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Created December 9, 2020 18:32
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#jArchi Generate a legend for the selected view, based on the concept types currently used
// Generate diagram legend
// 2020 David GERARD
// For a selected view, create a group named 'Legend', in which will be nested for each concepts type found in view
// - a concept, specifically sized to show the pictogram
// - a note, to be used to name or explain the concept specifically in the view, hence preventing to rename the concept
// That way,
// - a model will be a bit polluted but with a specific set of concepts, for legend purpose, prefixed so easily identifiable
// - the same set can be used in multiple views, multiples legends as the associated text is set in a side note
// Roadmap:
// - ask to delete an existing group name 'Legend' before create a new group
// - improve typesList cleaning (removing types not concerned by legend) to avoid adding an exception
// # Functions
// Get all unique values in a JavaScript array (remove duplicates): [Get all unique values in a JavaScript array (remove duplicates) - Stack Overflow](
function onlyUnique(value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
// # Variables
var x = 10 ;
var y = 10 ;
var default_width = 30 ;
var default_height = 30 ;
var typesList = [] ;
var pictogram_x = x + 10 ;
var label_x = x + pictogram_x + 10 ;
var label_width = default_width + 10 ;
var groupWidth = 10 + default_width + 10 + default_width + 10 ;
var groupHeight = default_height + y ;
var prefix = "legend-purpose-" ;
var groupName = "Legend" ;
var noteFigureType = 0 ;
var noteOpacity = 0 ;
var noteOutlineOpacity = 0 ;
// # Main;
console.log("> Generate diagram legend:");
var currentView = $(selection).filter("archimate-diagram-model").first();//= selection.first();
if (! currentView) {
console.log("> No view identified: exiting.");
// Loop through all elements used in selected view and pus into array elements type
$(currentView).find().not("relationship").each(function(e) {
// Alphabetically sort the array: [javascript - Sort objects in an array alphabetically on one property of the array - Stack Overflow](
typesList.sort(function(a, b) {
var textA = a.toUpperCase();
var textB = b.toUpperCase();
return (textA < textB) ? -1 : (textA > textB) ? 1 : 0;
// Remove duplicates from the array
typesList = typesList.filter(onlyUnique) ;
// Remove from array types which are not concerned by the legend
typesList = typesList.filter(function(item) {
return item !== 'diagram-model-group';
typesList = typesList.filter(function(item) {
return item !== 'diagram-model-note';
typesList = typesList.filter(function(item) {
return item !== 'diagram-model-connection';
typesList = typesList.filter(function(item) {
return item !== 'archimate-diagram-model';
// For each type found in the view
for (var i=0; i<typesList.length; i++) {
// Search the corresponding standard element to be used for legend purpose
theConcept = $("."+prefix+typesList[i]).first() ;
if (!(theConcept)) {
var theConcept = model.createElement(typesList[i],prefix+typesList[i]);
// Create the group with a default size and position, and name it
var legendGroup = currentView.createObject("group", x, y, 10, 10, true) = groupName ;
// Update 'y' value and groupHeight
y += 30 ;
groupHeight += 30 ;
for (var i=0; i<typesList.length; i++) {
pictogram = $("."+prefix+typesList[i]).first() ;
// Update the group width and height to ensure autonesting will work
legendGroup.bounds = {width: groupWidth, height: groupHeight};
// Add the concept sized specifically to illustrate pictogram, and a note to bear the text, both with autonesting
var object = currentView.add(pictogram, pictogram_x, y, default_width, default_height, true) ;
var currentNote = currentView.createObject("note", pictogram_x + label_x, y, label_width, default_height, true) ;
currentNote.opacity = noteOpacity ;
currentNote.outlineOpacity = noteOutlineOpacity ;
currentNote.text = ;
// Update 'y' value and groupHeight
y += 40 ;
groupHeight += 40 ;
console.log("> Ending properly");
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felpasl commented May 31, 2022

some updates:

Line 34:

var label_width = default_width + 80 ;
var groupWidth = 10 + default_width + 10 + label_width + 10 ;

Line 110
currentNote.text = typesList[i] ;

Thank you so much for this work!

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Adding this line in after 110 result is a better textual label for the legend
currentNote.labelExpression = typesList[i].replace(/(-)/g, " ").replace(/(\b[a-z](?!\s))/g, function(x){return x.toUpperCase();});

Thank you

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