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Created April 16, 2018 00:31
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import matplotlib
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, mpld3
from notebooks.styles import colors
from notebooks.base import ChartBase
from notebooks.plugins import *
except ImportError:
from styles import colors
from base import ChartBase
from plugins import *
import pandas as pd
class WOGLevel1Mixins(object):
def _get_lefts(self, n, ntotal, bar_width, xticks):
lefts = []
spacer = 0.05
if ntotal == 1 and len(xticks) == 1:
for x in range(len(xticks)):
adjustment = (bar_width + spacer) * n
left = x - adjustment + ((bar_width + spacer)/2)
return lefts
def service_classification_plot(self, agency_count_df, df, urls_map=None, interactive=True, asl=False):
self.interactive = interactive
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
years = list(df['Financial Year'].unique())
service_classes = list(df['Service classification'].unique())
width = 0.25
bars_list = []
# Draw the bar graphs
for i, year in enumerate(years):
group_df = df[df['Financial Year'] == year]
group = group_df['Sum of ASL'] if asl else group_df['Sum of Total']
pos = [service_classes.index(x) for x in group_df['Service classification'].values]
bar_lefts = self._get_lefts(i, len(years), width, pos)
bars =, group, color=_set_periods_colors(year), width=width, linewidth=4,
edgecolor=_set_periods_colors(year), zorder=2)
bars_list.append({'values': group, 'bars': bars})
# Set chart properties and formatting
ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=14, labelcolor='#2F2F31', length=0)
ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=14, labelcolor='#2F2F31', length=0)
xlabels = df['Service classification'].unique()
ax.set_xticks([p for p in range(len(xlabels))])
if interactive:
labels = ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels)
rotation = 0
halign = 'center'
# Adjust alignment and rotation if there are more than 4 labels
if len(xlabels) > 4:
rotation = 45
halign = 'right'
labels = ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, fontweight='semibold', rotation=rotation, position=(0,-0.04))
for label in labels:
ax.yaxis.grid(color='lightgray', linewidth=2)
yaxis_label = 'ASL' if asl else 'Dollars'
ax.set_ylabel(yaxis_label, fontsize=14)
# Draw the legend
handles = []
for i, year in enumerate(years):
patch = mpatches.Patch(color=_set_periods_colors(year), label=year, linewidth=4)
if interactive:
ax.legend(handles=handles, frameon=False, loc='best')
ax.legend(handles=handles, frameon=False, loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 0.5))
# Prepare the agency counts table
agency_count_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
# Data table
df1 = pd.DataFrame([], columns=service_classes)
def get_value(df, x):
if asl:
value = df.loc[x]['Sum of ASL']
value = df.loc[x]['Sum of Total']
return value
except KeyError:
return 0
for i, year in enumerate(years, 1):
year_df = df[df['Financial Year'] == year]
year_df.set_index('Service classification', inplace=True)
df1.loc[year] = [get_value(year_df,x) for x in service_classes]
if asl:
for year in years:
df1.loc[year] = df1.loc[year].apply('{:.2f}'.format)
for year in years:
df1.loc[year] = df1.loc[year].apply('{:.2f}'.format)
if interactive:
# Create tooltips for bars
for bars_group in bars_list:
for i, bar in enumerate(bars_group['bars'].get_children()):
value = list(bars_group['values'])[i]
if asl:
formatted_value = '{:.2f} ASL'.format(value)
formatted_value = '${:,.0f}'.format(value)
label = "<div style='background: white; padding: 2px; border: solid 1px black;'>%s</div>" % formatted_value
tooltip = mpld3.plugins.LineHTMLTooltip(bar, label=label, hoffset=15, voffset=-5)
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
# Create links in x-axis labels
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, TickLabelLink(urls_map))
# Format the y-axis values
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, YTickFormat('dollar thousands'))
# Create the agency counts table
html = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig)
agency_count_table_json = agency_count_df.to_dict('split')
table_json = df1.to_dict('split')
return html, agency_count_table_json, table_json
bbox=[0, 1.1, 0.5, 0.7],
return fig
class WOGLevel1(ChartBase, WOGLevel1Mixins):
excluded_service_type_list = ['Other Corporate Services', 'Other Financial Services', 'Other HR Services']
def filter_dataframe(self, df):
colmap = {'Level 1 Service': 'Service classification'}
for k,v in self.filter_params.items():
excluded = ['Agency name', 'Level 2 Service', 'ASL']
if k not in excluded and len(v):
mapped_k = colmap.get(k, k)
df = df[df[mapped_k].isin(v)]
df = df[~df['Service name'].isin(self.excluded_service_type_list)]
return df
def get_agency_counts(self, df):
sdf = self.filter_dataframe(df)
def agency_count(series):
return len(series.unique())
if self.filter_params['Agency name']:
sdf = sdf.loc[sdf['Agency name'].isin(self.filter_params['Agency name'])]
sdf = sdf.groupby(['Agency size', 'Financial Year']).agg({'Agency name': agency_count})
sizes, years = sdf.index.levels
pdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(years))
for size in sizes:
row = []
for year in years:
value = int(sdf.loc[size, year])
except KeyError:
value = 0
pdf.loc[size] = row
pdf = pdf.reindex(['Extra Large agencies', 'Large agencies', 'Medium agencies', 'Small agencies', 'Extra Small agencies', 'Micro'])
pdf = pdf.rename(index={pdf.index[5]: 'Micro agencies'})
pdf.loc['Total agencies'] = [pdf[year].sum() for year in pdf.columns]
return pdf
def generate_dataframe(self, df):
df = self.filter_dataframe(df)
if len(df):
# Generate the agency counts dataframe
sdf = self.get_agency_counts(df)
# Proceed to generate the dataframe needed by main chart
if self.filter_params['Agency name']:
df = df[df['Agency name'].isin(self.filter_params['Agency name'])]
del df['Agency name']
df = df.groupby(['Financial Year', 'Service classification']).aggregate({'Sum of Total': 'sum', 'Sum of ASL': 'sum'})
return (sdf, df)
def generate_graph(self, dfs, interactive=True, base_url=None, **kwargs):
agency_count_df, df = dfs
# Generate the appropriate graph
results = {'success': False, 'errors': [], 'image': None}
if len(df):
# if not base_url:
# base_url = ''
# url = base_url.rstrip('/') + '/chart/whole-government/level2/'
url = '/chart/whole-government/level2/'
urls_map = self.create_url_mapping(
df['Service classification'].unique(),
asl = 'ASL' in self.filter_params and self.filter_params['ASL'] or False
fig, agency_count_table_json, table_json = self.service_classification_plot(agency_count_df, df, urls_map=urls_map, interactive=interactive, asl=asl)
b64_string = self.convert_figure_to_base64(fig)
results['errors'].append('The selected filter combination did not yield any data points')
if not results['errors']:
results['image'] = b64_string
results['agency_count_table_json'] = agency_count_table_json
results['table_json'] = table_json
results['success'] = True
return results
class WOGLevel2Mixins(object):
def _get_lefts(self, n, ntotal, bar_width, xticks):
lefts = []
spacer = 0.05
for x in range(len(xticks)):
adjustment = (bar_width + spacer) * n
left = x - adjustment + ((bar_width + spacer)/2)
return lefts
def service_type_plot(self, df, urls_map=None, interactive=True, asl=False):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
years = list(df['Financial Year'].unique())
service_types = list(df['Service type'].unique())
width = 0.25
bars_list = []
# Draw the bar graphs
for i, year in enumerate(years):
group_df = df[df['Financial Year'] == year]
group = group_df['Sum of ASL'] if asl else group_df['Sum of Total']
pos = [service_types.index(x) for x in group_df['Service type'].values]
bar_lefts = self._get_lefts(i, len(years), width, pos)
bars =, group, color=_set_periods_colors(year), width=width, linewidth=4,
edgecolor=_set_periods_colors(year), zorder=2)
bars_list.append({'bars': bars, 'values': group})
# Set chart properties and formatting
ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=14, labelcolor='#2F2F31', length=0)
if interactive:
ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=14, length=0)
xlabels = [x.title() for x in service_types]
ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=9.5, length=0)
xlabels = [x.replace(' ', '\n') for x in service_types]
ax.set_xticklabels([], position=(0,-0.04), clip_on=True)
ax.yaxis.grid(color='lightgray', linewidth=2)
yaxis_label = 'ASL' if asl else 'Dollars'
ax.set_ylabel(yaxis_label, fontsize=14)
# Draw the legend
handles = []
for i, year in enumerate(years):
patch = mpatches.Patch(color=_set_periods_colors(year), label=year, linewidth=4)
if interactive:
ax.legend(handles=handles, loc='best')
ax.legend(handles=handles, frameon=False, loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 0.5))
# Data table
df2 = pd.DataFrame([], columns=service_types)
def get_value(df, x):
if asl:
value = df.loc[x]['Sum of ASL']
value = df.loc[x]['Sum of Total']
return value
except KeyError:
return 0
for i, year in enumerate(years, 1):
year_df = df[df['Financial Year'] == year]
year_df.set_index('Service type', inplace=True)
df2.loc[year] = [get_value(year_df,x) for x in service_types]
df2['Total Cost'] = [df2.loc[year].sum() for year in df2.index.values]
if asl:
for year in years:
df2.loc[year] = df2.loc[year].apply('{:.2f}'.format)
for year in years:
df2.loc[year] = df2.loc[year].apply('{:.2f}'.format)
if interactive:
# Create tooltips for bars
for bars_group in bars_list:
for i, bar in enumerate(bars_group['bars'].get_children()):
value = list(bars_group['values'])[i]
if asl:
formatted_value = '{:.2f} ASL'.format(value)
formatted_value = '${:,.0f}'.format(value)
label = "<div style='background: white; padding: 2px; border: solid 1px black;'>%s</div>" % formatted_value
tooltip = mpld3.plugins.LineHTMLTooltip(bar, label=label, hoffset=15, voffset=-5)
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
# Create links in x-axis labels
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, TickLabelLink(urls_map))
# Format the y-axis values
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, YTickFormat('dollar thousands'))
# Create the agency counts table
html = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig)
table_json = df2.to_dict('split')
return html, table_json
data_table = ax.table(cellText=df2.as_matrix(), colLabels=xlabels, rowLabels=years, loc='bottom')
# Adjust cell heights
cells = data_table.get_celld()
for x,y in cells:
cell = cells[(x,y)]
if x == 0:
return fig
class WOGLevel2(ChartBase, WOGLevel2Mixins):
service_2_list = []
excluded_service_type_list = ['Other Corporate Services', 'Other Financial Services', 'Other HR Services']
def filter_dataframe(self, df):
colmap = {
'Level 1 Service': 'Service classification',
'Level 2 Service': 'Service type'
for k,v in self.filter_params.items():
excluded = ['Agency name', 'ASL']
if k not in excluded and len(v):
mapped_k = colmap.get(k, k)
df = df[df[mapped_k].isin(v)]
if len(self.filter_params['Level 2 Service']) == 0:
gp = df[['Service type', 'Financial Year']].groupby('Financial Year')
service_2_lists = gp['Service type'].unique().values
if len(service_2_lists) != 0:
self.service_2_list = set(service_2_lists[0]).intersection(*service_2_lists)
self.service_2_list = []
df = df[df['Service type'].isin(self.service_2_list)]
df = df[~df['Service type'].isin(self.excluded_service_type_list)]
return df
def generate_dataframe(self, df):
df = self.filter_dataframe(df)
if len(df):
if self.filter_params['Agency name']:
df = df[df['Agency name'].isin(self.filter_params['Agency name'])]
del df['Agency name']
# Pre-process the dataframe
df = df.groupby(['Financial Year', 'Service type']).aggregate({'Sum of Total': 'sum', 'Sum of ASL': 'sum'})
return df
def generate_graph(self, df, interactive=True, base_url=None, **kwargs):
# Generate the appropriate graph
results = {'success': False, 'errors': [], 'image': None}
if len(df):
url = '/chart/whole-government/level2-benchmark/'
urls_map = self.create_url_mapping(
df['Service type'].unique(),
asl = 'ASL' in self.filter_params and self.filter_params['ASL'] or False
fig, table_json = self.service_type_plot(df, urls_map=urls_map, interactive=interactive, asl=asl)
b64_string = self.convert_figure_to_base64(fig)
results['errors'].append('The selected filter combination did not yield any data points')
if not results['errors']:
results['image'] = b64_string
results['table_json'] = table_json
results['success'] = True
results['service_2_list'] = self.service_2_list
return results
class WOGLevel2BenchmarkMixins(object):
def service_profile_plot(self, service_name, df1, df2, deidentified=False, browser='edge', asl=False, selected_agency_name=''):
# Initialize list that should contain the subplots
subplots = []
# Initialize the figure and axes for the scatterplot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[6,1.5])
unit_type = df1.columns[1]
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
profiles = df1[df1['Type'] == 'WofG Agencies']
dot_size = 100
if browser == 'edge':
dot_size = 30
scatter1 = ax1.scatter(profiles[unit_type],
profiles['Unit Rates'], c=colors[0], s=dot_size, zorder=2)
selected_orgs = df1[df1['Type'] == selected_agency_name]
scatter2 = None
if len(selected_orgs):
scatter2 = ax1.scatter(selected_orgs[unit_type],
selected_orgs['Unit Rates'], c="#ec4a41", s=dot_size, zorder=2)
ax1.set_ylabel('Unit Rates', fontsize=12)
ax1.set_xlabel(unit_type, fontsize=12)
# Grid and labels formatting
ax1.yaxis.grid(color='lightgray', linewidth=2, zorder=1)
ax1.xaxis.grid(color='lightgray', linewidth=2, zorder=1)
ax1.set_title(service_name, position=(0.5,1.12), fontsize=18)
ax1.text(0.5, 1.1, '(Unit Type = %s)' % unit_type,
transform=ax1.transAxes, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=14)
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
# Draw the tooltip for each point
def format_label(agency, unit_type, x,y):
style = 'style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;"'
if agency:
label = '<div {}><strong>{}</strong><br>'.format(style, agency)
label = '<div {}>'.format(style)
label += '{}: {:,.0f}<br>Unit Rate: {:,.2f}</div>'.format(unit_type, x,y)
return label
for sdf, points in [(profiles, scatter1), (selected_orgs, scatter2)]:
if points:
labels = zip(sdf['Agency name'], sdf[unit_type], sdf['Unit Rates'])
labels = [format_label(agency, unit_type, x,y) for agency,x,y in labels]
tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(points, labels=labels,
hoffset=15, voffset=-5)
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
# Draw and format the legend
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
handles = []
for label, color in [('WofG Agencies', colors[0]), (selected_agency_name, '#ec4a41')]:
circle = mlines.Line2D(
legend = ax2.legend(handles=handles, ncol=2, loc='lower center')
frame = legend.get_frame()
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, HideSuplotAxes(2))
html = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig)
# We can eventually remove the code above
# but for now, we'll just stop providing it to the template.
# This is deprecated by a template-driven JS charting library.
# subplots.append(html)
# Initialize the figure and axes for the stacked bar graph
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[6,1.5])
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
# Create a color mapping in tuples
cost_types = list(df2['Cost Type'].dropna().values)
cost_type_colors = zip(cost_types, colors[0:len(df2)])
colors_dict = dict(cost_type_colors)
df2['Order'] = df2['Cost Type'].dropna().apply(lambda x: cost_types.index(x))
df2['Color'] = df2['Cost Type'].dropna().apply(lambda x: colors_dict[x])
df2 = df2.dropna(subset=['Cost Type']).sort_values('Order', ascending=False)
def create_stacked_bar(pos, values, colors, cost_types):
width = 0.5
lastx = 0
bars_list = []
for x,color,cost_type in list(zip(values, colors, cost_types)):
bar =, x, width, bottom=lastx, color=color)
lastx += x
bars_list.append({'bar': bar, 'value': x, 'name': cost_type})
return bars_list
bar_groups = {
1: {'name': service_name},
2: {'name': 'WofG Agencies - %s' % service_name}
df2.sort_values('Cost Type', inplace=True)
for bg in bar_groups:
bars = create_stacked_bar(bg, df2[bar_groups[bg]['name']], df2['Color'], df2['Cost Type'])
#if interactive:
for bar in bars:
style = 'style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 2px;"'
label = '<div {}><strong>{}</strong><br>Percentage: {:,.2f}%</div>'
label = label.format(style, bar['name'], bar['value'])
tooltip = mpld3.plugins.LineHTMLTooltip(
bar['bar'].get_children()[0], label=label,
hoffset=15, voffset=-5)
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
ax1.set_title('Compare Your Cost Categories', position=(0.5,1.05), fontsize=18)
percentage_by = 'ASL' if asl else 'Dollars'
ax1.set_ylabel('Percentage - {}'.format(percentage_by), fontsize=12)
def draw_subplot2_legend(ax):
# Draw the legend
handles = []
for cost_type, color in colors_dict.items():
if cost_type != 'Unknown':
patch = mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=cost_type)
legend = ax.legend(handles=handles, loc='lower center', ncol=3)
frame = legend.get_frame()
return legend
ax1.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.1)
ax1.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.1, 0.5)
ax1.set_xticks([1, 2])
ax1.set_xticklabels([service_name, 'WofG Agencies - %s' % service_name])
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, HideSuplotAxes(2))
html = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig)
return {'subplots': subplots, 'data': {'profiles': profiles.to_dict(), 'agency': selected_orgs.to_dict()}}
class WOGLevel2Benchmark(ChartBase, WOGLevel2BenchmarkMixins):
selected_agency_name = ''
excluded_service_type_list = ['Other Corporate Services', 'Other Financial Services', 'Other HR Services']
def filter_dataframe(self, df):
colmap = {'Level 1 Service': 'Service classification'}
for k,v in self.filter_params.items():
excluded = ['Agency size', 'Agency name', 'Level 2 Service', 'ASL']
if k not in excluded and len(v):
mapped_k = colmap.get(k, k)
df = df[df[mapped_k].isin(v)]
df = df[~df['Service name'].isin(self.excluded_service_type_list)]
return df
def generate_dataframe(self, df):
df = self.filter_dataframe(df)
fin_years = self.filter_params['Financial Year']
agencies = self.filter_params['Agency name']
level2_params = self.filter_params['Level 2 Service']
unit_type = level2_params.get('Primary unit of measure', '')
service_name = level2_params['Service name']
asl = self.filter_params['ASL']
if self.filter_params['Agency size']:
# Select the selected agency (or agencies) and those of the same size(s) as the
# selected sizes
org_sizes = self.filter_params['Agency size']
xdf1 = df[df['Agency name'].isin(agencies)]
xdf2 = df[df['Agency size'].isin(org_sizes)]
df = pd.concat([xdf1, xdf2])
# Select the set agency (or agencies) and those of their size(s)
org_sizes = df[df['Agency name'].isin(self.filter_params['Agency name'])]['Agency size'].unique()
df = df[df['Agency size'].isin(list(org_sizes))]
# Start with empty dataframes by default
sdf1 = pd.DataFrame()
sdf2 = pd.DataFrame()
if len(df):
if not unit_type:
unit_type = self.get_unit_type_options(df)[service_name][0]
# Build the dataframes
sdf1 = df[(df['Service name'] == service_name) & (df['Primary unit of measure'] == unit_type)]
#check_df = sdf1[sdf1['Agency name'].isin(agencies)]
#if len(sdf1) and len(check_df):
if len(sdf1):
sdf1 = sdf1.groupby('Agency name').agg({'Primary service volume': 'mean', 'Primary unit rate': 'mean'})
self.selected_agency_name = agencies[0] if agencies else ''
def categorize_agency(row):
if row['Agency name'] in agencies:
return self.selected_agency_name
return 'WofG Agencies'
sdf1['Type'] = sdf1.apply(lambda x: categorize_agency(x), axis=1)
#del sdf1['Agency name']
sdf1 = sdf1.rename(columns={'Primary unit rate': 'Unit Rates', 'Primary service volume': unit_type})
# Only include these pre-determined cost categories
cost_categories = df['Cost category'].unique()
sdf2 = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['WofG Agencies - %s' % service_name, service_name, 'Cost Type'])
sdf2['Cost Type'] = cost_categories
def get_cost_type_sum(cost_type, profile=False):
if profile:
ddf = df[~df['Agency name'].isin(agencies) & (df['Cost category'] == cost_type) & (df['Service name'] == service_name)]
ddf = df[df['Agency name'].isin(agencies) & (df['Cost category'] == cost_type) & (df['Service name'] == service_name)]
ddf = ddf[ddf['Primary unit of measure'] == unit_type]
cost_type_sum = ddf['Total ASL'].sum() if asl else ddf['Total cost'].sum()
return round(cost_type_sum, 2)
for colname in ['WofG Agencies - %s' % service_name, service_name]:
profile = False
if 'WofG Agencies -' in colname:
profile = True
sdf2[colname] = sdf2.apply(lambda x: get_cost_type_sum(x['Cost Type'], profile=profile), axis=1)
# Compute the percentage
sdf2[colname] = (sdf2[colname]/sdf2[colname].sum()) * 100
sdf2[colname] = sdf2[colname].fillna(0)
return (sdf1, sdf2, df)
def deidentify(self, name):
if name not in self.filter_params['Agency name']:
name = ''
return name
def generate_graph(self, dfs, deidentified=False, browser=None, **kwargs):
# Get the dataframes
df1, df2, test_df = dfs
asl = self.filter_params['ASL']
# Generate the appropriate graph
results = {'success': False, 'errors': [], 'image': {None}}
if self.filter_params['Agency name']:
service_name = self.filter_params['Level 2 Service']['Service name']
if service_name:
if len(df1) > 0 and len(df2) > 0:
if deidentified:
df1['Agency name'] = df1['Agency name'].apply(self.deidentify)
fig = self.service_profile_plot(
service_name, df1, df2,
subplots = [self.convert_figure_to_base64(html) for html in fig['subplots']]
data = fig['data']
results['errors'].append('The selected filter combination did not yield any data points')
results['errors'].append('A specific service name is required')
results['errors'].append('This graph type needs at least one agency to be selected')
if not results['errors']:
results['image'] = {'subplots': subplots}
results['data'] = data
del df2['Order']
results['table_json'] = df2.set_index('Cost Type').to_dict('split')
# Some hackish code to mash data into chartjs data
def chartjs_dataset(data):
ignore_keys = ['Agency name', 'Unit rates']
key_x = next(iter([k for k in data['profiles'] if k not in ignore_keys]))
key_y = 'Unit Rates'
def build_dataset(dataset):
if len(dataset['Agency name'].keys()) == 0:
return []
data_list = {
'type': list(dataset['Type'].values())[0],
'plots': []
for k, v in dataset['Agency name'].items():
new_plot = {
'agency_name': v if v else 'WofG Agencies',
'coord': {
'x': dataset[key_x][k],
'y': dataset[key_y][k]
if new_plot['coord']['x'] > 1 and new_plot['coord']['y'] > 1:
for axis in ['x', 'y']:
new_plot['coord'][axis] = round(new_plot['coord'][axis], 2)
data_list['plots'] += [new_plot]
return data_list
profile_dataset = build_dataset(data['profiles'])
selected_dataset = build_dataset(data['agency'])
return (
[selected_dataset, profile_dataset]
x_label, y_label, plot_groups = chartjs_dataset(data)
results['chartjs'] = {
'x_label': x_label,
'y_label': y_label,
'plot_groups': plot_groups
results['success'] = True
return results
class WOGLevel2TrendMixins(object):
def trend_plot(self, service_name, unit_type, df):
# Initialize figure and axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
ax.plot(df['WoG Average'], c='#2F2F31', zorder=2, marker=".", markersize=15, linewidth=3)
ax.plot(df['Selected Agency'], c='#9ACBCB', zorder=2, marker=".", markersize=15, linewidth=3)
ax.set_xticklabels(df['Financial Year'].values)
ax.yaxis.grid(color='lightgray', linewidth=2)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=14, labelcolor='#2F2F31', length=0)
ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=14, labelcolor='#2F2F31', length=0)
ax.yaxis.grid(color='lightgray', linewidth=1)
# fig.set_size_inches(8,5)
ax.set_title(service_name, position=(0.5,1.11), fontsize=18)
ax.text(0.5, 1.08, '(Unit Type = %s)' % unit_type, transform=ax.transAxes,
ha='center', va='center', fontsize=14)
# Draw and format the legend
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
legend = ax.legend(handles, ['WoG Average', 'Selected Agency'],
ncol=1, bbox_to_anchor=(1.35, 0.5), loc='right', borderpad=1)
frame = legend.get_frame()
return fig
class WOGLevel2Trend(ChartBase, WOGLevel2TrendMixins):
excluded_service_type_list = ['Other Corporate Services', 'Other Financial Services', 'Other HR Services']
def filter_dataframe(self, df):
colmap = {'Level 1 Service': 'Service classification'}
for k,v in self.filter_params.items():
excluded = ['Agency size', 'Agency name', 'Level 2 Service']
if k not in excluded and len(v):
mapped_k = colmap.get(k, k)
df = df[df[mapped_k].isin(v)]
df = df[~df['Service name'].isin(self.excluded_service_type_list)]
return df
def generate_dataframe(self, df):
df = self.filter_dataframe(df)
level2_params = self.filter_params['Level 2 Service']
unit_type = level2_params['Primary unit of measure']
fin_years = self.filter_params['Financial Year']
service_name = self.filter_params['Level 2 Service']['Service name']
agencies = self.filter_params['Agency name']
# Build the dataframes
df = df[(df['Service name'] == service_name) & (df['Primary unit of measure'] == unit_type)]
sdf = pd.DataFrame()
df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Financial Year', 'WoG Average', 'Selected Agency'])
if self.filter_params['Agency size']:
# Select the selected agency (or agencies) and those of the same size(s) as the
# selected sizes
org_sizes = self.filter_params['Agency size']
xdf1 = df[df['Agency name'].isin(agencies)]
xdf2 = df[df['Agency size'].isin(org_sizes)]
df = pd.concat([xdf1, xdf2])
# Select the set agency (or agencies) and those of their size(s)
org_sizes = df[df['Agency name'].isin(self.filter_params['Agency name'])]['Agency size'].unique()
df = df[df['Agency size'].isin(list(org_sizes))]
if len(df):
agg_funcs = {'Total cost': 'sum', 'Primary unit rate': 'mean'}
groups = df.groupby(['Agency name', 'Financial Year'])
sdf = groups.agg(agg_funcs)
def categorize_agency(row):
if row['Agency name'] in agencies:
return 'Selected Organization'
return 'Profile'
sdf = sdf.rename(columns={'Primary unit rate': 'Unit Rates', 'Total cost': unit_type})
sdf['Type'] = sdf.apply(lambda x: categorize_agency(x), axis=1)
groups = sdf.groupby(['Type', 'Financial Year'])
sdf = groups.agg({'Unit Rates': 'sum'})
sdf['Count'] = groups.count()['Agency name']
sdf['Average'] = sdf.apply(lambda x: x['Unit Rates']/x['Count'], axis=1)
del sdf['Count']
del sdf['Unit Rates']
df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Financial Year', 'WoG Average', 'Selected Agency'])
years = sdf['Financial Year'].unique()
for i, year in enumerate(years):
wog_ave = sdf[(sdf['Financial Year'] == year) & (sdf['Type'] == 'Profile')]
if len(wog_ave):
wog_ave = wog_ave.iloc[0].Average
wog_ave = None
agency_ave = sdf[(sdf['Financial Year'] == year) & (sdf['Type'] == 'Selected Organization')]
if len(agency_ave):
agency_ave = agency_ave.iloc[0].Average
agency_ave = None
df2.loc[i] = [year, wog_ave, agency_ave]
return df2
def generate_graph(self, df, **kwargs):
# Generate the appropriate graph
results = {'success': False, 'errors': [], 'image': None}
if len(df):
service_name = self.filter_params['Level 2 Service']['Service name']
unit_type = self.filter_params['Level 2 Service']['Primary unit of measure']
fig = self.trend_plot(service_name, unit_type, df)
b64_string = f'<div>{self.convert_figure_to_base64(fig)}</div>'
results['errors'].append('The selected filter combination did not yield any data points')
if not results['errors']:
results['image'] = b64_string
results['success'] = True
return results
def _set_periods_colors(year):
periods_colors = {'2014-15': '#9ACBCB',
'2015-16': '#2F2F31',
'2016-17': '#B8A7D6',
'2017-18': '#FFF39D',
'2018-19': '#3296FF'
return periods_colors.get(year)
except KeyError:
print('The colour for chosen period is not set')
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