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Last active February 15, 2018 21:33
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draft puppet bareos define catalog.pp
define bareos::director::catalog (
$ensure = present,
$db_address = undef,
$db_driver = undef,
$db_name = undef,
$db_password = undef,
$db_port = undef,
$db_socket = undef,
$db_user = undef,
$description = undef,
$disable_batch_insert = undef,
$exit_on_fatal = undef,
$idle_timeout = undef,
$inc_connections = undef,
$max_connections = undef,
$min_connections = undef,
$multiple_connections = undef,
$reconnect = undef,
$validate_timeout = undef,
) {
include ::bareos::director
$_resource = 'Catalog'
$_resource_dir = 'catalog'
unless $ensure in [ 'present', 'absent' ] {
fail('Invalid value for ensure')
if $ensure == 'present' {
$_env = [
case $db_driver {
'sqlite3': {
# code
$_commands = '/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/create_bareos_database && /usr/lib/bareos/scripts/make_bareos_tables'
'mysql': {
# code
$_mysql_port = $db_port ? {
undef => '-P 3306',
default => "-P ${db_port}",
$_mysql_args = "${_mysql_port} -h \$db_address -u \"\$db_user\" -p\"\$db_password\" -D \"\$db_name\""
$_command = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/create_bareos_database ${_mysql_args} && /usr/lib/bareos/scripts/make_bareos_tables ${_mysql_args}"
'postgresql': {
$_command = '/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/create_bareos_database && /usr/lib/bareos/scripts/make_bareos_tables'
default: {
fail("DB driver '${db_driver}' is not support")
File <| |> -> exec { "bareos director init catalog ${name}":
command => $_command,
environment => $_env,
subscribe => File["${::bareos::director::config_dir}/${_resource_dir}/${name}.conf"],
notify => Service[$::bareos::director::service_name],
refreshonly => true,
$_settings = bareos_settings(
[$name, 'Name', 'name', true],
[$description, 'Description', 'string', false],
[$db_address, 'Db Address', 'string', false],
[$db_driver, 'Db Driver', 'string', true],
[$db_name, 'Db Name', 'string', true],
[$db_password, 'Db Password', 'autopassword', false],
[$db_port, 'Db Port', 'pint32', false],
[$db_socket, 'Db Socket', 'string', false],
[$db_user, 'Db User', 'string', false],
[$disable_batch_insert, 'Disable Batch Insert', 'boolean', false],
[$exit_on_fatal, 'Exit On Fatal', 'boolean', false],
[$idle_timeout, 'Idle Timeout', 'pint32', false],
[$inc_connections, 'Inc Connections', 'pint32', false],
[$max_connections, 'Max Connections', 'pint32', false],
[$min_connections, 'Min Connections', 'pint32', false],
[$multiple_connections, 'Multiple Connections', 'bit', false],
[$reconnect, 'Reconnect', 'boolean', false],
[$validate_timeout, 'Validate Timeout', 'pint32', false]
file { "${::bareos::director::config_dir}/${_resource_dir}/${name}.conf":
ensure => $ensure,
mode => $::bareos::file_mode,
owner => $::bareos::file_owner,
group => $::bareos::file_group,
content => template('bareos/resource.erb'),
notify => [
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