:"
echo " 1. Extract the stock up_param with"
echo " $0 decodeBinary up_param.bin"
echo " and modify the images"
echo " 2. Create your own images"
echo "All images must be .jpg and must be named and have the exact dimensions as described in \"$PIC_META_FILE\""
echo "Then run "
echo " $0 createBinary"
echo "to convert the images in the same folder to an up_param binary."
echo "Then finally you can flash the created up_param by calling"
echo " $0 uploadBinary $PIC_META_FILE up_param_${DEVICE}_heimdall.bin"
echo "Usage:"
echo " $0 processMeta <up_param binary from firmware>"
echo " $0 decodeBinary <up_param binary>"
echo " $0 createBinary [$PIC_META_FILE]"
echo " $0 uploadBinary [up_param binary = up_param_${DEVICE}_heimdall.bin] [$PIC_META_FILE]"
echo " $0 uploadBinaryUnchecked <up param binary>"
exit 1
check() {
if [ ! -f "$(which $1)" ]; then
echo "$1 not found"
exit 1
check_file() {
if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
echo "$1 not found";
exit 1
setupFolder() {
if [ -d "$folder" ]; then rm -r $folder; fi
mkdir $folder
processMeta() {
check mogrify
setupFolder files
cp "$stock_file" "files/up_param_stock.bin" || exit 1
cd files
decodeBinary up_param_stock.bin
rm up_param_stock.bin
ls | grep -v ".txt" > files.txt
for file in $(cat files.txt); do
ext=$(echo "$file" | rev | cut -d'.' -f 1 | rev)
if [ "$ext" = "jpg" ]; then
echo "$file:$(mogrify -print "%wx%h" $file)" >> files-new.txt
check sha256sum
checksum=$(sha256sum "$file" | cut -d' ' -f 1)
echo "$file:$checksum" >> files-new.txt
cp -f "$file" ..
cp -f files-new.txt "../$PIC_META_FILE"
cd ..
rm -r files
decodeBinary() {
tar xf "$binary"
case "$1" in
processMeta "$2"
processMeta "$2"
decodeBinary "$2"
if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then PIC_META_FILE=$2; fi
check mogrify
check_file "$PIC_META_FILE"
setupFolder files
for file in $(cat "$PIC_META_FILE" | cut -d':' -f 1); do
cp "$file" "files/$file" || exit 1
cd files
mkdir files
for filemeta in $(cat "../$PIC_META_FILE"); do
file=$(echo $filemeta | cut -d':' -f 1)
ext=$(echo "$file" | rev | cut -d'.' -f 1 | rev)
if [ "$ext" = "jpg" ]; then
size=$(echo $filemeta | cut -d':' -f 2)
actualsize=$(mogrify -print "%wx%h" $file)
if [ ! "$size" = "$actualsize" ]; then
echo "$file dimensions are $actualsize, but should be $size, correcting automatically!"
mogrify -resize "${size}!" "$file" || exit 1
check sha256sum
checksum=$(echo $filemeta | cut -d':' -f 2)
actualchecksum=$(sha256sum "$file" | cut -d' ' -f 1)
if [ "$checksum" != "$actualchecksum" ]; then
echo "Checksum for $file does not match!"
echo " Expected: $checksum"
echo " Actual: $actualchecksum"
exit 1
cp "$file" files
cd files
tar cf up_param.bin * || exit 1
cp up_param.bin ..
cd ..
cp -f up_param.bin "../up_param_${DEVICE}_heimdall.bin"
# tar for odin
tar cf up_param.tar up_param.bin && cp -f up_param.tar "../up_param_${DEVICE}_odin.tar"
cd ..
rm -r files
exit 0
if [ -z "$UPLOADFILE" ]; then UPLOADFILE="up_param_${DEVICE}_heimdall.bin"; fi
if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then PIC_META_FILE="$3"; fi
check_file $PIC_META_FILE
setupFolder files
cp "$UPLOADFILE" files/up_param.bin || exit 1
cd files
tar xf up_param.bin || exit 1
for filemeta in $(cat "../$PIC_META_FILE"); do
file=$(echo $filemeta | cut -d':' -f 1)
ext=$(echo "$file" | rev | cut -d'.' -f 1 | rev)
if [ "$ext" = "jpg" ]; then
size=$(echo $filemeta | cut -d':' -f 2)
actualsize=$(mogrify -print "%wx%h" $file)
if [ ! "$size" = "$actualsize" ]; then
echo "$file dimensions are $actualsize, but should be $size!"
cd ..
rm -r files
exit 1
check sha256sum
checksum=$(echo $filemeta | cut -d':' -f 2)
actualchecksum=$(sha256sum "$file" | cut -d' ' -f 1)
if [ "$checksum" != "$actualchecksum" ]; then
echo "Checksum for $file does not match!"
echo " Expected: $checksum"
echo " Actual: $actualchecksum"
exit 1
cd ..
rm -r files
$0 uploadBinaryUnchecked "$UPLOADFILE"
exit 0
check heimdall
check_file "$2"
heimdall flash --UP_PARAM "$2"
exit 0
exit 1
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Samsung UP_PARAM Bootloader Splash Helper Script

This script helps you create your own bootloader splashes!


Download the stock firmware, extract it until you have up_param.bin

Set your device codename by editing this script.

Then run

./ processMeta up_param.bin

Then a file named up_param_files_device.txt will appear, which describes the images.

You can now either:

  1. Extract the stock up_param with
    ./ decodeBinary up_param.bin
    and modify the images.
  2. Create your own images

All images must be .jpg and must be named and have the exact dimensions as described in up_param_files_device.txt.

Then run

./ createBinary

to convert the images in the same folder to an up_param binary.

Then finally you can flash the created up_param by calling

./ uploadBinary up_param_device_heimdall.bin up_param_files_device.txt


Generate a meta file from stock up_param

This will analyse the stock up_param binary and generate the meta text file used for creating new binarys.

./ processMeta <up_param binary from firmware>

Decode the stock binary

This will do the same as above, but additionally unpack all files from the stock binary to the current directory.

./ decodeBinary <up_param binary>

Create a new up_param binary

This creates a new binary from the files in the current directory.
Needs the metadata file from processMeta.

./ createBinary [up_param_files_device.txt]

Upload an up_param binary

This uploads a given up_param binary to a target device using heimdall.
You can use this to upload any up_param binary,
as the script will check the up_param binary for validity using the metadata file generated by processMeta.

./ uploadBinary [up_param binary] [up_param_files_device.txt]

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