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Created October 12, 2017 12:38
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{- Classtype implementation details -}
class C a where
f1 :: a -> Bool
f2 :: Int -> a
instance C Integer where
f1 x = x == 0
f2 x = fromIntegral x
g :: (C a) => a -> a
g x = if f1 x then f2 0 else f2 1
data C' a = MkC { f1' :: (a -> Bool), f2' :: (Int -> a) }
integer_C' :: C' Integer
integer_C' = MkC { f1' = \x -> x == 0, f2' = \x -> fromIntegral x }
g' :: C' a -> a -> a
g' dict x = if f1' dict x then f2' dict 0 else f2' dict 1
{- Tree: Eq, elemTree -}
data Tree a
= Leaf a
| Branch (Tree a) a (Tree a)
instance Eq a => Eq (Tree a) where
Leaf x1 == Leaf x2 = x1 == x2
Leaf _ == _ = False
Branch l1 x1 r1 == Branch l2 x2 r2 = x1 == x2 && l1 == l2 && r1 == r2
Branch _ _ _ == _ = False
treeFromList :: [a] -> Tree a
treeFromList [] = error "Cannot construct from empty list"
treeFromList [x] = Leaf x
treeFromList [x,_] = Leaf x
treeFromList (x:xs) = Branch (treeFromList lxs) x (treeFromList rxs)
where (lxs, rxs) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs
elemTree :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
elemTree x (Leaf y) = x == y
elemTree x (Branch l y r) = x == y || elemTree x l || elemTree x r
infiniteLTree :: Tree Int
infiniteLTree = go 0
where go x = Branch (go (x + 2)) x (Leaf (x + 1))
elemTree' :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
elemTree' x t = go [t]
where go [] = False
go (Leaf y : acc) = x == y || go acc
go (Branch l y r : acc) = x == y || go (acc ++ [l,r])
instance Functor Tree where
fmap f (Leaf x) = Leaf (f x)
fmap f (Branch l x r) = Branch (fmap f l) (f x) (fmap f r)
{- Show -}
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
listFromList :: [a] -> List a
listFromList [] = Nil
listFromList (x : xs) = Cons x (listFromList xs)
instance (Show a) => Show (List a) where
show Nil = "Nil"
show (Cons x xs) = show xs ++ ";" ++ show x
-- [] ++ ys = ys
-- (x:xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys)
-- show (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))) = (("Nil" ++ (';' : "3")) ++ (';' : "2")) ++ (';' : "1")
-- type ShowS = String -> String
-- shows :: a -> ShowS
-- shows 1 "abcd" = "1abcd"
-- show x = shows x ""
instance (Show a) => Show (List a) where
showsPrec _ Nil = ("Nil" ++)
showsPrec _ (Cons x xs) = shows xs . (";" ++) . shows x
-- show (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))) =
-- (((("Nil" ++) . ((";" ++) . ("3" ++))) . ((";" ++) . ("2" ++))) . ((";" ++) . ("1" ++))) ""
instance (Show a) => Show (List a) where
showsPrec _ Nil = ("|" ++)
showsPrec _ (Cons x xs) = ("<" ++) . shows x . shows xs . (">" ++)
instance (Show a) => Show (Tree a) where
showsPrec _ (Leaf x) = shows x
showsPrec _ (Branch l x r) = ("<" ++) . shows l . ("{" ++) . shows x . ("}" ++) . shows r . (">" ++)
infixr 7 :*
infixr 6 :+
data Cartesian7 a b = a :* b
deriving Show
data Cartesian6 a b = a :+ b
deriving Show
{- Read -}
instance (Read a) => Read (List a) where
readsPrec _ ('|':rest) = [(Nil, rest)]
readsPrec _ ('<':rest) =
flip concatMap (reads rest) $ \(x, rest') ->
flip concatMap (reads rest') $ \(xs, rest'') ->
case rest'' of
'>':rest''' -> [(Cons x xs, rest''')]
_ -> []
readChar :: Char -> ReadS Char
readChar c [] = []
readChar c (x:xs)
| c == x = [(c, xs)]
| otherwise = []
instance (Read a) => Read (List a) where
readsPrec _ str =
(flip concatMap (readChar '|' str) $ \(_, rest) -> [(Nil, rest)])
(flip concatMap (readChar '<' str) $ \(_, rest) ->
flip concatMap (reads rest) $ \(x, rest') ->
flip concatMap (reads rest') $ \(xs, rest'') ->
flip concatMap (readChar '>' rest'') $ \(_, rest''') ->
[(Cons x xs, rest''')])
instance (Read a) => Read (List a) where
readsPrec _ str =
[ (Nil, rest)
| (_, rest) <- readChar '|' str
[ (Cons x xs, rest''')
| (_, rest) <- readChar '<' str
, (x, rest') <- reads rest
, (xs, rest'') <- reads rest'
, (_, rest''') <- readChar '>' rest''
instance Read a => Read (Tree a) where
readsPrec _ str =
[ (Leaf x, rest)
| (x, rest) <- reads str
[ (Branch l x r, rest'''''')
| (_, rest) <- readChar '<' str
, (l, rest') <- reads rest
, (_, rest'') <- readChar '{' rest'
, (x, rest''') <- reads rest''
, (_, rest'''') <- readChar '}' rest'''
, (r, rest''''') <- reads rest''''
, (_, rest'''''') <- readChar '>' rest'''''
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