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Created November 12, 2017 10:41
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import Control.Applicative
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Result a = Ok a | Error String
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Functor Result where
fmap f (Ok x) = Ok (f x)
fmap f (Error str) = Error str
instance Applicative Result where
pure x = Ok x
-- (<*>) :: Result (a -> b) -> Result a -> Result b
Ok f <*> Ok x = Ok (f x)
Error str <*> Ok _ = Error str
Ok _ <*> Error str = Error str
Error err1 <*> Error err2 = Error (err1 ++ err2)
instance Foldable Result where
-- foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Result a -> m
foldMap f (Error _) = mempty
foldMap f (Ok x) = f x
instance Traversable Result where
-- traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b)
-- -> Result a
-- -> f (Result b)
-- traverse f (Error err) = pure (Error err)
-- traverse f (Ok x) = Ok `fmap` f x
-- sequenceA :: Applicative f => Result (f a) -> f (Result a)
sequenceA (Error err) = pure (Error err)
sequenceA (Ok x) = Ok <$> x
data JSON
= JSONString String
| JSONMap (Map String JSON)
deriving Eq
showsSurrounded :: String -> String -> ShowS -> ShowS
showsSurrounded leading trailing s = (leading ++) . s . (trailing ++)
showsSequence :: (a -> ShowS) -> [a] -> ShowS
showsSequence f = foldr (.) id . map f
showsList :: String -> String -> String -> (a -> ShowS) -> [a] -> ShowS
showsList leading trailing separating f = showsSurrounded leading trailing . showsSequence (\x -> f x . (separating ++))
instance Show JSON where
showsPrec _ (JSONString str) = shows str
showsPrec _ (JSONList lst) = showsList "[" "]" "," shows lst
showsPrec _ (JSONMap jmap) = showsList "{" "}" "," (\(k,v) -> shows k . ("=" ++) . shows v) (Map.toList jmap)
parseJSON :: String -> Maybe JSON
parseJSON = runParser jsonParser
newtype Parser a = ParserImpl (String -> Maybe (a, String))
runParser :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe a
runParser (ParserImpl f) str = fst <$> f str
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (ParserImpl pv) = ParserImpl $ \str ->
case pv str of
Just (v, rest) -> Just (f v, rest)
Nothing -> Nothing
instance Applicative Parser where
pure v = ParserImpl $ \str -> Just (v, str)
ParserImpl pf <*> ParserImpl pv = ParserImpl $ \str ->
case pf str of
Just (f, rest) ->
case pv rest of
Just (v, rest') -> Just (f v, rest')
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = ParserImpl $ \_ -> Nothing
ParserImpl px <|> ParserImpl py = ParserImpl $ \str ->
case px str of
Just res -> Just res
Nothing -> py str
satisfiesParser :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfiesParser f = ParserImpl go
where go "" = Nothing
go (c:cs)
| f c = Just (c, cs)
| otherwise = Nothing
charParser :: Char -> Parser Char
charParser c = satisfiesParser (==c)
surroundedParser :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser c
surroundedParser leading trailing p = leading *> p <* trailing
data JSON
= JSONString String
| JSONMap (Map String JSON)
jsonParser :: Parser JSON
jsonParser = (JSONString <$> jsonString)
<|> (JSONList <$> jsonList)
<|> (JSONMap <$> jsonMap)
jsonString :: Parser String
jsonString = surroundedParser
(charParser '"')
(charParser '"') $
many (satisfiesParser (/= '"'))
jsonList :: Parser [JSON]
jsonList = surroundedParser
(charParser '[')
(charParser ']') $
many (jsonParser <* charParser ',')
jsonMap :: Parser (Map String JSON)
jsonMap = surroundedParser
(charParser '{')
(charParser '}') $
Map.fromList <$> many (jsonMapElem <* charParser ',')
jsonMapElem :: Parser (String, JSON)
jsonMapElem = (\n _ v -> (n,v))
<$> jsonString
<*> charParser '='
<*> jsonParser
-- parseExpr = (parseExpr *> parsePlus *> parseExpr) <|> parseInt
-- parseExpr "1+2"
-- (*>) x y = (\_ a -> a) <$> x <*> y
-- (<*) x y = (\a _ -> a) <$> x <*> y
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