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Last active February 27, 2024 06:00
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Save projectgus/0aa5264d193bd58017205aa5486a9217 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to comment on any MicroPython PRs that use the STATIC macro
#!/usr/bin/env python
from github import Github
from github import Auth
from subprocess import check_output
from unidiff import PatchSet
import requests
import re
MSG = """This is an automated heads-up that we've just merged a Pull Request
that removes the STATIC macro from MicroPython's C API.
A search suggests this PR might apply the STATIC macro to some C code. If it
does, then next time you rebase the PR (or merge from master) then you should
please replace all the `STATIC` keywords with `static`.
Although this is an automated message, feel free to @-reply to me directly if
you have any questions about this. """
def adds_static_macro(patch):
for f in patch:
if f.target_file.endswith(".c") or f.target_file.endswith(".h"):
for hunk in f:
for new_line in
if"^\+STATIC", new_line) or"^\+.+ STATIC( |$)", new_line):
return new_line
return None
def main():
token = check_output(["gh", "auth", "token"]).strip().decode()
g = Github(auth=Auth.Token(token))
repo = g.get_repo("micropython/micropython")
for pr in repo.get_pulls(state="open"):
diff = requests.get(pr.diff_url).text
patch = PatchSet(diff)
static_match = adds_static_macro(patch)
if static_match:
# pr.create_issue_comment(MSG)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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