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Created October 11, 2020 12:11
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interface Props {
object: three.Object3D | undefined;
export const Gizmo = (props: Props) => {
const [scale, setScale] = useState(new three.Vector3());
useFrame(({ camera }) => {
if (!props.object) {
const worldPosition = new three.Vector3();
const worldQuaternion = new three.Quaternion();
const worldScale = new three.Vector3();
props.object.matrixWorld.decompose(worldPosition, worldQuaternion, worldScale);
let factor;
if (camera.type === "OrthographicCamera") {
factor = ( - camera.bottom) / camera.zoom;
} else {
const worldPosition = new three.Vector3();
const worldQuaternion = new three.Quaternion();
const worldScale = new three.Vector3();
props.object.matrixWorld.decompose(worldPosition, worldQuaternion, worldScale);
factor = worldPosition.distanceTo(camera.position) * Math.min(1.9 * Math.tan(Math.PI * camera.fov / 360) / camera.zoom, 7);
setScale(new three.Vector3().set(1, 1, 1).multiplyScalar(factor / 7));
const points = useMemo(() => {
if (!props.object) {
return null;
const box = new three.Box3();
const min = box.min;
const max = box.max;
const y = 0.01;
const point0 = new three.Vector3(min.x, y, max.z);
const point1 = new three.Vector3(max.x, y, max.z);
const point2 = new three.Vector3(max.x, y, min.z);
const point3 = new three.Vector3(min.x, y, min.z);
const base = [
point0, point1,
point1, point2,
point2, point3,
point3, point0
const centerX = (min.x + max.x) / 2;
const centerZ = (min.z + max.z) / 2;
const midDown = new three.Vector3(centerX, y, centerZ);
const midUp = new three.Vector3(centerX, max.y, centerZ);
const line = [midDown, midUp];
const midXMinZ = new three.Vector3(centerX, 0, min.z);
const midXMaxZ = new three.Vector3(centerX, 0, max.z);
const midZMinX = new three.Vector3(min.x, 0, centerZ);
const midZMaxX = new three.Vector3(max.x, 0, centerZ);
return {
}, [props.object]);
const corner = useMemo(() =>
<Billboard size={0.05 * 1.6} color={new three.Color("black")} />
<Billboard size={0.05} color={new three.Color("white")} />
</>, []);
const mid = useMemo(() =>
<Billboard size={0.05} color={new three.Color("black")} />
</>, []);
if (!props.object || !points) {
return null;
return (
<lineSegments onUpdate={self => self.computeLineDistances()}>
<geometry attach="geometry" vertices={points.base} />
<lineDashedMaterial color="black" dashSize={.8} gapSize={.4} attach="material" depthTest={false} />
<lineSegments onUpdate={self => self.computeLineDistances()}>
<geometry attach="geometry" vertices={points.line} />
<lineDashedMaterial color="black" dashSize={.8} gapSize={.4} attach="material" depthTest={false} />
<EndPoint position={points.point0} scale={scale}>{corner}</EndPoint>
<EndPoint position={points.point1} scale={scale}>{corner}</EndPoint>
<EndPoint position={points.point2} scale={scale}>{corner}</EndPoint>
<EndPoint position={points.point3} scale={scale}>{corner}</EndPoint>
<EndPoint position={points.line[1]} scale={scale}>{corner}</EndPoint>
<EndPoint position={points.midXMinZ} scale={scale}>{mid}</EndPoint>
<EndPoint position={points.midXMaxZ} scale={scale}>{mid}</EndPoint>
<EndPoint position={points.midZMinX} scale={scale}>{mid}</EndPoint>
<EndPoint position={points.midZMaxX} scale={scale}>{mid}</EndPoint>
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