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Forked from anonymous/Premedicant Dose
Last active December 23, 2015 00:49
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"""The Premedicant Dose for animal type is the weight of animal multipled by drug dose_rate, divided by drug concertration."""
class Premedicant_dose(object):
drug_concerntrations = {"metacam" : 5, "synulox" : 32.5, "ketamine" : 100}
rates = {
'dog' : {"metacam" : 0.2, "synulox" : 12.5, "ketamine" : 2},
'cat' : {"metacam" : 0.2, "synulox" : 12.5, "ketamine" : 5},
'rabbit' : {"metacam" : 0.6, "synulox" : "contraindicated", "ketamine" : 20}
def __init__(self, species, weight, drug):
self.species = species.lower()
self.weight = float(weight)
self.drug = drug.lower()
def result(self):
if self.rates[self.species][self.drug] == "contraindicated":
return "WARNING: %s is contraindicated in %ss" % (self.drug, self.species)
elif self.rates[self.species][self.drug] > 0:
return (self.weight * self.rates[self.species][self.drug]) / self.drug_concerntrations[self.drug]
return "Sorry, I'm a stupid computer. Please try again."
"""There are three raw_inputs (speciesQ, weightQ, drugQ) which each have defensive programming to ensure the user input is correct."""
# Loop 1.
# the following while loop is the speciesQ input and defensive programming. Results should be dog, cat, or rabbit.
# strip() removes the whitespace and saves lowercase into speciesQ_stripped.
while True:
speciesQ = raw_input("Enter the species as dog, cat, or rabbit: ")
speciesQ_stripped = speciesQ.lower().strip()
if speciesQ_stripped == "dog" or speciesQ_stripped == "cat" or speciesQ_stripped == "rabbit":
# Loop 2.
# the following while loop follows a solution found at
# the solution aimed to test for a float and the a number greater than zero and less thank a weight range for each animal.
import re # regular expressions
p = re.compile('\d+(\.\d+)?') # no idea what or how this works
weight_range = {"dog" : 100.0, "cat" : 15.0, "rabbit" : 15.0}
while True:
weightQ = raw_input("Enter the weight (kg) of the animal: ")
if (p.match(weightQ) != None) and (float(weightQ) > 0) and (float(weightQ) < weight_range[speciesQ_stripped]):
# Loop 3.
# the following while loop is similar to the above while loop for speciesQ.
while True:
drugQ = raw_input("Enter the drug type as metacam, synulox, or ketamine: ")
drugQ_stripped = drugQ.lower().lower().strip()
if drugQ_stripped == "metacam" or drugQ_stripped == "synulox" or drugQ_stripped == "ketamine":
# Call to the class at the top (Premedicant_dose) utilising the stripped/lowercase version of the user raw_input (the class won't work otherwise)
user_input = Premedicant_dose(speciesQ_stripped, weightQ, drugQ_stripped) #note: stripped
print #blank line
print "Results for premedicant dose of %s for a %s that weighs %s kg: " % (drugQ_stripped, speciesQ_stripped, str(weightQ)) #note: stripped
print #blank line
print str(round(user_input.result())) + "ml" # note: rounded string, prints eg 12.34ml
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