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Last active May 29, 2019 16:10
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using SharpGLTF.Geometry;
using SharpGLTF.Geometry.VertexTypes;
using SharpGLTF.Materials;
using VERTEX = SharpGLTF.Geometry.VertexBuilder<
namespace Stylister.Modeling3D.Core.Geometry
public class PolygonMeshBuilder
private readonly List<Vector2> _points = new List<Vector2>();
private readonly List<Vector2> _outlinePoints = new List<Vector2>();
private readonly List<List<Vector2>> _holes = new List<List<Vector2>>();
private readonly List<double> _epoints = new List<double>();
private readonly List<int> _eholes = new List<int>();
public PolygonMeshBuilder(List<Vector2> counters)
var points = counters;
private void AddToEPoints(List<Vector2> points)
_epoints.AddRange(points.SelectMany(point => new List<double> { point.X, point.Y }));
private PolygonMeshBuilder AddHole(List<Vector2> hole)
_eholes.Add(_epoints.Count / 2);
return this;
private VertexData BuildVertexData(float depth)
var result = new VertexData();
var normals = new List<Vector3>();
var positions = new List<Vector3>();
var uvs = new List<Vector2>();
var bounds = _points.ComputeBounds();
foreach (var point in _points)
normals.Add(new Vector3(0, 1.0f, 0));
positions.Add(new Vector3(point.X, 0, point.Y));
uvs.Add(new Vector2((point.X - bounds.Min.X) / bounds.Width, (point.Y - bounds.Min.Y) / bounds.Height));
var res = Earcut.Tessellate(_epoints, _eholes);
var indices = new List<int>(res);
if (depth > 0)
var positionsCount = positions.Count / 3;
// Add the elements at the depth
foreach (var point in _points)
normals.Add(new Vector3(0, -1.0f, 0));
positions.Add(new Vector3(point.X, -depth, point.Y));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(1 - (point.X - bounds.Min.X) / bounds.Width, 1 - (point.Y - bounds.Min.Y) / bounds.Height));
var totalCount = indices.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < totalCount; i += 3)
var i0 = indices[i + 0];
var i1 = indices[i + 1];
var i2 = indices[i + 2];
indices.Add(i2 + positionsCount);
indices.Add(i1 + positionsCount);
indices.Add(i0 + positionsCount);
// Add the sides
AddSide(positions, normals, uvs, indices, bounds, _outlinePoints, depth, false);
foreach (var hole in _holes)
AddSide(positions, normals, uvs, indices, bounds, hole, depth, true);
result.Indices = indices;
result.Positions = positions;
result.Normals = normals;
result.Uvs = uvs;
return result;
private void AddSide(List<Vector3> positions, List<Vector3> normals, List<Vector2> uvs, List<int> indices, Bounds bounds, List<Vector2> points, float depth, bool flip)
var startIndex = positions.Count / 3;
var uLength = 0.0f;
for (var i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
var p = points[i];
var p1 = i + 1 > points.Count - 1 ? points[0] : points[i + 1];
positions.Add(new Vector3(p.X, 0, p.Y));
positions.Add(new Vector3(p.X, -depth, p.Y));
positions.Add(new Vector3(p1.X, 0, p1.Y));
positions.Add(new Vector3(p1.X, -depth, p1.Y));
var v1 = new Vector3(p.X, 0, p.Y);
var v2 = new Vector3(p1.X, 0, p1.Y);
var v3 = v2 - v1;
var v4 = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
var vn = Vector3.Cross(v3, v4);
vn = Vector3.Normalize(vn);
uvs.Add(new Vector2(uLength / bounds.Width, 0));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(uLength / bounds.Width, 1));
uLength += v3.Length();
uvs.Add(new Vector2(uLength / bounds.Width, 0));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(uLength / bounds.Width, 1));
if (!flip)
normals.Add(new Vector3(-vn.X, -vn.Y, -vn.Z));
normals.Add(new Vector3(-vn.X, -vn.Y, -vn.Z));
normals.Add(new Vector3(-vn.X, -vn.Y, -vn.Z));
normals.Add(new Vector3(-vn.X, -vn.Y, -vn.Z));
indices.Add(startIndex + 1);
indices.Add(startIndex + 2);
indices.Add(startIndex + 1);
indices.Add(startIndex + 3);
indices.Add(startIndex + 2);
normals.Add(new Vector3(vn.X, vn.Y, vn.Z));
normals.Add(new Vector3(vn.X, vn.Y, vn.Z));
normals.Add(new Vector3(vn.X, vn.Y, vn.Z));
normals.Add(new Vector3(vn.X, vn.Y, vn.Z));
indices.Add(startIndex + 2);
indices.Add(startIndex + 1);
indices.Add(startIndex + 1);
indices.Add(startIndex + 2);
indices.Add(startIndex + 3);
startIndex += 4;
public MeshBuilder<VertexPositionNormal, VertexTexture1, VertexEmpty> Build(float depth = 0)
VERTEX CreateVertexFromIndex(VertexData vertexData1, int index)
return new VERTEX(
new VertexPositionNormal(vertexData1.Positions[index],vertexData1.Normals[index]),
new VertexTexture1(vertexData1.Uvs[index]),
new VertexEmpty());
var result = VERTEX.CreateCompatibleMesh();
var vertexData = BuildVertexData(depth);
var material = new MaterialBuilder("material");
var primitive = result.UsePrimitive(material);
for (var i = 2; i < vertexData.Indices.Count; i += 3)
var idx0 = vertexData.Indices[i - 2];
var idx1 = vertexData.Indices[i - 1];
var idx2 = vertexData.Indices[i - 0];
var a = CreateVertexFromIndex(vertexData, idx0);
var b = CreateVertexFromIndex(vertexData, idx1);
var c = CreateVertexFromIndex(vertexData, idx2);
primitive.AddTriangle(a, b, c);
return result;
public class VertexData
public List<int> Indices { get; set; }
public List<Vector3> Positions { get; set; }
public List<Vector3> Normals { get; set; }
public List<Vector2> Uvs { get; set; }
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Cool! I've just updated the code :) Far cleaner indeed!

The indices are correct like this, right?

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yes, it seems it's correct now... dunno if it's working for you, thought.

I would improve the VertexData code a bit further:

public class VertexData
		public List<int> Indices { get; set; }
		public List<Vector3> Positions { get; set; }
		public List<Vector3> Normals { get; set; }
		public List<Vector2> Uvs { get; set; }

              VERTEX GetVertex(int index)
                                index = Indices[ index ];

				return new VERTEX(
					new VertexPositionNormal( Positions[index], Normals[index] ),
					new VertexTexture1( Uvs[index] ),
					new VertexEmpty( ) );


for (var i = 2; i < vertexData.Indices.Count; i += 3)
                                var a = vertexData.GetVertex(i-2);
				var b = vertexData.GetVertex(i-1);
				var c = vertexData.GetVertex(i-0);

				primitive.AddTriangle(a, b, c);

you could even move the whole "Build" method inside VertexData class...

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