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Created February 10, 2014 02:49
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Save prologic/8909525 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
lxc-start: No such file or directory - stat(/proc/21086/root/dev//console)
$ docker logs $CID
lxc-start: No such file or directory - stat(/proc/21086/root/dev//console)
/sbin/init: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
$ CID=$(docker run -d -p 49152:22 -p 49153:8499 c4172ae8904b)
# TerraNova / CCAIH (
# Dockerfile to build a Docker image for the TerraNova / CCAIH Project.
# This is the "plone:dev" image:
# VERSION: 0.1
FROM 09e136746f56
MAINTAINER James Mills <>
# Add Repository
RUN rpm -Uvh
# Install 4store
RUN yum install -y 4store
# Setup 4store DefaultKB
RUN 4s-backend-setup DefaultKB
# Enable 4store service
RUN chkconfig 4store on
EXPOSE 22 80 443 8499
CMD ["/sbin/init"]
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The complete repository of Dockerfile(s) can be found here:

To reproduce (Ubuntu 13.03+Docker-0.7.6 host):

hg clone
cd ccaih/base
docker build -rm -t ccaih/base .
# Note the resulting Image ID
cd ../plone/dev
# Edit Dockerfile with base's Image ID
docker build -rm -t ccaih/plone:dev

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root@vz1:~# dpkg -l lxc
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                               Version                Architecture           Description
ii  lxc                                0.9.0-0ubuntu3.7       amd64                  Linux Containers userspace tools

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Relevant logs from #docker-dev:

[12:52pm] SvenDowideit: ooo, i got that error when /tmp was a softlink - intermittently....
[12:52pm] pmorie joined the chat room.
[12:52pm] prologic: really?
[12:52pm] tianon: prologic: that's also related to LXC version
[12:52pm] prologic: How can I check/confirm this is the case?
[12:53pm] tianon: prologic: if you try 0.8, you'll have better support 
[12:53pm] SvenDowideit: hammer the crap out of it
[12:53pm] tianon: see also gh#2739
[12:53pm] [o__o]: 0.7.0-rc5: lxc-start: No such file or directory - stat(/proc/<pid>/root/dev//console):
[12:53pm] SvenDowideit: that was the for loop i was running
[12:53pm] prologic: tianon: so your recommendation is to upgrade Docker? 
[12:53pm] tianon: no
[12:53pm] tianon: my recommendation is to _downgrade_ LXC
[12:53pm] tianon: LXC version 0.8 is the most stable for our purposes
[12:53pm] prologic: Ahh 
[12:53pm] tianon: which won't matter too much soon anyhow
[12:53pm] prologic: Let me check what version of LXC this is using
[12:53pm] tianon: "soon"
[12:53pm] prologic: *nods*
[12:53pm] SvenDowideit: thats why i backported a patch for lxc to 0.8.0 on boot2docker
[12:53pm] tianon: it's probably 0.9 or 1.0*
[12:54pm] SvenDowideit: and installed bash on it 
[12:54pm] tianon: yays for bash
[12:54pm] bkc_: SvenDowideit: why bash?
[12:54pm] tianon: bkc_: because LXC is a combo of C+Perl+Bash
[12:54pm] SvenDowideit: cos lxc 0.8.0 uses bashisms
[12:54pm] SvenDowideit: lxc dropped bash in 1.0.0
[12:54pm] tianon: does 0.8 still have some Perl?
[12:54pm] SvenDowideit: but chose instead to make it buggy as
[12:55pm] tianon: or was Perl just in 0.7*?
[12:55pm] SvenDowideit: i hopw not
[12:55pm] SvenDowideit: hope
[12:55pm] prologic: 0.9.0-0ubuntu3.7
[12:55pm] prologic: So yeah
[12:55pm] tianon: haha
[12:55pm] sym3tri_ left the chat room. (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[12:55pm] SvenDowideit: as b2d doesn't have it
[12:55pm] tianon: I think that was part of what they purged for 0.8
[12:55pm] bkc_: tianon: aah, makes sence
[12:55pm] bkc_: sense*
[12:55pm] crosbymichael joined the chat room.
[12:55pm] pmorie left the chat room. (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:55pm] prologic: So tianon  to confirm lxc >=0.8 <=1.0 is broken currently in this regard?
[12:56pm] tianon: prologic: I'd actually say that Docker's recommended LXC is 0.8 hard
[12:56pm] tianon: that 1.0* stuff is broken in other ways
[12:56pm] SvenDowideit: yup, sadly
[12:56pm] tianon: bbl
[12:57pm] prologic: tianon: Okay - if that's the case I should make a note of this for CRUX et all. Could we document this on
[12:57pm] Martinchooooooo joined the chat room.
[12:58pm] prologic: tianon: Or will this be fixed by Docker 0.8.x? at a later stage?
[12:59pm] SvenDowideit: more like 0.9 - where we stop using the lxc scripts 

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