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Created February 20, 2020 11:53
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from enum import auto, Enum
import typing
import random
class TimeoutError(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return "TimeoutError"
def is_error() -> bool:
return random.choice([True, False])
def callback(**params) -> dict:
if is_error():
return {"response": "Hello world"}
raise TimeoutError()
def _noop_error_handler(err, ctx):
class RequestState(Enum):
NOT_SENT = auto()
SENT = auto()
class ResultState(Enum):
NOTHING = auto()
SUCCESS = auto()
class RequestContext:
def __init__(self, **params):
self.state: RequestState = RequestState.NOT_SENT
self._params = params
self.result = ResultContext()
self._exception_handlers: typing.Dict[
typing.Type[Exception], typing.Callable[[Exception, ResultContext], None],
] = {TimeoutError: _noop_error_handler}
def _handle_exception(self, exception: Exception) -> bool:
if self._exception_handlers[type(exception)] is not None:
self._exception_handlers[type(exception)](exception, self.result)
return True
return False
def set_exception_handler(
exception: typing.Type[Exception],
handler: typing.Callable[[Exception, "ResultContext"], None],
) -> None:
if not self._exception_handlers.get(exception):
raise ValueError("Unallowed exception")
self._exception_handlers[exception] = handler
def send(self) -> None:
result = callback(**self._params)
self.result.state = ResultState.SUCCESS = result
except Exception as exc:
self.result.exception = exc
if self._handle_exception(exc):
self.result.state = ResultState.HANDLED_EXCEPTION
self.result.state = ResultState.UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION
self.state = RequestState.SENT
class ResultContext:
def __init__(self):
self.state: ResultState = ResultState.NOTHING
self._exception: typing.Optional[Exception] = None
self._exception_data: typing.Optional[dict] = None
self._data: typing.Optional[dict] = None
def exception(self) -> typing.Optional[Exception]:
return self._exception
def exception(self, exc: Exception) -> None:
self._exception = exc
def exception_data(self) -> typing.Optional[dict]:
return self._exception_data
def exception_data(self, data: dict) -> None:
self._exception_data = data
def data(self) -> typing.Optional[dict]:
return self._data
def data(self, data: dict) -> None:
self._data = data
class Client:
def request(self, **params) -> RequestContext:
return RequestContext(**params)
def main():
def handle_timeout(err: Exception, ctx: ResultContext) -> None:
ctx.exception_data = {"handled": "yes"}
client = Client()
ctx = client.request(some="hello")
ctx.set_exception_handler(TimeoutError, handle_timeout)
result = ctx.result
print(, result.exception_data, result.exception)
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