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Created July 24, 2009 02:37
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// 終端記号の定義
terminals z s
// 文法定義 n は z または s n
n ::= z
| s n
// 公理
// judgment 名前 : 式
// それぞれの式は、--- の上に前提、下に結果が来る。結果は式とマッチする必要がある。
judgment sum: n + n = n
--------- sum-z
z + n = n
n1 + n2 = n3
-------------------- sum-s
(s n1) + n2 = (s n3)
// Warm-up theorem: 1 + n = s n
// theorem 定理名 : forallのリスト exists一つ
theorem n_plus_1_equals_s_n : forall n exists (s z) + n = (s n).
d1: (s z) + n = (s n) by unproved
end theorem
theorem n_plus_1_equals_s_n : forall n exists (s z) + n = (s n).
d1: z + n = n by unproved
d2: (s z) + n = (s n) by rule sum-s on d1 // sum-s に d1 を代入
end theorem
theorem n_plus_1_equals_s_n : forall n exists (s z) + n = (s n).
d1: z + n = n by rule sum-z // sum-z の下とマッチ
d2: (s z) + n = (s n) by rule sum-s on d1 // sum-s に d1 を代入
end theorem
// n + 0 = n
// induction と case のサンプル
theorem sum-z-rh: forall n exists n + z = n.
d1: n + z = n by induction on n: // n で case に分ける
case z is // n == z の場合
d2: z + z = z by unproved
end case
case s n1 is // n == (s n1) の場合
d4: (s n1) + z = (s n1) by unproved
end case
end induction
end theorem
theorem sum-z-rh: forall n exists n + z = n.
d1: n + z = n by induction on n: // n で case に分ける
case z is // n == z の場合
d2: z + z = z by rule sum-z // sum-z の下とマッチ
end case
case s n1 is // n == (s n1) の場合
d3: n1 + z = n1 by induction hypothesis on n1 // d1 の n に n1 を代入
d4: (s n1) + z = (s n1) by rule sum-s on d3 // sum-s に d3 を代入
end case
end induction
end theorem
// n1 + n2 = n3 の時 n1 + (n2 + 1) = (n3 + 1)
theorem sum-s-rh: forall d1: n1 + n2 = n3 exists n1 + (s n2) = (s n3).
// d1 (jugment sum) にある rule で場合分けする。
d2: n1 + (s n2) = s n3 by induction on d1:
case rule // sum-z の場合
----------------- sum-z
dzc: z + n = n // この結論を n1 + (s n2) = (s n3) の形に変形出来たら OK
dz1: z + (s n) = (s n) by unproved
end case
case rule // sum-s の場合
dsp: n1' + n2' = n3'
-------------------- sum-s
dsc: (s n1') + n2' = (s n3') // この結論を n1 + (s n2) = (s n3) の形に変形出来たら OK
ds2: (s n1') + (s n2') = (s (s n3')) by unproved
end case
end induction
end theorem
theorem sum-s-rh: forall d1: n1 + n2 = n3 exists n1 + (s n2) = (s n3).
// d1 (jugment sum) にある rule で場合分けする。
d2: n1 + (s n2) = s n3 by induction on d1:
case rule // sum-z の場合
----------------- sum-z
dzc: z + n = n // この結論を n1 + (s n2) = (s n3) の形に変形出来たら OK
dz1: z + (s n) = (s n) by rule sum-z
end case
case rule // sum-s の場合
dsp: n1' + n2' = n3'
-------------------- sum-s
dsc: (s n1') + n2' = (s n3') // この結論を n1 + (s n2) = (s n3) の形に変形出来たら OK
// n1' + n2' = n3' より
ds1: n1' + (s n2') = (s n3') by induction hypothesis on dsp
// forall n1' + n2' = n3' exists (s n1') + n2' = (s n3') に n1' + (s n2') = (s n3') を代入
ds2: (s n1') + (s n2') = (s (s n3')) by rule sum-s on ds1
end case
end induction
end theorem
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