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Created December 20, 2010 08:08
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An idea of reversible parser
-- An idea of reversible parser
-- todo: String8 Structure
{-# OPTIONS -XViewPatterns #-}
import Data.Bits
import Test.HUnit
main = runTestTT $ test [
"bitOf" ~: testBitOf,
"u8" ~: testU8,
"char" ~: testChar,
"string0" ~: testString]
-- write 8 bit number to the stream
data Bit = H | L deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Return ith bit of n
bitOf :: Int -> Int -> Bit
bitOf n i = if testBit n i then H else L
-- Return a number where ith bit is H/L.
bitOf_ :: Int -> Bit -> Int
bitOf_ n H = 0 `setBit` n
bitOf_ n L = 0
testBitOf = test [
"bitOf" ~: bitOf 8 3 ~=? H,
"bitOf_" ~: bitOf_ 3 H ~=? 8]
-- write 8 bit int: u8 170 [] => [H,L,H,L,H,L,H,L]
u8 :: Int -> [Bit] -> [Bit]
u8 i bs = let b0 = bitOf i 0
b1 = bitOf i 1
b2 = bitOf i 2
b3 = bitOf i 3
b4 = bitOf i 4
b5 = bitOf i 5
b6 = bitOf i 6
b7 = bitOf i 7
in b7 : b6 : b5 : b4 : b3 : b2 : b1 : b0 : bs
-- read 8 bit int: u8_ [H,L,H,L,H,L,H,L] => (170, [])
u8_ :: [Bit] -> (Int, [Bit])
u8_ (b7 : b6 : b5 : b4 : b3 : b2 : b1 : b0 : bs) = ((bitOf_ 0 b0) +
(bitOf_ 1 b1) +
(bitOf_ 2 b2) +
(bitOf_ 3 b3) +
(bitOf_ 4 b4) +
(bitOf_ 5 b5) +
(bitOf_ 6 b6) +
(bitOf_ 7 b7), bs)
testU8 = test [
"u8" ~: u8 170 [] ~=? [H,L,H,L,H,L,H,L],
"u8_" ~: u8_ [H,L,H,L,H,L,H,L] ~=? (170, [])]
-- write Char
char :: Char -> [Bit] -> [Bit]
char c bs = u8 (fromEnum c) bs
-- read Char
char_ :: [Bit] -> (Char, [Bit])
char_ (u8_ -> (toEnum -> n, bs)) = (n, bs)
testChar = test [
"char" ~: char 'A' [] ~=? [L,H,L,L,L,L,L,H],
"char_" ~: char_ [L,H,L,L,L,L,L,H] ~=? ('A',[])]
-- todo: repeat writer n times
many :: (t -> [Bit] -> [Bit]) -> Int -> [t] -> [Bit] -> [Bit]
many f n (c:cs) bs = f c $ many f (n - 1) cs bs
many f 0 [] bs = bs
-- Write a string and the length.
string :: (String, [Bit]) -> ([Bit])
string (cs, bs) = string' (chars (cs, bs))
string' (size, bs) = char size bs
-- Write a string with constant size to the stream.
chars :: (String, [Bit]) -> (Char, [Bit])
chars ("", bs) = ('\000', bs)
chars (charsHead -> (c, (chars -> (n, bs)))) = (succ n, char c bs)
-- Take a head character from the string.
charsHead :: (String, [Bit]) -> (Char, (String, [Bit]))
charsHead (c:cs, bs) = (c, (cs, bs))
-- Read a string and the length.
string_ :: ([Bit]) -> (String, [Bit])
string_ (string'_ -> (chars_ -> (cs, bs))) = (cs, bs)
string'_ (char_ -> (size, bs)) = (size, bs)
-- Read a string.
chars_ :: (Char, [Bit]) -> (String, [Bit])
chars_ ('\000', bs) = ("", bs)
chars_ (pred -> n, char_ -> (c, bs)) = charsHead_ (c, chars_ (n, bs))
charsHead_ (c, (cs, bs)) = (c:cs, bs)
testString = test [
"chars" ~: chars ("Hello", []) ~=? ('\005',[L,H,L,L,H,L,L,L,L,H,H,L,L,H,L,H,L,H,H,L,H,H,L,L,L,H,H,L,H,H,L,L,L,H,H,L,H,H,H,H]),
"chars_" ~: chars_ ('\005', [L,H,L,L,H,L,L,L,L,H,H,L,L,H,L,H,L,H,H,L,H,H,L,L,L,H,H,L,H,H,L,L,L,H,H,L,H,H,H,H]) ~=? ("Hello",[]),
"string" ~: string ("ABC", []) ~=? [L,L,L,L,L,L,H,H,L,H,L,L,L,L,L,H,L,H,L,L,L,L,H,L,L,H,L,L,L,L,H,H],
"string_" ~: string_ ([L,L,L,L,L,L,H,H,L,H,L,L,L,L,L,H,L,H,L,L,L,L,H,L,L,H,L,L,L,L,H,H]) ~=? ("ABC", []),
"makeString8" ~: makeString8 ("Hello") ~=? (String8 '\005' "Hello"),
"makeString8_" ~: makeString8_ (String8 '\005' "Hello") ~=? ("Hello")]
---------- todo:
data String8 = String8 Char String deriving (Show, Eq)
makeString8 :: (String) -> (String8)
makeString8 (stringSize -> (n, xs)) = String8 n xs
makeString8_ :: (String8) -> (String)
makeString8_ (String8 n xs) = (stringSize_ (n, xs))
stringSize :: (String) -> (Char, String)
stringSize ("") = ('\000', "")
stringSize (x : (stringSize -> (n, xs))) = (succ n, x:xs)
stringSize_ :: (Char, String) -> (String)
stringSize_ ('\000', "") = ("")
stringSize_ (pred -> n, x:xs) = (x : (stringSize_ (n, xs)))
-- string8 :: (String8, [Bit]) -> ([Bit])
-- string8 (String8 n xs, bs) = string8' (n, (chars (xs, bs)))
-- string8' :: (Char, (Char, [Bit])) -> ([Bit])
-- string8' (_, (_, bs)) = bs
-- string_ n xs = let (c, xs') = char_ xs
-- (cs, xs'') = string_ (n - 1) xs'
-- in ((c:cs), xs'')
-- string_ (pred -> n) (char_ -> (c, xs')) = let (cs, xs'') = string_ n xs'
-- in ((c:cs), xs'')
-- string_ (pred -> n) (char_ -> (c, string_ n -> (cs, bs))) = (c:cs, bs)
-- bstring_info "hello" []
bstring_info :: String -> [Bit] -> [Bit]
bstring_info (list_length -> (n, cs)) bs = u8 n $ (many char) n cs bs
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